E3 2012 Thread

i'm not very disappointed with E3 this year but i wasn't expecting anything mind blowing either. microsoft was fun to laugh at and of course there are games from ubisoft, sony, and nintendo that i want. i was happy with Luigi's Mansion 2 footage because i enjoyed that game, though i'd be interested in nintendoland if it was an actual theme park.

pikmin 3 was something i really wanted and got. expecting at least a few words on zelda at the 3DS presentation. i'll be getting a Wii U and most likely the new edition of Batman for collection reasons (and because i wouldn't mind playing again).

now begins the countdown to E3 2013 where maybe the last guardian might appear briefly in a flashing general game trailer set. please have a collector's edition and a steelbook please


So who did buy all the stroopwafels?
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
I agree

Overall showing was imo meager so far

Its mostly PS3 exclusives that appealed to me
The Last of Us
Pikmin 3

people watching these conferences arent casual gaming, dont give them casual crap that sells by showing commercials anyway :(
heres hoping they put out the motherload tomorrow with the 3DS bit, but im not getting my hopes up after seeing the Wii U lineup.

Give me my Project X Zone Localisation!

Edit: apparently Namco is streaming something via Levelup (notable for fighting games)

I hope they show something worthwhile, starts in 8 minutes
So, I just saw this new 1313 info + some gameplay; http://uk.ign.com/articles/2012/06/05/e3-2012-star-wars-1313-move-over-drake

So far, it actually looks pretty good. I know a lot of people would have prefered another Force-user based game, but I love the underworld of the Star Wars universe and from my experience, non-force SW usually has great story, gameplay and an amazing atmosphere to it.

Though I do have high hopes, this is LucasArts we are talking about, and if they mess this up I don't think i'll have the room to forgive them. Just look at their gaming track record; Unleased II, SWTOR (somewhat), Kinect. Not to forget this fucking BS; http://uk.gamespot.com/news/lucasarts-wanted-star-wars-battlefront-iii-to-fail-says-dev-6375176

Negatives so far is that it looks like it will be Coruscant only, though an early Empire ruled Coruscant is something we haven't really seen yet. Though I guess it's not fair because we haven't really seen ANY details at all on the Bounty Hunter, not playing as Boba Fett is somewhat a negative. Still, original characters could be intresting and from the gameplay we've seen, they don't seem too bland (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U08QNPk0ZNE). I personally can't wait for more info and see what the story is really about.


(Virtual Circus Kareoky Act)
It was just... underwhelming this year. Besides the announcement of a new Warioware game after the show, nothing really stuck out to me.

But eh, you can't beat last two years show, right?
has any e3 not been underwhelming since.... idunno, the fiasco that was the 06 e3?
I guess microsoft was pretty good in most of them until natal came around..
i really expected more out of sony and nintendo but, paper mario 3ds and luigi mansion. my childhood is coming back up again :D
I know I had my hopes too high and everything but damn E3 is not even coming close to my expectations. God was Nintendo's conference a let down.

Ubisoft had the best showing by far. First year I've watched where a 3rd Party Conference had more content then the big three
Nintendo Land is not included, or hasn't been confirmed to be yet. It was asked about at the round table.

From IGN:

"In regard to the pack-in question, Eguchi reminds that Wii Sports was packed-in in the U.S. but not Japan. So it's hard to say."
The only thing that was gonna interest me in E3 was Pikmin 3, and it did.

The Rock Pikmin are a bit... ehh... but I just took their nature as camouflage and a defence mechanism against being eaten. Also, where were the purple and white Pikmin?

Also, what about those flying pink Pikmin in the title card?

Hopefully we'll get those answers tomorrow.


blatant Nintendo fanboy
P100 interview that breaks into adioglitchdubstep at about 2:13.

also, those 3D game trailers they talked about are available on the 3DS eshop now

You know, a lot of people including myself were really underimpressed with the graphics for NSMB2. But after watching the trailer in 3D on my 3DS, I actually think that the graphics are just fine. Not mind-blowing, but just fine. There might be some kind of... um... what do they call it... resolution issues for the trailers we watched on our computers. It looks much slicker than NSMB and I dare say a bit nicer than even NSMB Wii. I personally am kind of underimpressed with what they showed concerning the actual 3D effect in the trailer though, but it is only like a 2 minute trailer or whatever. I really liked what they did in Mutant Mudds with the switching between the fore, mid, and backgrounds and kind of hope they do at least something with the 3D effect. But even if they don't this looks like a well polished sidescrolling Mario game. They've always been good in the past so I'm sure this one will be too.


I really liked the Pikmin 3 trailer; I thought it was really, really pretty, which isn't something I'm used to saying about Nintendo games, bar Galaxy and (to a lesser extent) Skyward Sword. The glass in particular seems to be well-featured and looks quite stunning.

I, too, was also rather unimpressed by the Rock Pikmin, but eh; I can live with it. It's still going to be a good game as long as they don't screw it up somehow.

NSMBU was ok but not very interesting, block setting mechanic means you can't speedrun without 3 little helpers to aid you, and for some reason (possibly a lack of sleep today), Squirrel Mario made me laugh my ass off for a good minute or so.
I forgive Nintendo if they announce the localization of Fire Emblem 3ds today, otherwise Pikmin 3 will be the only noteworthy new title (Nintendo Land looks like it will be fun for all of 2 hours and then get old imo)


JACKED and sassy
is a Top Artist Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnus
im hoping for monster hunter and metroid

but i know i will probably incredibly disappointed

at least show some animal crossing, nintendo....


blatant Nintendo fanboy
mirror of fate looks freaking hot

i've never been into castlevania, but that looks amazing graphically, and while its a 2D side scroller, it really looks like it makes use of the 3D capabilities. Your camera moves around and whatnot to change the perspective from "from the front" to "over the shoulder/behind the back".


and dear god
looks so freaking detailed and well animated in Luigi's Mansion 2


"and now... its time... for me to conjure up... yet another kind of "specter"..."
ba-dum TISH!!
Epic Mickey for 3DS looks like a Sega Game Gear reject
why is everyone hyping this game?
Is it just Disney nostalgia?
I mean, maybe its some kind of frame rate or perspective or monitor thing, but everything even moves in that jerky, 16 bit motion.


Obviously, I couldn't see it, but I can tell by the way the background was angled back to a corner, this game will definitely have deep 3D (he said it too :p)
Oh, and the fact that you don't necessarily have to grind to get HP/etc sounds promising.


Kindom Hearts looks very, very, VERY well produced, but idunno man, call me an old fogey, but I cannot get past mickey mouse. I mean, when I was a kid, Mickey Mouse games were for freaking 4 year olds (says the man who still plays pokemon but).

Final Fantasy/etc, awesome

Donald and Gooby?

Maybe the demo will change my mind. :/


Again, it looks very well produced, and probably pretty nice looking on the screen, but it just seems too casual for my tastes I guess. :/


L Batman, meh

Transformers, meh

Rabids, lol meh

Heroes of Ruin, Haha, now I can play MMOs with my weird uncle?



I'm kind of surprised they brought it up in the 3DS conference. I guess its because of the AR Searcher, etc.


Hehheh Threediots. :)

Yeah, I'm down for more slapstic on Nintendo Video. Dinosaur Office was a hit and this looks good too.

HOLYSMOKES 1,000,000 COIN GOAL WAT?????????????????????????
I realize that there's a really high coin goal, but... that golden flower just destroys absolutely every object and enemy in your path. Seems like taking the challenge out of a level really takes the fun out of beating it. :(






god this looks so great


omg scribblenauts sequel...


ok meh nintendo save yourself quick


sorry nintendo you suck
Nintendo, Y U NO FIRE EMBLEM? :(
I can't wait to import a European copy and another 3ds, thanks a lot Nintendo...
Unless Operation Firefall happens...


blatant Nintendo fanboy
Well, I can't say I didn't see it coming, but I am a bit disappointed at the lack of even a Zelda mention. Next year I suppose. Next year. I guess its a good thing though, because Paper Mario, Heroes of Ruin, and Luigi's Mansion 2 look like they're going to be eating up my free $$$ anyway. At least, for me personally, they did provide plenty of other top notch games to play.

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