The everyday strangeness in YOU.

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Hey, I was just doing this everyday thing for big deal...then I thought "man, this isn't that normal or everyday for 99% of people". So, I thought a thread might be cool!!!

What weird/gross/downright unusual thing do you do everyday or almost everyday that that is commonplace to you and 'no big deal', but might make others at the very least raise an eyebrow?

I just finished feeding some cockroaches, which I breed, to lizards, which I also breed. Heh, not your everyday thing to go into a room and say "Fuck yeah, I have 500+ cockroaches to feed my swarm of lizards!"


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Every morning I pop my neck, back, fingers, elbows, knees, ankles, and toes. It's a fairly intense ritual that drives my girlfriend crazy.
As often as possible (around 80% of the time) I have pita and hummus as part of my meals. I've got a massive stack of pita bread on top of the fridge and several containers of hummus inside.

Good thread idea heh.
Every morning I eat a big bowl of Reese's Puffs, which I guess is kinda strange since it seems like nobody eats breakfast these days =(
I'm trying to teach myself the harmonica?

Well, I can play R/B/Y pokecenter music now. If anyone wants the harmonica tab, I got it on me. For standard diatonic harmonicas at any key... the ones I found online sucked so I had to transcribe my own. I'd say its a beginner song, you just need to know how to make a single sound. (pokecenter music does not sound right when you play it in chords)
Cool topic. Just a few of my "quirks":

1. I've been told by multiple people that I'm quite frightening to sleep with (as in to literally sleep within close quarters with- not sex). It's an everyday thing for me to thrash, talk/mumble, claw at my pillow/bed, etc. in my sleep. Anyone that's ever slept close to me has always been either kicked or smacked (usually in the face) in the middle of the night.

2. I talk to my stuffed animals on daily basis, and they "talk" back, too. Each one of them has a different personality and voice- it's not even like I sit there and try to decide what personality say, my stuffed unicorn has... the personalities just emerge naturally soon after I get them. (Creepy? Maybe.)

3. I absolutely hate sitting in chairs properly (i.e., with my legs down and hanging off the edge). When I'm on a chair, I prefer to sit cross-legged, with both my feet on the seat and my knees tucked in near my chest, one leg hanging off the edge like normal with the other crossed under it/on the seat, or perched so my rear doesn't even touch the seat (similar to L from Death Note, I guess). Even during classes/lectures it's rare for me to sit normally. (And if I'm wearing flipflops, I tend to leave them on the floor when I try to pull off one of the above.)


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I bite my toe nails.

But considering I know some people might find it disgusting, I dont do it in front of anyone :p

I am just afraid of regular nail clippers after cutting myself with them in the past.
Sanglunaria said:
3. I absolutely hate sitting in chairs properly (i.e., with my legs down and hanging off the edge). When I'm on a chair, I prefer to sit cross-legged, with both my feet on the seat and my knees tucked in near my chest, one leg hanging off the edge like normal with the other crossed under it/on the seat, or perched so my rear doesn't even touch the seat (similar to L from Death Note, I guess). Even during classes/lectures it's rare for me to sit normally.
100% same here.

I like to pace back and forth a lot, it seems easier to think that way.

Also, I guess I'm kinda weird in the sense that my alarm is a long way from my bed so I have to actually get out of my bed to turn it off. And then I just walk back into bed so it's of no use.
I bite my toe nails.

But considering I know some people might find it disgusting, I dont do it in front of anyone :p
3. I absolutely hate sitting in chairs properly (i.e., with my legs down and hanging off the edge). When I'm on a chair, I prefer to sit cross-legged, with both my feet on the seat and my knees tucked in near my chest, one leg hanging off the edge like normal with the other crossed under it/on the seat, or perched so my rear doesn't even touch the seat (similar to L from Death Note, I guess). Even during classes/lectures it's rare for me to sit normally. (And if I'm wearing flipflops, I tend to leave them on the floor when I try to pull off one of the above.)
I do these too.

And I often find myself pouring a beverage only to, when I'm done pouring, drink straight out of the container. Then I'll realize that I'm not thirsty anymore and usually pour the drink back into the original container. Yeah.

Oh, and though I don't like it, I bite my finger nails till they bleed semi-often.
3. I absolutely hate sitting in chairs properly (i.e., with my legs down and hanging off the edge). When I'm on a chair, I prefer to sit cross-legged, with both my feet on the seat and my knees tucked in near my chest, one leg hanging off the edge like normal with the other crossed under it/on the seat, or perched so my rear doesn't even touch the seat (similar to L from Death Note, I guess). Even during classes/lectures it's rare for me to sit normally. (And if I'm wearing flipflops, I tend to leave them on the floor when I try to pull off one of the above.)
Me too here as well, I can't sit "normally" in a chair and be comfortable, but the "L" way or sitting on top of my feet I find to be very comfy.

Aside from that, I don't really have noteworthy abnormalities. I have a habit of going to rooms (like the kitchen or my bedroom) and then forget why I went there, although I put that down to ditziness and am pretty sure it isn't that unusual.
I bite my nails, but I guess that's not too weird.

I consistently crack my fingers, sometimes I walk around with only one sock on, and I've had Cap'n Crunch for breakfast for more than 80% of my life.
Sometimes I forget what I was going to do, for example when I need to get something in town, and then I'm there and can't remember why I'm there o_O

Many times I say to myself: Now I'm gonna start studieng early for school test so I can get a good note, and then I don't.

Oh, and I do a lot of terrible posts on several forums (including this one...)

There's probably more, but I can't remember right now...


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I sit cross-legged.

My eyes tend to diverge from normal positions when I'm tired (ask mekkah for my creepy look.)

There's a lot more, like me usually laying out toppings before the bread (mainly because I use a toaster often), always eating the same breakfast etc...
Also, I guess I'm kinda weird in the sense that my alarm is a long way from my bed so I have to actually get out of my bed to turn it off. And then I just walk back into bed so it's of no use.
haha yes same here

I have to sit in chairs either cross-legged, sitting on one of them on the seat or (if it's one of those swivel chairs) with my bum near the edge of the seat so that my head is really low on the back.

I don't like cutting my nails; I just peel them when they get too long. I do cut my big toenails otherwise I get them ingrown, which I do with wire cutters.

I also like to smell under my fingernails, which I do now unconsciously.
I have a finger-cracking problem too (maybe it isn't all that uncommon?). I compulsively crack my back, hands, feet, and neck, once an hour it would seem.

I also eat ketchup with my eggs, even if they are sunny-side up. I never eat green beans without balsamic vinegar either.
Also, I guess I'm kinda weird in the sense that my alarm is a long way from my bed so I have to actually get out of my bed to turn it off. And then I just walk back into bed so it's of no use.
Yup, same here. I've tried all sorts of other set-ups, too, like trying to hide my alarm clock/cell phone like in a drawer or something so I'd have to find it and hopefully wake up in the process. (I think that worked for like, the first two times I tried it.) I've also tried putting sticky tape on the "off" button for the alarm, hoping the tape stuck to my finger would catch my attention.

But all to no avail, heh. Most of the time I don't even remember turning off the alarm when I actually do wake up later.
well i have my cell phone alarm and when it goes off i shut it off and then turn on this really fucking bright light in my room (it's an overhead fan and the light can be dimmed, but at maximum power it's really bright and wakes you up fast)

in terms of this topic, I crack my fingers and knuckles constantly. like I just do it all the time. i don't really crack anything else. also I don't bite my nails because I absolutely can't stand that awful feeling in your top teeth after you bite something like that.

but I do bite that skin that keeps growing back around your fingernails.

i also sit weird a lot in chairs. so I guess these aren't really uniquely strange things.
I do this thing where if I'm standing in place for too long, I'll start lifting myself with one foot, just to see how many times I can do so in a row before I get tired.
I do the same thing as Mekkah does with his alarm, only I wake up like 2-3 hours before I have to be up just so I can hit snooze like a zillion times.

I think my cat hates it.
One thing I do on a daily basis is to rub my lips with either my nails, the upper lip, or my teeth. My lips are always fucked up.

I also like to pick the skin out of my index finger.


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I sit with one leg directly on top of the other. I say JAWSOME over awesome, and i can't stop. I also have this sort of tic where if someone says something, i'll always have to respond with a cheesy line

What's for lunch? Hungry Hungry Hippos.
What're you thinkin? Lincoln.

stuff like that ugh and i can't stop
I'm always running everywhere I go, even if its to go get a glass of juice or something. One of the floorboards in my basement is actually coming loose from me slamming my foot down on it to hard everytime I walk by.

I occasionally jump into my seat as well.

Also, I set my clock anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes ahead so that I'm "surprised" when I have extra time on my hands.
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