(ROLEPLAY) Smogon High School - Signups Open

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no ai pix pls pick pix from pokemon game, pokemon card, website, your drawing, or my drawing
(approved by teh)
Well I can't draw lol, and I can't use another pokemon character since she's an OC.

Anyway it is the only picture of her I will post (it was just to present the character), the roleplay will be written only... I don't think that ai pic really matter...
Character name: Simon
Pronouns: he/him
Role You Picked: Student
Pokemon: Dorsoil
A little bit about yourself: LOVES reality tv (like Survivor, Big Brother), aspires to be a lawyer.
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if you can use it on showdown its legal (BUT PLEASE KEEP IN MIND STUDENTS CANT HAVE EVOLVED POKEMON)
if a student submits an evolved pokemon ill just assume ill just the first stage evolution
Sounds good thanks

Character name:Professor Very Tall Guy
Pronouns: [None]
Role You Picked: Teacher
Pokemon: Pokestar Studios Monica
A little bit about yourself: Is always riding on top of his only Pokémon, Pokestar Studios Monica. Supposedly he's never actually been seen by a student, since he's so high up. Rumors abound that he's secretly really short. If someone were to challenge him to a Pokémon battle and knock out his Pokestar Studios Monica, he would surely fall to his death.
Character Name: Chaos
Pronouns: We/weeeee
Role you picked: Student
Pokemon: Koffing
A little bit about yourself: We are a hivemind based on every person with the word "Chaos" in their name. We inhabit one body. Intrusive thoughts will win. Constantly talking amongst ourselves. We definitely won't be inaccurate to our source material, and we won't act like a self insert (note: I have never spoken to another Chaos. I just wanted to join the bandwagon here).


is a Pre-Contributor
Character name: Calvin Andhobbes
Pronouns: "well I'm certain not connouns" (he / him / they / them)
Role You Picked: I would like to be the old maintenance guy who mowes the lawns and all that jazz, and who seems like an ordinary old guy but the students constantly spread rumors about him because he might've been working with classsified information :U
Pokemon: Rotom-C (for mowing lawns)
A little bit about yourself: old dude who sits at the entry way to the school and lets people in and out. nice by nature, but perhaps carries a dark secret. Brings a lunch his wife made every day. enjoys mowing lawns, gets sad in the winter because there's no lawns to mow and threw out his back shovelling. "snowblowers just aren't the same". Smiles a lot, just like his trusty lawnmower friend.
Character name: Calvin Andhobbes
Pronouns: "well I'm certain not connouns" (he / him / they / them)
Role You Picked: I would like to be the old maintenance guy who mowes the lawns and all that jazz, and who seems like an ordinary old guy but the students constantly spread rumors about him because he might've been working with classsified information :U
Pokemon: Rotom-C (for mowing lawns)
A little bit about yourself: old dude who sits at the entry way to the school and lets people in and out. nice by nature, but perhaps carries a dark secret. Brings a lunch his wife made every day. enjoys mowing lawns, gets sad in the winter because there's no lawns to mow and threw out his back shovelling. "snowblowers just aren't the same". Smiles a lot, just like his trusty lawnmower friend.
Nice character :blobthumbsup:
Why do I figure him as a grass type gym leader ? :psysly:
[cautiously staring at big stall, noticing her suit barely fits, the unibrow she thought she shaved, and the immense lack of self-esteem cast amongst the room when she speaks to students]

Thank you, Ms. Stall. Would you like to grab dinner tonight? I'm making a lamb dish.
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