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  • GatoDelFuego
    I really don't like this 'review'. It seems unfocused. Like "hey, this christie love reference hasn't aged well!!" wow imagine that, somebody making a mad men reference isnt going to make sense either. Most of the time he's not talking about his central idea anyway. pain is the present, we're talking about the future, the opening shot is an overture, similarly, the past. Like stick with what you're saying here. Title the video something different.
    Yeah the title seems pretty clickbaity.

    As for the reference he clearly stated the actual reference didn't matter, because everyone understands talking about TV even if they don't know the show. That's an example of it holding up.
    Yeah. But I don't think showing the real tv show or gotg added anything to that. It just padded the runtime. He doesn't seem to have too much to say
    Wow... A fan. Never thought i'd see the day. Pandora is an interesting character as well you know
    As if I'd not play the original lul
    Ashe is the best though
    Sad they never made another game after that. Something i would have loved to play man. Plus the 4 guardians never died
    This is an adjustment bureau, isn't it? I adjust.
    10000x better than below

    came up with this one in like 1 second. like riht after I posted the other one I came up with it
    Do you like The Adjustment Bureau

    Great Wall


    even in stuff like Good Will Hunting, The Martian, and Titan A.E. he is extremely cocky (not to say I don't like these movies because I love all 3)
    that was a Good Movie
    nice Ullar
    I feel like expectations for James Cameron are way too high because literally like 80% of his movies have been literally revolutionary. That's a hard thing to keep going, especially with 4 more Avatars being made back to back. Will there even be enough time for change?
    I think they'll be alright
    I'm sure they'll be fine but the question is I think everyone expects everything James Cameron makes to be literally revolutionary. Which is not quite the same as just good tho
    With all the Holocaust/WWII stories there are, there's an idea that I'm interested in that I can't seem to find.. One from the POV of a Nazi officer after WWII has already ended. Like what do you even do after that (if you weren't tried as a war criminal). Like just reintegrating to society. Especially if he is one of the just-taking-orders guys who has a ton of guilt for what he's done.
    I feel like it would be hard to sympathize with them though, and then be objectionable if you did make them sympathetic with no remorse.

    I think Inglorious Basterds did a good job making nazi officers sympathetic but even that was from the perspective of the allies
    ok. In saving private ryan or american sniper or hacksaw ridge or something they do a great job of not making you sympathize with the american soldiers. Like when they shoot the czech people at normandy. This is why I hate war movies, because they're always like "war is super hell. Nobody is a good guy. Isn't this a SHOCK!!!!!! NO movie has ever said this before!!".

    I just want that exact carbon copy movie, but from the perspective of 4 german boys in the battle of the bulge. Or attacking stalingrad or something. No grand political theory about the jews or something, just 4 ordinary people being forced to fight in this war for their country.
    Yeah but I think there's a slight difference between "these people you thought were good weren't ALL good, not everything is black and white!" and "you should like these people who are fighting for the side of evil"

    what I mean is I think people do consider things to be black and white, they just want the characters to be "complex" though
    Take, for example: “It’s the good advice that you just didn’t take.” This is the vaguest line in the song, and it seems to pose a challenge to the ironist. Presumably the situational irony here is that the listener didn’t expect the advice to apply, whereas it did indeed. But why didn’t “you” take the advice?
    It’s possible that you thought the advice-giver was being ironic, and didn’t intend for you to heed the advice. Or you simply thought that the advice wasn’t “good” when it was; either way you don’t take it “seriously.” In fact that word, “seriously,” haunts the end of the lyric; the irony here is one of (mis)interpretation. Paul de Man addresses this difficulty of interpretation in his essay “The Concept of Irony” (not to be confused with Kierkegaard’s book of the same name): “what is at stake in irony is the possibility of understanding, the possibility of reading, the readability of texts, the possibility of deciding on A meaning or on a multiple set of meanings or on a controlled polysemy of meanings.” Doesn’t Alanis provide the perfect example of living in a world where we’re unsure of what to take seriously, and what not to? And who, really, would have thought it figures?
    hahahaha destroyed
    ^ironic comment btw
    Smith kinda did implement "creativity" when he tried to sacrifice himself to kill Neo via the oncoming train

    but he was somewhat rogue already, so
    Let me rephrase this.
    this PLAYS while I have sex.
    oh and im a dude.
    I don't think it was a sacrifice. I think it was a taunt. He could have just kept punching neo and he would have killed him. He wanted to make a statement, like you said specifically because he was already rogue.
    yeah taunting is kinda against the agent programming too isn't it? though the other guy did say only human

    maybe part of the upgrades was getting rid of that stuff
    btw it was actually "New Nightmare" that was when the horror movie monster came to real life and haunted the cast and crew. Human Centipede did it too but it's not what I had heard about
    Nice dude. I'm happy for you. This was a big mystery
    yeah I'm glad too
    Saw a dude with a shirt that said "I died historic on the Fury Road and all I got was this mediocre shirt"
    isn't ever story ever a 3-act structure? if you take 3 acts to just mean Premise - Complication - Resolution

    like how does Shakespeare get off making all his plays 5 acts when they really follow the 3 act structure just like everything else. I assume an act in theater is different than just the general "act" then? Even though they come from the theater anyway
    . i need attention
    look dude. I've been so busy these past weeks. I finally had a day off to finish fusion. And I really didn't have anything to say. You answered yoru own question
    No I didn't but sorry
    What's your opinion on DragonForce's new singer
    no opinion
    his voice is too whiny imo

    it's funny that the original singer left because of creative musical differences

    aka maybe they wanted all their songs to keep sounding the same and he didn't :thinking:
    I think this is an interesting direction that Star Trek has taken. I don't get all the hate, though I do suspect it has to do with the casual racism of the viewership, seeing how an African American woman is a central character. I hope that the writers are not discouraged, however bad the racism may get, to go on and develop this arch.
    it's not a popular one. I was just watching one of the videos the Star Trek YouTube channel uploaded and it was there. The dude had a Gandalf avatar too and I think his name was something the Grey
    Most people are upset that this looks like a war series. In the style of the reboot films (which I do like). And they dislike that it's a prequel when Star Trek should be about moving on into the future.

    And the fact that Spock had an adopted sister is really weird. But I'll reserve judgment on that until I see how they handle it.
    oh also the fact that it's not even gonna be on tv
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