SCL III - Commencement


is a Tournament Directoris a Member of Senior Staffis a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Top Contributoris a Top Dedicated Tournament Hostis a Battle Simulator Moderator
Monotype Leader

Artwork by Zracknel

This year's SCL will be hosted by Theia, maroon, Vertigo, and ken.

Smogon Champions League is a team-based tournament where 10 team managers draft their team from a pool of players and duke it out in 10 current generation metagames for nine weeks to make it to playoffs, where the top four teams face off to determine the winning team and to claim a trophy.

A reminder of rulings that hold true for this edition, and some new ones:
  1. Managers are allowed one (1) assistant Manager.
  2. Teams are only allowed three (3) retained players from last year's SCL.
  3. Retention rights may not be traded.
  4. Players may not be traded at any point
  5. Midseason signups are restricted to people that signed up for the original auction.
  6. The minimum number of players in a team is 14.
  7. The maximum number of players in a team is 20.
  8. There will be a severe penalty for any team that picks up a known alt of a banned player, or any player masquerading as another person to lower their cost in the auction. This has not been a big issue in the past, but it is important to establish that both parties will be penalized immediately and harshly if they are found doing so.
This year's managers will be:

Arena Spartans: Hayburner + Vulpix03
Circuit Breakers: Garay oak + Lunala
Indigo Platoon: Star + Tony
Mt. Silver Foxes: Raptor + njnp
Orange Islanders: Stone Cold + Leru
Power Plant Dynamos: Luthier + Tricking
Showdown Shoguns: ima + Vert
Studio Gible: false + Sjneider
Technical Machines: Amaranth + -Howkings
Uncharted Terrors: shiloh + Gingy

Player sign-ups will go up at the same time as or shortly after this commencement thread is made. When a prospective player signs up, they are expected to also note which tiers they are interested in playing during the tournament. In order to ensure the best possible experience for yourself, the managers, and your team, please do NOT sign up for any tier you are unwilling to play. If you would not seriously consider playing that tier in a tournament environment, do not list it. The tiers you put down in your signup are binding for almost the entire tournament, but they will also affect how your prospective manager sees you, and as such they should be as accurate to your skillset as possible. Don't make dumb joke posts about playing tiers you do not care for.

Retainer rules:

As stated above, only three retainers are allowed this year. You may not retain more than three, though you may retain less or no players at all if you wish.

The cost to retain a player on their first year as a retention will be the HIGHER of the following two scenarios (unchanged from last year):
  1. the amount that the player went for in the last auction + 3k (ex. if Oglemi was bought for 13k, it would cost 16k to retain him)
  2. 10k, if the previous price + 3k would end up being lower than 10k (ex. if Oglemi was bought for 6k, his retaining cost would be 10k, not 9k)
Remember that a player bought for under 10k during last year's auction will not necessarily cost just 10k to retain. If Oglemi was bought for 9k in last year's auction, he would cost 12k to retain this year, not 10k.

The cost to retain a player that was already retained in the last SCL will be dependent on how many times they have been retained. The fee being raised by +3k with each subsequent retention (ex. if Oglemi was retained for 16k last SCL , it would cost 22k to retain him in this one, and 31k to retain him in the next one.

The tier lineup this year is as follows:
  • SV OU
  • SV OU
  • SV OU
  • SV Ubers
  • SV DOU
  • SV UU
  • SV RU
  • SV NU
  • SV PU
  • SV LC
Tournaments Rules and General Guidelines

General SCL Rules & Regulations

The General Manager of a team is essentially the boss of a team. The GM is the final word in all decisions (barring the hosts) regarding his team. The GM decides which players play on the team, who plays in what position, and even handles the team finances. Managers also make sure that the team keeps running on a day to day basis. If a team fails to complete their matches by the end of the allotted time, the onus is on the manager to inform the hosts as to what happened in order to make sure that proper activity calls are made.

Because of these responsibilities, The General Manager is probably the most important part of the team. As such, the position of GM is not one to be taken lightly.

• General Managers are not eligible to play in the Smogon Champions League. You can either play or manage, not both.
• General Managers are chosen largely on a subjective opinion of the Tournament Directors as to who they believe would be fit for the position. Being fit for the position includes the knowledge of excellent battlers in the community (for fielding a competent team), having above average activity on the forums, Pokémon Showdown and/or Discord (in order to ensure that you don’t abandon your team), as well as possessing a necessary amount of “gravitas” (If you can’t make a player do what you tell them to, such as play an undesirable metagame, you’re not going to make a good manager).

General Managers are required to acquire one Assistant Manager. The Tournament Director team can veto the selection of an assistant manager, but will not require the General Manager to choose any particular user as their Assistant Manager. The assistant manager is essentially the second in command for the team. They have almost all of the functions and roles as the General Manager does, the GM just trumps him in head-to-head decisions.

Lastly, the General Manager has the following duties:

• They shall choose one Assistant Manager.
• They shall make the hosts aware of any player retentions by the time player signups close (48 hours prior to the start of the auction).
• They shall be present at the live auction, or appoint someone (preferably the Assistant Manager or a retained player if the AM is unavailable) to participate in the live auction in their stead.
• They shall send the hosts weekly rosters.
• They shall ensure to the best of his/her abilities that his/her battlers complete their matches on time.
• In the event that a match fails to be completed, they shall inform the hosts as to why the match failed to be completed, and what his/her battler did in order to finish the match.
• They shall communicate any grievances with the hosts.
All players must sign up if they wish to play in the Smogon Champions League, even those who will eventually be retained to their past teams. It is important to note that the Smogon Champions League is an 11 week event and that the activity level of a player is significant. Do not sign up to play for a team if you do not intend to see the tournament through to the end. This includes maintaining a competitive attitude if your team is already eliminated from playoff contention. You never know whether or not winning your end-season matches will make you a more valued player next season, so even if your team isn’t necessarily in the playoff picture anymore, there’s always value in playing your best. Failure to complete matches in a timely manner consistently may result in being barred from entering the Smogon Champions League in future seasons.

For the duration of SCL's regular season, players are not allowed to play in the tiers listed as "NOT played" in their signups post. They will only be allowed to play those tiers starting in playoffs. A tiebreak to determine which teams will qualify for playoffs will be considered part of the Playoff rounds for this rule. We will be enforcing this rule for ALL players, regardless of price tag.

Players that are retained will be locked into the same tiers that they were locked in the year prior. Players can only be retained to play the SV generation of a tier in SCL III if they signed up to play the SS version of that tier in SCL II. Players retained for a second year in a row will not be locked and can play any tier.

The sign-up list will then be taken and sorted into appropriate lists for each of the 8 metagames. These lists will then be used by managers for the auction.
Total money for teams is 140,000 credits. There will be no holdover on extra credits from previous years - everyone starts with a blank slate and 140k.

In the weeks preceding the live auction, a time will be chosen by all of the General Managers to meet and perform a live auction in order to choose players. Managers will be expected to remain at the auction for the entire duration, which should take approximately 2-3 hours. If a General Manager cannot, for some reason, find any feasible time that he can attend a Live Auction, then the Assistant Manager will be called upon to fill in the spot. If no Manager can fill the spot for the Live Auction… then a new General Manager + Assistant Manager who can find time to make a live auction will be found to replace the old ones.

Once a time is set, all 10 managers + the hosts will enter the place where the auction will be held - likely the Smogtours server. Spectators are allowed to join in to watch the fun unfold, but will not be able to speak. Discussion on the bidding at hand should be relegated to the SCL chatroom or any other appropriate chat outlet.

The hosts will first ask a team to nominate a player. The order by which teams will nominate players will go in a snaking pattern from the highest ranked team from last year to the lowest ranked team, then the lowest ranked team to the highest ranked team. The hosts will then tell the details of said player and bidding will commence, starting at 3000 credits, with the nominating team automatically placing the first bid. The auction will then be in real time. Managers will simply put in their bids in the chat, raising a minimum of 500 credits. If after 15 seconds there are no new bids, the player is sold to the highest bid in the channel. The hosts or utilized bot will provide a 5 second warning before bidding is closed on a player. The updated credit totals will then be posted and then the next manager in the rotation will be prompted to nominate a player.

Managers are advised that placed bids are final, and we will generally not permit an undo in the case of a mistake. Exceptions can be made in cases where a team nominates an incorrect player or if a typo in a bid amount would threaten the integrity of the team as a whole. Please make sure to double check your bids before sending them!

Managers are asked to please have a predetermined list of players you intend to nominate as well as potential bid caps, in order to make the process go as quickly and seamlessly as possible.

Managers: it is necessary for you to field a roster of 12 starters and a minimum of 2 substitutes, with a maximum of 12 substitutes being allowed of which all must be paid at least 3000 credits. This creates a soft cap of 101,000 credits on any particular bid - that is, the maximum amount of money you can spend on any one player and still have enough money left over to pay at least 3000 credits a piece on 13 more players.

Remember that there are midseason free agent pick-ups. It may be beneficial to save some credits in order to pick up players midseason, but remember that no new players will be allowed to sign up for the midseason draft.
It is at this time that the tournament will commence. The league stages consist of a Round Robin tournament. Every team will face every other team once through 9 weeks of play. Each manager will submit to the hosts a roster no later than the deadline of the previous week. This roster will list the starting players and what metagames they will play.

When the week starts, teams' players will face off in their respective metagames / tiers. The SV OU 1 from Team A will face the SV OU 1 from team B, SV OU 2 will face SV OU 2, and so on. Whichever team wins the most battles will be declared the victor for the week. Rather than score based on how many individual battles a team wins, the primary thing that matters is who beat the most teams. As such, points are awarded based only on wins and losses versus teams as a whole, not individual players. Beating a team in a week’s matchups is worth two points, tying with a team is worth one point, and losing is worth none, simple as that. At the end of the round robin, the top four teams in the points proceed to the playoffs and will be seeded into a knock-out style bracket where they will face off until only one team remains.

There are a few regulatory things during the league stages that need to be outlined.

1. Substitutes – At any point in time during the week, a team may make a substitution for a currently slotted player. In order to do this a manager must post in the thread, tagging the hosts, the opposing managers and the opposing player stating which player is substituting out, and which player is substituting in. A player that has substituted out for a week cannot be substituted back in. In addition, all substitutions are subject to veto by the hosts if the substitution is suspected to be attempting to “game” the system. Substituting in a player who is unavailable to play at any of the times the opposing team has previously offered in order to force a double substitution is not permitted and the player who was substituted in will be required to be substituted out.

2. There will be no trades allowed at any point during SCL.

3. Activity decisions – There are inevitably times where two players simply fail to complete a match; however, the nature of the tournament system sometimes makes it advantageous to purposely fail to play (such as when a team is up 6-5 in a week). Because of this, it is necessary to make activity decisions on matches. Hosts are required to make thorough investigations regarding each and every potential failed match during a week. If both parties are deemed to be equally apathetic or enthusiastic about getting the match done, but just have not had the opportunity to make it happen, the match will result in a no contest. However, if it is deemed that one party made significantly more effort than the other in attempting to get the match done, then a win will be awarded to that player. Things that will make it very likely that you will lose via activity include: failing to VM your opponent immediately upon the week’s start, scheduling a match and being documented as missing the match time, failing to provide any concrete times for which you can be reached, failing to respond to an opponent’s VM at all. Please be certain to review the guidelines for a favorable judgement in an activity decision. Note that this is a tournament that requires a very high level of activity and diligence, if you don’t think you can get your matches done, quite simply don’t sign up.

4. Rule Breaking – There is no excuse for breaking any of the predetermined rules. If you are caught breaking a rule, you will lose your match. There is no lenience with regards to this. Break a rule, you lose. Period.

5. Reversing Rulings - No ruling will be retroactively overturned once the week following the week that the ruling has been made has ended. This includes: activity rulings / rulings based on rule breaking / anything else under the sun. I'm not going back in time to reevaluate every single decision I've made throughout the tournament on Week 9 because you think you were gypped 1-2 wins along the way and now they're the difference between you and a playoff spot. Any appeals to a ruling must be made during the week that the ruling is made; beyond that, all rulings are final once the week ends.

6. Recreations – Under some circumstances, generally due to a true disconnection, the host team may determine that a game must be recreated. Ideally, this recreation will take place immediately, but if the completion of the game needs to be rescheduled then a host or tournament director will recreate the game with the same players at a later time. Neither player may be substituted out for the recreation, but otherwise standard rules for activity decisions will apply.

7. Changes to Tiers (NEW) - Standard practice is that any changes to a tier that happen after a week is posted, e.g. suspect test or council bans, new Pokemon releases, or standard tiering shifts, will not go into effect until the following week. Any exceptions to this will be announced by the host in the administrative thread.
Up until week 4 managers will have the opportunity to report players that they believe are not meeting minimum activity requirements and/or sabotaging their team to the hosts. The hosts will review the team situation on the first 2 days of Week 5, and if it is found that the player in question is indeed guilty of one or both, the team will be allowed to sell them back. Reports made on team quitters after the end of Week 4 will not be evaluated until the conclusion of the tournament, with the exception of cases of cheating or team leaking/sabotage. Players who are banned from the Smogon Forums for a duration longer than the rest of the tournament and players who are banned from tournaments for actions unrelated to Smogon Champions League will also be eligible for a sellback.

If a player is sold back, their team obtains 3k of their value as credits to be used in the midseason auction. The only exception to this is players who become eligible for sellback prior to when Week 1 is posted.

Teams who sell back players before the start of Week 1 will be reimbursed with credits equal to 1.5k+half of that player's retention cost or value in the auction. These credits may be used prior to the start of Week 1 on undrafted players who signed up, and players selected will be eligible to play starting in Week 1. Any of these credits that remain unused will be converted into sellback credits for use in the midseason auction.

Midseason Draft
During Week 4, sign-ups will reopen for 4 days. Players that signed up for the original auction and weren't drafted will sign up and a new free agent list will be made. Note: Even if you signed up the first time around, you must re-signup in order to get on the midseason free agent list. Players will not be able to change their 'Tiers NOT Played' in midseason. Whatever was on the original signup remains in effect. After sign-ups close, the host will remind each manager how many credits they have left over from the original live auction.

Instead of having another live auction, an auction will take place on the forums. A manager will post their bids, with other managers having up to 12 hours from the time of the post to make a higher bid on the player. After 12 hours, if the manager has not been outbid, his or her team will be awarded the players. The Midseason auction will last for 5 days during week 5. The players purchased here will be allowed to start playing starting on Week 6. There is no use for credits leftover after the midseason free agent pickups, so it is in every manager’s best interest to spend all of their remaining credits at this time. No players may enter SCL after the midseason auction, except in the case of a team falling below the minimum number of starters due to their players being banned, in which case they'll be allowed to pick players from the undrafted pool until they reach the minimum.
At the end of the league stages, there will be a knockout style playoffs involving the top 4 teams in the points. In the event of a tie in overall points standings, the following criteria is used for breaking ties.
  • Overall Points >
  • Battle Difference (total # battles won - total # battles lost) >
  • Best of 3 - each team picks a unique tier with the winner of the Head to Head matchup picking second, then SV OU is the 3rd game. In the event that the two teams tied in the Head to Head matchup, the team with better results against the higher seeds will pick second.
  • Note: a Best of 3 series shall only be used to determine whether or not a team will qualify for playoffs. To just determine seeding among the top 4 teams, the result of the Head to Head matchup during regular season shall be used as the third tiebreak, with a B03 series being offered as a final alternative if teams are tied in every other element.
After the top 4 have been determined, each team will be seeded. The #1 seed will play the #4 seed, and the #2 seed will play the #3 seed. Teams will battle in the same format as during the league stage. At the end of all 10 battles, the team with more wins will advance to finals.

In the case of a tie in playoffs, the advancing team will be decided by a best of three - each team picks a unique tier with the higher seed picking second, then SV OU is the 3rd game.
The tournament will progress in this format until there is only one team left standing, the champion of the Smogon Champions League.


This post marks the formal start to SCL III, which means:
  • Managers can hold official tryouts
  • Managers can inform hosts the players they wish to retain (REMINDER: Players can refuse to be retained, which means if they sign up, they will be a free agent for SCL III.)
Here's to a fantastic season!
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cloutimus maximus
is a Community Leader Alumnusis a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnuswon the 10th Official Ladder Tournamentis a Past SPL Championis a Past WCoP Champion
RBTT Champion
For some reason, the TDs had this terrible idea of using a form sign-up. This completely prevents people from voicing legitimate concerns regarding their activity and/or the tiers they would like to play. This in itself goes against the sanctity of Smogon and doesn’t allow players to be perfectly clear in their intentions for SCL. It’s absurd that we honorable players are not allowed to voice our comforts and necessary information to the managers. In order to boycott this ludicrous decision that harms how a player presents themselves, I will be posting what I would have posted if we could sign-up normally.


Username: lax
Tiers Played: sub/builder for NU
Tiers Not Played: DOU, LC
Timezone: gmt-4
I will be very busy for the entire duration of SCL. All of my Pokemon efforts will be dedicated towards OLT and providing teams for the NU player of the team I am drafted on. I will put no further efforts. If I am not drafted with Empo, I cannot guarantee that I will play a single game.

Thank you for reading managers.


formerly Stone Cold
is a Tournament Directoris a Forum Moderatoris a Top Tutor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Past SCL Championis a Five-Time Past WCoP Champion
If you wanna squad up feel free to DM. You can also just hit that angry react.

if you wanna hit up my comanager, you can do so by adding his discord username, McMeghan or send McMeghan a PM on the forums
shoot me a direct message here on smogon (preferred) or my discord @vert_xxx if you are interested in trying out for the showdown shoguns.

please provide the following information:
forum name?
tiers played?

for your resume it doesn't have to be anything crazy such as top8 in a seasonal, qualifying grand slam, or 6-0 on the spreadsheet. something like top 50 on ladder in whatever tier you are signing up for will suffice. we just need to make sure there is a certain level of competence to our try-outs since we intend to draft off skill, the first time in team tournament history.

i will put up the try-out convo friday / saturday.
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is a Community Contributoris a Top Tiering Contributor
ZU Circuit Champion
Writing this to give some highlight to some known and lesser known talent for NU. These guys have been building a million teams and grinding team tours and indis. I am hoping to see some of the returning players from last year like kush, gilbert arenas, nat, and etern come back asw.

GXE - nuff said. This guy has popped off recently he is insane. After a great record last SCL, he went on to SV and continued dominating. The winner of NU Open, he showed his prowess in other tiers asw by making it to r2 of Grand Slam Poffs. He should obviously be a starter again not much to say.

Thiago Nunes - Im pleasantly surprised to see him sign up specifically for NU. Thiago Nunes has blown up within both NU's circuit and team tournaments. Most recently putting up an insane 7-1 record in the bo3 slot, showing how capable he is at both picking up new tiers and also how good he is at SVNU in general. Definitely one of the most versatile pilots available if given proper support.

Elias PSY - This guy has completely dominated NU team tours for almost a year now. He won the NU Swiss tour back in may and followed that up with a 7-2 NUPL record and is in r2 of NU Ladder tour. He has been consistent as hell and is a solid player. I definitely think he is worth a buy, and in my personal opinion potentially a start.

zS - an overall phenomenal team presence who has many accomplishments over his time in NU. He is a 2x NU League winner, 3x NU Team tour winner, with his best record coming in NU Snake 3 where he went 7-2 in a very strong SV pool. zS also qualified for Grand Slam Playoffs, made finals in the most recent rendition of NU Snake, and qualified for NU Ladder Tour Playoffs. His last scl performance was in my honest opinion, a fluke and he has earned a chance to improve it. He has a record of success that is unprecedented for NU and i think he deserves another chance to start. His knowledge of the tier and his playing ability is top notch.

Togkey - One of my closest friends on the site, she is broken. Togkey was drafted last year for this tour and went positive after subbing in near the end of the season. She has been a fixture in the NU tier and has been on top of the metagame. 7-1 in NU Swiss, Kickoff finalist, and current builder for Grand Slam semifinalists, she owns. Not much else to say except that she is a threat in this tier and has the potential to put in immense amounts of sweat in other tiers along with the obvious sweat in NU.

Pokeslice - Another NU mainer, he is a constant contributor to the NU tournament scene. He is 8-1 in his past NU team tours and has built a significant portion of the top teams for the past few years. I would definitely consider him for nu support/sub slot. He is worth the investment in my opinion as he has a great mind for the tier.

skierdude101 - Ski is one of the most active contributors and builders in the entire tier, kind of carrying most the prep for his NUWC team currently (where he's off to an optimistic start as well). He's a fantastic value pick who can bring a ton of energy to any team server and will always give it his all in prep for any tier, especially in NU. I can personally vouch for his effort and creative ideas.

Tuthur Bouff - Tuthur has become very dedicated to the NU tier as of late and popped off in nupl w a respectable 6-3 record. Bouff is a top player who has become really invested in the tier. When he plays a tier he dominates it and I have really liked his builds from NUPL. Both worth a pick up imo.

Axrtix OranBerryBlissey10 Phantomistix - I think that Axrtix and OBB are really good cheap noms that will put in max effort and deserve their first chance at an official. Phantom is cool ig.

s/o mg for helping write this post. All of these guys deserve a chance to either play again, play in, or support in SCL. Last year was my first time in an official environment and I can say without a doubt it was an extremely fun and competitive experience for me.
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Hello, I am continuing my longstanding and scattered tradition of writing about players who I feel are worth buying. They are usually not on the radar or not given enough credit. I want to start with players who I fear may not get picked to start but should, and then go to ppl who should be worth more than 3k who could be. These will largely be opinions formed from my time paying attention to OLT, though also elsehow in spots.

Mimikyu Stardust - 1st in OLT cycle 1 but to my knowledge never actually picked in spl/scl. It's clear to me this is worthy of starting but I know some doubt him as only a rain/cheese user. IMO if you can get to 2150 elo on this ladder by the end of a cycle, you should at least be given a fair shake. Definitely innovative to say the least, whether his stuff would work as well in others hands is another story.

Isza - to my knowledge one of those folks liked by all and surely a good edition to any team. beyond making stour semis with good sv showings, didnt seem even happy with only this showing. just says to me big competitive spirit + proven good enough player

oldspicemike - pretty good wcop showing, plays a clean game always. i don't know him but would like to see him given a chance to start. can see him consistently at least performing well in OLT rounds despite seemingly not interested in sniping/cheesing way to top/etc. seems like a buy that can't go too wrong, especially for cheap.

unamed - like mike, seems like he has a good head on his soldiers and no attitude issues. played fine in wcop, playing fine in olt. similar situation to mike that i can't speak on as strongly from experience, but still can somewhat.

carkoala - another french player. like others on this list, i haven't spoken to him much at all, but to me he passes the eye test. he probably is the most likely of these 5 to start anyway? it's hard to tell with this pool, more on that later. anyway, i can't see any red flags. clicked at least fine in every avenue i've seen. probably should cost closer to 10k than 3k, if not 10k outright.

which then transitions easily to people i think should be more than 3k, and even 10k.

sylveon used calm mind: to keep up with honesty, he does seem like a bit of a meme guy. nonetheless he clicks quite well and clearly isn't bothered by pressure or putting himself out there. i would say the german innovative gene runs strongly with him, and he represents randbats talent well enough. to me he is 10k value as a player, and should be able to outplay many weeks, if not outprep.

marcop: anyone in east will know i vouched for him to start, guy is a menace and anyone who doesn't think he is good enough to start OU is insane. great at any tier, somehow 3k last year in lowers. put on a show before not caring. easy 10k value. wouldn't expect him to support the world in OU, but a v reliable pilot who will never rattle.

separation: im only including him because I swear I've seen him go for like 6k before. He is very good at pokemon, and even though hasn't popped up in official sv tours much, ladders all the time. not much to say beyond this, well-established enough.

one last thing i do want to touch on is that OU seems far and away the deepest pool. by my count there's already over 30 players who deserve to start. if I were a manager and had a player with options to start multiple tiers (ie aberforth/fogbound lake/fc/lily/z0mog/lax/others) i'd probably want to start them in the other tiers, since OU you can so easily get 3 good players already anyway. some other pools don't seem so concrete to me, at a rate more unusual than normal in scl. this, of course, relies on what they ultimately want to do as players. pretty lowkey post compared to some of my others but just wanted to put in a public good word for some who deserve it. good luck getting in.....a month from now xD


is a Tiering Contributoris a Past SPL Champion
World Defender
Hey everyone, if you are a lc player and want to play for my team write to my discord (raptor_ssj) and show me your motivation, replays and claws to face this tournament.

edit: I have already read everyone and responded to the people that I liked, although that does not mean that I do not take you into consideration, if you want to write to me I will read it
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is a Battle Simulator Administratoris a Community Leaderis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
PS Admin
unamed - like mike, seems like he has a good head on his soldiers and no attitude issues. played fine in wcop, playing fine in olt. similar situation to mike that i can't speak on as strongly from experience, but still can somewhat.

carkoala - another french player. like others on this list, i haven't spoken to him much at all, but to me he passes the eye test. he probably is the most likely of these 5 to start anyway? it's hard to tell with this pool, more on that later. anyway, i can't see any red flags. clicked at least fine in every avenue i've seen. probably should cost closer to 10k than 3k, if not 10k outright.
I really appreciate you mentioning those two, so I will add on my opinion. Not as someone who has half your skill in SV OU, of course, but rather as a guy who has been in the french community for a while and knows its playerbase as well as anyone. Dunno if my word holds much weight here, but I hope anyone who knows me knows I'm pretty strict both with others and myself (the latter being easy given how much I can suck but let's forget that), so please be assured that any praise I deliver (in public on top of that) is genuine.

Unamed is a longstanding veteran who has mained ORAS OU for a while, but recently moved to SV OU. I will insist on the "longstanding" player aspect because from it stems a lot of characteristics that are both valuable and less common than they used to be nowadays (boomer moment). Don't expect any cheesy, half-assed metagame knowledge in which he would just be piloting others' teams somewhat correctly to achieve results. That's the type of guy who fully invests himself in the tiers he plays, builds his own teams, and is just very level-headed both overall and at Pokémon. As good of a 3k starter pick as you could ever hope.

carkoala is more of an up-and-coming player, but equally amazing. He also boasts a great game ethic (does this expression even exists?) on top of being one of the best human beings I have had the pleasure to meet in the online Pokémon community. You would not be only buying a 3k starter able to build, test, and overcome issues all on his own (although that would already be reason enough). That's the kind of guy who can contribute a lot to a team's mood and soul and would probably have become best friends with everyone in the Discord server 48h in the tournament. Can't recommend enough.

And I'll add a last one by myself for the sake of it:

You have probably heard of Clementine, be it because you have already fought to the death with him over a custom avatar's details (worth it tbh), or because you have seen the goofball's latest Smogoff thread. But did you know this guy also plays at Pokémon™, and not half bad at that? I recommended the other two as 3k OU starters, but I believe Clem would do a very solid 3k sub. He plays all of OU, RU and NU, and has a very up to date metagame knowledge in those thanks to the various tiers PLs and WCoPs. He had a support role in the last official WCoP in team UK, and I believe he also helped the Raiders, at least in SM, last SPL. As such, he has an all-around good knowledge of the game and more specifically of the tiers played in the tournament, on top of plenty of free time and good will to scout, play testgames, provide (feedback on) teams and so on. Plus he is just a very fun guy to be around, and you know what they say: not all teams with a great chat atmosphere do well, but all teams that did well had such an atmosphere. And Clem very much is the kind of guy who would contribute both to that and to support your players.

That's it! Thereagain, whoever is still working on their draft plan does not have to take my word for it, but I would think it worth keeping those players' names in mind. Whether they already tried out for your team or not, give their profile a (second) look and draw conclusions by yourself. I doubt there is not something good to be found there. Have a good SCL everyone!


phase, twilight, eyes of wisdom
is a Social Media Contributoris a Community Contributoris a Team Rater Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Past SPL Champion
PUPL Champion
You have probably heard of Clementine, be it because you have already fought to the death with him over a custom avatar's details (worth it tbh), or because you have seen the goofball's latest Smogoff thread. But did you know this guy also plays at Pokémon™, and not half bad at that? I recommended the other two as 3k OU starters, but I believe Clem would do a very solid 3k sub. He plays all of OU, RU and NU, and has a very up to date metagame knowledge in those thanks to the various tiers PLs and WCoPs. He had a support role in the last official WCoP in team UK, and I believe he also helped the Raiders, at least in SM, last SPL. As such, he has an all-around good knowledge of the game and more specifically of the tiers played in the tournament, on top of plenty of free time and good will to scout, play testgames, provide (feedback on) teams and so on. Plus he is just a very fun guy to be around, and you know what they say: not all teams with a great chat atmosphere do well, but all teams that did well had such an atmosphere. And Clem very much is the kind of guy who would contribute both to that and to support your players.

That's it! Thereagain, whoever is still working on their draft plan does not have to take my word for it, but I would think it worth keeping those players' names in mind. Whether they already tried out for your team or not, give their profile a (second) look and draw conclusions by yourself. I doubt there is not something good to be found there. Have a good SCL everyone!
I can confirm clem did help the Raiders in spl. I agree with everything said here and just wanted to +1 it myself. Clem is a super tryhard and everybody who has teamed with him / have had his support knows he cares a lot. With him being a friend of mine, I have seen the amount of effort he puts in first-hand. I really supported him getting a manager slot this SCL because of how much of a tryhard he is and he has a surprising amount of tier knowledge in a bunch of tiers that I know couldve been an asset. I saw this post and just wanted to give my two cents as I know a lot of people just see him as "the avatar guy" or know him for his work in SM but he has a lot more to offer than just that and is surprisingly versatile, especially in SV tiers. His playing ability is definitely good enough to be a sub on top of him incredibly helpful in general, so I'd really love to see him get the shot that I feel he probably deserves by now.
Hello, I am continuing my longstanding and scattered tradition of writing about players who I feel are worth buying. They are usually not on the radar or not given enough credit. I want to start with players who I fear may not get picked to start but should, and then go to ppl who should be worth more than 3k who could be. These will largely be opinions formed from my time paying attention to UULT, though also elsehow in spots.

avarice - 1st in UULT cycle 1 but to my knowledge never actually picked in spl/scl. It's clear to me this is worthy of starting but I know some doubt him as only a rain/cheese user. IMO if you can get to 2150 elo on this ladder by the end of a cycle, you should at least be given a fair shake. Definitely innovative to say the least, whether his stuff would work as well in others hands is another story.

Isza - to my knowledge one of those folks liked by all and surely a good edition to any team. beyond making uu classicsemis with good sv showings, didnt seem even happy with only this showing. just says to me big competitive spirit + proven good enough player

hariyana grande - pretty good uuwc showing, plays a clean game always. i don't know him but would like to see him given a chance to start. can see him consistently at least performing well in UULT rounds despite seemingly not interested in sniping/cheesing way to top/etc. seems like a buy that can't go too wrong, especially for cheap.

Jisoo - like hariyana grande, seems like he has a good head on his soldiers and no attitude issues. played fine in uuwc, playing fine in uult. similar situation to hariyana grande that i can't speak on as strongly from experience, but still can somewhat.

Lyssa - another italian player. like others on this list, i haven't spoken to her much at all, but to me she passes the eye test. she probably is the most likely of these 5 to start anyway? it's hard to tell with this pool, more on that later. anyway, i can't see any red flags. clicked at least fine in every avenue i've seen. probably should cost closer to 10k than 3k, if not 10k outright.

which then transitions easily to people i think should be more than 3k, and even 10k.

Beraldo: to keep up with honesty, he does seem like a bit of a meme guy. nonetheless he clicks quite well and clearly isn't bothered by pressure or putting himself out there. i would say the brazilian innovative gene runs strongly with him, and he represents randbats talent well enough. to me he is 10k value as a player, and should be able to outplay many weeks, if not outprep.

umbry: anyone in east will know i vouched for her to start, girl is a menace and anyone who doesn't think she is good enough to start UU is insane. great at any tier, somehow 3k last year in lowers. put on a show before not caring. easy 10k value. wouldn't expect her to support the world in UU, but a v reliable pilot who will never rattle.

London Beats: im only including him because I swear I've seen him go for like 6k before. He is very good at pokemon, and even though hasn't popped up in official sv tours much, ladders all the time. not much to say beyond this, well-established enough.

one last thing i do want to touch on is that UU seems far and away the deepest pool. by my count there's already over 30 players who deserve to start. if I were a manager and had a player with options to start multiple tiers (ie aberforth/expulso/gum/lily/bouff/meru/others) i'd probably want to start them in the other tiers, since UU you can so easily get 3 good players already anyway. some other pools don't seem so concrete to me, at a rate more unusual than normal in scl. this, of course, relies on what they ultimately want to do as players. pretty lowkey post compared to some of my others but just wanted to put in a public good word for some who deserve it. good luck getting in.....a month from now xD


is a Community Contributoris a Top Tiering Contributor
DPL Champion
Hello, I am continuing my longstanding and scattered tradition of writing about players who I feel are worth buying. They are usually not on the radar or not given enough credit. I want to start with players who I fear may not get picked to start but should, and then go to ppl who should be worth more than 3k who could be. These will largely be opinions formed from my time paying attention to UULT, though also elsehow in spots.

avarice - 1st in UULT cycle 1 but to my knowledge never actually picked in spl/scl. It's clear to me this is worthy of starting but I know some doubt him as only a rain/cheese user. IMO if you can get to 2150 elo on this ladder by the end of a cycle, you should at least be given a fair shake. Definitely innovative to say the least, whether his stuff would work as well in others hands is another story.

Isza - to my knowledge one of those folks liked by all and surely a good edition to any team. beyond making uu classicsemis with good sv showings, didnt seem even happy with only this showing. just says to me big competitive spirit + proven good enough player

hariyana grande - pretty good uuwc showing, plays a clean game always. i don't know him but would like to see him given a chance to start. can see him consistently at least performing well in UULT rounds despite seemingly not interested in sniping/cheesing way to top/etc. seems like a buy that can't go too wrong, especially for cheap.

Jisoo - like hariyana grande, seems like he has a good head on his soldiers and no attitude issues. played fine in uuwc, playing fine in uult. similar situation to hariyana grande that i can't speak on as strongly from experience, but still can somewhat.

Lyssa - another italian player. like others on this list, i haven't spoken to her much at all, but to me she passes the eye test. she probably is the most likely of these 5 to start anyway? it's hard to tell with this pool, more on that later. anyway, i can't see any red flags. clicked at least fine in every avenue i've seen. probably should cost closer to 10k than 3k, if not 10k outright.

which then transitions easily to people i think should be more than 3k, and even 10k.

Beraldo: to keep up with honesty, he does seem like a bit of a meme guy. nonetheless he clicks quite well and clearly isn't bothered by pressure or putting himself out there. i would say the brazilian innovative gene runs strongly with him, and he represents randbats talent well enough. to me he is 10k value as a player, and should be able to outplay many weeks, if not outprep.

umbry: anyone in east will know i vouched for her to start, girl is a menace and anyone who doesn't think she is good enough to start UU is insane. great at any tier, somehow 3k last year in lowers. put on a show before not caring. easy 10k value. wouldn't expect her to support the world in UU, but a v reliable pilot who will never rattle.

London Beats: im only including him because I swear I've seen him go for like 6k before. He is very good at pokemon, and even though hasn't popped up in official sv tours much, ladders all the time. not much to say beyond this, well-established enough.

one last thing i do want to touch on is that UU seems far and away the deepest pool. by my count there's already over 30 players who deserve to start. if I were a manager and had a player with options to start multiple tiers (ie aberforth/expulso/gum/lily/bouff/meru/others) i'd probably want to start them in the other tiers, since UU you can so easily get 3 good players already anyway. some other pools don't seem so concrete to me, at a rate more unusual than normal in scl. this, of course, relies on what they ultimately want to do as players. pretty lowkey post compared to some of my others but just wanted to put in a public good word for some who deserve it. good luck getting in.....a month from now xD
I really appreciate you mentioning those two, so I will add on my opinion. Not as someone who has half your skill in SV UU, of course, but rather as a guy who has been in the duckies community for a while and knows its playerbase as well as anyone. Dunno if my word holds much weight here, but I hope anyone who knows me knows I'm pretty strict both with others and myself (the latter being easy given how much I can suck but let's forget that), so please be assured that any praise I deliver (in public on top of that) is genuine.

jisoo is a longstanding veteran who has mained ORAS UU for a while, but recently moved to SV UU. I will insist on the "longstanding" player aspect because from it stems a lot of characteristics that are both valuable and less common than they used to be nowadays (boomer moment). Don't expect any cheesy, half-assed metagame knowledge in which he would just be piloting others' teams somewhat correctly to achieve results. That's the type of guy who fully invests himself in the tiers he plays, builds his own teams, and is just very level-headed both overall and at Pokémon. As good of a 3k starter pick as you could ever hope.

reina is more of an up-and-coming player, but equally amazing. She also boasts a great game ethic (does this expression even exists?) on top of being one of the best human beings I have had the pleasure to meet in the online Pokémon community. You would not be only buying a 3k starter able to build, test, and overcome issues all on her own (although that would already be reason enough). That's the kind of girl who can contribute a lot to a team's mood and soul and would probably have become best friends with everyone in the Discord server 48h in the tournament. Can't recommend enough.

And I'll add a last one by myself for the sake of it:

You have probably heard of ASKOV, be it because you have already fought to the death with him over a custom avatar's details (worth it tbh), or because you have seen the goofball's latest Smogoff thread. But did you know this guy also plays at Pokémon™, and not half bad at that? I recommended the other two as 3k UU starters, but I believe Skov would do a very solid 3k sub. He plays all of UU, RU and 1v1, and has a very up to date metagame knowledge in those thanks to the various tiers PLs and WCoPs. He had a support role in the last official WCoP in team Brazil, and I believe he also helped the Raiders, at least in SM UU, last SPL. As such, he has an all-around good knowledge of the game and more specifically of the tiers played in the tournament, on top of plenty of free time and good will to scout, play testgames, provide (feedback on) teams and so on. Plus he is just a very fun guy to be around, and you know what they say: not all teams with a great chat atmosphere do well, but all teams that did well had such an atmosphere. And Skov very much is the kind of guy who would contribute both to that and to support your players.

That's it! Thereagain, whoever is still working on their draft plan does not have to take my word for it, but I would think it worth keeping those players' names in mind. Whether they already tried out for your team or not, give their profile a (second) look and draw conclusions by yourself. I doubt there is not something good to be found there. Have a good SCL everyone!


greedy for love
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RoAPL Champion
You have probably heard of ASKOV, be it because you have already fought to the death with him over a custom avatar's details (worth it tbh), or because you have seen the goofball's latest Smogoff thread. But did you know this guy also plays at Pokémon™, and not half bad at that? I recommended the other two as 3k UU starters, but I believe Skov would do a very solid 3k sub. He plays all of UU, RU and 1v1, and has a very up to date metagame knowledge in those thanks to the various tiers PLs and WCoPs. He had a support role in the last official WCoP in team Brazil, and I believe he also helped the Raiders, at least in SM UU, last SPL. As such, he has an all-around good knowledge of the game and more specifically of the tiers played in the tournament, on top of plenty of free time and good will to scout, play testgames, provide (feedback on) teams and so on. Plus he is just a very fun guy to be around, and you know what they say: not all teams with a great chat atmosphere do well, but all teams that did well had such an atmosphere. And Skov very much is the kind of guy who would contribute both to that and to support your players.
I can confirm ASKOV did help in the Raiders in SPL. I agree with everything said here and just wanted to +1 it myself. ASKOV is a super tryhard and everybody who has teamed with him / have had his support knows he cares a lot. With him being a friend of mine, I have seen the amount of effort he puts in first-hand. I really supported him getting a manager slot this uuwc because of how much of a tryhard he is and he has a surprising amount of tier knowledge in a bunch of tiers that I know couldve been an asset. I saw this post and just wanted to give my two cents as I know a lot of people just see him as "clicked Discharge instead of Overheat on Scizor guy" or know him for his work in SM UU but he has a lot more to offer than just that and is surprisingly versatile, especially in SV tiers. His playing ability is definitely good enough to be a sub on top of him incredibly helpful in general, so I'd really love to see him get the shot that I feel he probably deserves by now.


formerly Stone Cold
is a Tournament Directoris a Forum Moderatoris a Top Tutor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Past SCL Championis a Five-Time Past WCoP Champion
Well I think Pujo sucks, personally
Nah YOU suck. Ur a leech. Stealing every single users hard earned custom for your own pleasure. I woulda deauthorized ur ass by now and sent you to the shadow realm if I had a say. Consider urself lucky. I actually make it a point to only have shitty customs created now so that I can take solace in the fact that you have some heinous custom options. Burn


is this what you wanted?
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UU Leader
As... wonderful, as mncmt's post is, I'd like to draw some attention to some names in the UU pool for prospecting managers. Fully aware that most of you guys won't need my help to pick your starters, but maybe UU is a blind spot for your managerial duo or maybe you just don't know who the latest up-and-coming support slot is.

I'll start with a quickfire round of people that are relatively proven but haven't played in a while/haven't gotten the chance to play a full season or anything; will just be going in alphabetical order:

Accel - mainstay, hasn't really played much SV to my knowledge but realistically Accel has played more official games than just about anyone in this pool and always has a solid record. may need support? unsure. not much to say here though, accel knows what he's doing and has for years

Askov - askov has played in a fair few of these tournaments atp, with his first UU appearance being in Snake 4 I think? after falling out of love with SS and then coming back for SV it seems he's ready to pick up where he left off, great UUPL/UUWC showing with only one loss total across both tournaments. has experience in these tours too which is a benefit over the rookies for sure

avarice - avarice has prob played like 50 different tiers in these but as far as i know he hasn't played more than a game or two of uu in officials, which is a shame because he's definitely good at it. i don't think he signed up for other tiers this year other than maybe ou? not pu at least which is where he'd normally end up. I don't wanna speak for his supporting skills or anything but historically good PU support too + knows OU this gen so you have some value there on top of being a good starter

Bouff - probably plays NU but bouff knows UU too and will do well if placed there, just make sure you get someone to coach him through panic attacks

hariyana grande - was in last year's SCL on the gibles. just won uu masters too! hari is really solid and is an incredibly nice dude to be around, self sufficient (i think) and super laid back, great chat presence. I think last year him being a sub made sense but this is for sure his year to start.

Kushalos - it's kush. he probably won't uu but you do not need me to tell you anything about him lmao

Meru - meru is very good at winning in uu which you can tell just by looking at his sheet record. pair him up with a good support slot and you'll have a great core. he is probably on like 7 managers do not touch lists for whatever reason but if you're part of the 3 then you have a bargain on your hands

Moutemoute - moute always ends up on the bench or undrafted in these, which is surprising because his results in uu tiers are usually pretty good. the one time i remember him getting drafted was snake 4 where he was supporting poek, and he even played 3 games and went 2-1 that year, so that's pretty good. not a whole lot of experience on the official stage but he's been around for aaaages and surely knows what he's doing

pdt - did great last year, will probably do great this year. pdt on top of winning a lot is super positive in chat and supports a lot of tiers, including ou now. incredible value buy for sure - idk if he starts uu instead of another tier, but if he does he'll be great

pokemonisfun - it's pif, he's been around for so long at this stage and is just as good as he always was. constantly super active, great performances across ladder and tournaments alike, perpetually cheap too for some reason. he'll end up somewhere and will do well i'm sure

ProDigeZz - i haven't seen prodige play any sv uu but he holds the ss uu ribbon & is Good overall. unsure if he'll play this tier or a different one but either way he'll do fine.

robjr - probably the most proven player in this pool. I'm not sure how well rob knows sv uu but it doesn't matter. he's been around for so long, has played so many games, and put up so many good records that he'll obviously be a premium buy here.

Sage - may very possibly OU also but since coming back she's been on a tear, will do great here if this is what she ends up playing. relatively self sufficient too i think but you'd be better off asking her instead of me

udongirl - was on my team last year! she didn't get to play a game though which was unfortunate. has consistently done pretty well in uu circuit stuff/forum team tours and can probably do just fine in an scl pool

vivalospride - the only official viv has played (i think) was snake 4 where he got a monster matchup of soulwind week 1 into poek week 2 into bench, which is probably a bit unfair. I think having even limited experience in the environment is a great bonus and viv will bust his ass building so he will make great support even if you don't intend to start him (which you could do!). bonus points for getting along well with meru


Now that that's done I have some less proven players who are trying to make this year their breakout year. Alphabetical order once again:

691 - 691 has been around for quite a long time in UU spaces at this stage, and he usually puts up pretty solid results. He knows his way around the tier and is very creative which is always a bonus in bo1 stuff. He's always been on the cusp of tours like this - this could definitely be his year if a manager gives him the chance. never underestimate the chinese technology.

BigFatMantis - I admittedly haven't seen BFM much when it comes to SV but he did sign up for it so I'm assuming he knows it. he does like to build cheese a lot which may be a turnoff for some managers or a huge bonus for others. usually does fine in subforum tours but most frequently in the oldgens. still possibly a good buy!

Cam - I'm actually not sure if Cam has played these tours before but he's Good At Pokemon and has been around a fair bit in UUWC recently. Also made slam playoffs which is a pretty big achievement; that included a solid UU Open run too. unsure if he'll end up playing UU to begin with or if he'll find himself in RU but either way I have no doubt he'll do well

Corperate n - rising star of uuwc us east, corperate n managed an impressive 3-1 record, with those 3 wins coming from a pretty solid pool. he's also really active and has been around for a while so can probably do a good job supporting even if you decide he's not quite ready to start the big leagues yet.

dunoks - scheduling warrior who has been playing uu tours for ages now with generally fine results, just never managed to break into the big boy tours. dunoks isn't the most active guy so if you're looking for a supportive zoomer then he's probably not what you want, but he is a pretty good player and could very feasibly make for a solid cheap starter, or dedicated lower tier sub if you want since i think he plays most of them.

Estarossa - you know esta if you've been around uu at all and he's still just as active in sv as he has been in other gens. he's usually known for gsc stuff which ends up getting him drafted for that instead of current gen, but he does ladder it a lot and participates in sv tours when he gets the chance as well. has a unique view on the tier and is worth a pickup for sure

Fakee - putting fakee here does admittedly feel a little weird because when I think of fakee and UU I think of bw, but I have a gut feeling he'll impress if given the chance in SV. He did really well in WCoP this year in SV, and while OU isn't directly transferrable to UU ofc he's proven to be a versatile player and can get the job done. I think he'll end up OUing regardless but he does have history with UU and is worth a pickup 100%.

Isza - more likely to OU and I haven't seen him play SV UU at all but his work ethic is absurd & he gets along with everyone so is undoubtedly a great choice for chat presence & ability to adapt/play any metagame you want him to. incredibly worth a pickup

justdrew - i cannot fucking believe that in the year of our lord and saviour 2023 i'm recommending managers buy justdrew for an official team tournament but here we are, drew has proven he knows how to play the game recently and is a player worth considering. he's active and will build/play himself, and has randomly also started farming PU recently on the god mags in PUPL. I think he's more likely to PU if picked up but I actually recommend getting drew for cheap, he's an oddball at times but he's a nice dude and is more than likely a decent slot.

Liz Angeles - more of an ss main but liz is probably a fine support slot for sv, seems to flip flop a lot on whether or not she likes the meta but she's pretty good at building regardless. also seems to be doing pretty well in PU so that's a nice bonus.

London Beats - london is doing well in UUWC on goated ass team europe and is just coming off a wcop win where im assuming he was quite supportive, and is a very nice person to be around too. good at the game, great vibes, i forgot him the last time i made a list for something (sorry...) but not this time!! get him!!

LpZ - Old Untier Extraordinaire LpZ can seemingly adapt to any tier at this stage and SV UU has proven to be one of them, he's pretty good at it overall. I don't know if he builds it but he can play it just fine. worth considering for sure, surely knows like pu and stuff too

Luirromen - probably more of an OU sub at this point but luirro has history with uu and can probably do fine for support there too!

Melt Gibson - melt's a fairly new mainer that has some experience now in a few things like uuwc/pupl. being able to support two tiers presumably pretty well is nice value, and although i'm not sure if he'll get drafted, he's worth inviting to your chat if not. everyone's gotta start somewhere, take a chance. great for vibes too!

Micciu - :pouss:. micciu hasn't got too many SV results but has historically been pretty good at uu and I doubt the generational shift has changed that. i'm not super familiar with him but i do know he's very nice to be around too. worth considering

Monai - pretty surprising to be writing about monai here but he's got official team tour experience thanks to SPL BW OU and he's been pretty active across SV UU bc of UUFPL. even now he recently has asked me for advice a couple times which is super admirable and shows he cares and is willing to grind. i think he'll be a sleeper good buy

Mossy Sandwich - was on my uupl team and we won the whole thing so automatically good. mossy builds a lot and can def support a starter that's less self sufficient. he helped out a lot in uupl with builds and stuff so i can personally attest to his usefulness

Parpar - parpar seems to just be farming everything lately, started with adv uu and then just randomly cooked in sv with deep runs in seemingly every tournament he participates in and a 3-0 in his uuwc pool. he def knows what he's doing. haven't spoken to him much on a personal level but he seems like a pretty chill person to be around too. if he's cheap he'll 100% be a good pickup

Rasche - one of the zoomer mainers that isn't ready to start but can almost certainly be a good sub and builder. did go positive in uuwc, held back by being on an Unfortunate team though.

romanji - pretty much the same as rasche above, although romanji has been around for a much longer time. i'm not super sure how in-tune he is with sv but that could just be me not paying enough attention.

Sirwings - great support, super active and cheerful. can build quite well and is friendly with just about everyone. I def recommend grabbing him esp if you find yourself needing chat activity.

Slip - everything I said about sirwings applies to slip. i think he knows more tiers than just uu too?

spellcaster - was solid in early SV and did well in UUPL minus The Oricorio Tragedy, dunno if she's been keeping up a ton post-HOME but she was active in UUWC so probably? hyper active in general and will keep your chat's lines in the sextuple digits so that's great too

starbitstorm - starbitstorm is a... personality. he will need a mental coach. however, he is a prep demon and had good runs in the most recent uu masters, open, and won uult. he is good at the game and can execute well. just revoke his chat privileges.

Sylvi - sylvi is amazing support to have around and has great vibes. was super instrumental in our uupl win after they joined the chat in playoffs. highly recommend

tko - the memshow coming back and randomly farming uu was a surprise for sure but a welcome one, i actually think tko should be starting this tier since he's clearly good at it and if he's this motivated for uuwc of all things then i have no doubt he'll be super hyped for scl.


I think that's everyone, but I could've missed some signups. That's a LOT of people. They obviously won't all get drafted, but this post was never supposed to be a "draft my friends" type of thing; I just want to put some people on your radar who may not already be there. It's up to managers to do their own research ofc, and maybe this post will just be me yelling into the wind because you all have your plans already, but if this is helpful to any of you then that's more than enough for me. nonetheless all the players i listed have the official lilburr stamp of approval:tm:.

also, draft Savouras PLEASE this man is a machine in OU and absolutely deserves the shot i cannot speak highly enough of him

edit: holy shit i forgot Queen of Bean. she is absolutely amazing. she was super instrumental in our recent UUPL win, she's super nice and she's definitely got it in her to be sub if you need (minus the whole GMT+14 thing). i really recommend getting her for support, she could use an opportunity like this and won't disappoint you. just pair her with someone that she can work with timezone-wise
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