CAP 14 CAP 3 - Part 7 - Secondary Ability Poll 1

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No Competitive Ability

For the very reason the user above said,

the whole idea of CAP is to explore the metagame, not just randomly create OU-quality mons for the sake of adding mons to OU.
By making a Drought Pokemon that's better than Ninetales, we... pretty much "randomly create OU-quality mons". The concept of CAP3 is to make a poor typing good, not make a lackluster playstyle good.


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Regenerator might as well be a flavor ability compared to Dry Skin, but at least it will be more useful than whatever NCA we have the option to choose. I just don't want Drought to win.
No Competitive Ability
I'd hate how in the playtest, Dry Skin CAP3 becomes a liability with Drought CAP3 running around.

I feel like the non-Drought votes will be split because of Regenerator, and I'm questioning why Regenerator was slated when it seems to add little to the concept of making a "poor" typing a selling point. Just my two cents.
I'n not really "questioning". It just makes me sad.
Let's not forget how easy it is to be really good when you have a permanent weather ability.

No competitive Ability
No Competitive Ability

I feel like that we would be straying off the path that was given to use if we choose Drought since we aren't trying to make a weather mon with this concept so I think Drought would make it be only used as such and it wouldn't find its true potential.

Initially I was totally uncomfortable with Drought versus Dry Skin for flavour reasons - we'd have a damp-skinned Pokemon that both suffers under sunlight and at the same time can usher it in and benefits from it. Flavour-wise that's nonsense. I overcame that by looking at my art entry and thinking carefully about how that might ever be *plausible* on the same Pokemon, and came up with the idea that whichever art wins, its skin can absorb moisture from the air and bring on a localised drought. I'm now comfortable that several entries in the art thread could do this, and so vote for Drought.

Mario With Lasers

Self-proclaimed NERFED king
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Still not 100% liking the idea, but I dislike even more having only Dry Skin as its ability (too niche) and lol Regenerator. I would never expect it to be slated, but fine I guess

the problem I see with this poll is that the anti-drought people get split voted, causing drought to win. :(
This won't be a problem if the anti-Drought people are more than 50% of the voters, as Drought would then need to win a second poll.
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