Tournament UUFPL II: Birth of Kings and Legends - Commencement & Announcements

:ss/Scyther: :ss/Scizor: END OF SEASON AWARDS :ss/Infernape: :ss/Zarude-Dada:


A huge congratulations from your hosts to everyone on a great season! But a SPECIAL congratulations to the following individuals who won these End of Season Awards, awarded by the two hosts.

Most Valuable Player - Given to the player who performed the best during the Regular Season

Rookie of the Year - Given to a rising UU Star who performed the most outstanding in their first ever UU Subforum Team Tour

Managerial Gold - Given to the manager who was very respected and really got the most out of their team

bb skarm
Most Surprising Player - Given to the player who exceeded anyone's expectations and surprised us all

Heat Creationist - Given to the player who used the most outrageous (but effective) sets during the season. NOT given to a player who used outrageous but bad sets.

Happening Star - Given to the player who was most active and involved in keeping the UUFPL season exciting and engaging for all

Next Player Up - Given to the best bench player/sub during the season

Comeback Superstar- Given to the player who competed in UUFPL last year and had the best increase in results during the season

11th Human - Given to the player(s) who successfully completed the most Bench challenges during the season

Best Utility Player - Given to the player who performed the best in multiple tiers throughout the season

Best SS Player

Best SM Player

Best ORAS Player

Best BW Player

Best DPP Player

hariyana grande
Best ADV Player

Best GSC Player

Best RBY Player


A huge thanks to Gaboswampert for making these amazing works of art and BigFatMantis for taking the time to make these cards!!!



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Aqua Jet

Boogie Time
is a Contributor to Smogonis a Community Contributor Alumnus

pokemonisfun - You're one of my best friends on the site, and I wanted to thank you for all of the support you've given the nuts in all of the oldgen slots. I honestly couldn't have asked for a more experienced and kind player to manage with me for my first time, and I'm very happy it was you. You've helped me grow a lot, both as a person and as a player.
5Dots - I must admit I initially had by doubts, but you were able to surpass my expectations and win key weeks for us. I know you're a much better player then your record suggests, and I expect you to only grow better as a player. Thank you for signing up for this tour and providing us a RBY slot, and I'll miss your presence a lot.

Celebiii - I'm really proud of all you've accomplished, both in this tournament and on Smogon. Even with almost no GSC support, you still went positive in this tournament despite going against many formidable opponents such as Thor. You've always been very positive in the discord, and always went above and beyond when it came to supporting slots that weren't your own.

Elfuseon - I know you're a lot better than your 4-3 record in pools suggests, and I wish you the best in your other tournaments and PSPL.

Fakee - Same as Elfuseon, you're a god at BW and so much better than your record suggests that you are. I'm sorry I couldn't help out more in BW, and I also wish you the best in your other tournaments.

Fc - I can't thank you enough. You carried our team with a mind-blowing 5-1 record in pools and were slotted in almost single week. I really appreciate you playing for us and your friendship with me, as well as your great chat presence. I look forward to hopefully teaming with you in another World Cup, and winning this time.

HaxxLR - I still remember when we first met and you kicked my ass in R1 of the 2021 Open. You're a great player, and have real potential should you keep working hard.

Leafium Z - Stop thotting around. Jokes aside, you were a great chat presense, and were able to sub into a veriety of tiers when we really needed you to. I really enjoyed teaming with you, we should do it again sometime.

Splash - Thank you for singing up for this tournament. You provided really crucial wins in weeks where we really needed them, and were very good at lifting team morale. I'm super glad I got to team with you, and I look forward to playing with you again in another World Cup.

Totomon - Despite not being slotted for a long while, you always provided input on other peoples teams and played a great role in support our SS slots. Without a doubt, you were our teams Dark Horse, and I look forward to hopefully teaming with you again soon.

hariyana grande - You carried our team when we needed wins, and I really appreciate that along with your chat presence. I have no doubt that should you keep working hard and improving you'll get drafted for UUPL next year. You were without a doubt our teams MVP, and I really enjoyed your presence in the discord.

pannuracotta - One of my biggest regrets was not upbidding you, and I was super glad when I found out we were going to be teaming together. You were very good at uplifting people's sprits after a loss, and I thank you for that. I'm honoured to be your friend and I wish you the best in the other tournaments you participate in.

scorbunnys - You were defiantly a sleeper pick and I'm surprised we got you for only 3k. You were able to brake even, even beating Cam in RBY, and I'm really proud of you. Keep playing RBY imo, its a gen that suits your playstyle well. I'm glad we got to team together and I'm sorry you didn't get much playtime.

klamalam - Thank you for joining the cord and supporting our slots even when you didn't have to because I can't do math properly.

Plunder Magnum silver grace style.css torterraxx udongirl - Thank you for joining the Nuts cord, your presences were greatly appreciated. I can't ask for better friends then you all, and I'm glad we could share this experience together.

Sulo - fuck u

We had a great season and I'm sure we would've gone on to win it all had it not been for some unfortunate hax in DPP. I enjoyed teaming with each and every one of you, and I'm certain you all have bright futures in UnderUsed should you try to pursue it. I'm proud to call you all my friends, and if you ever want to play some games or talk just let me know.
Congrats to Silocobra Kai and Diancie is Unbreakable for making finals, I wish you both the best of luck
Thank you for reading and have a nice night
Go Nuts​
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Banned deucer.

pokemonisfun - You're one of my best friends on the site, and I wanted to thank you for all of the support you've given the nuts in all of the oldgen slots. I honestly couldn't have asked for a more experienced and kind player to manage with me for my first time, and I'm very happy it was you. You've helped me grow a lot, both as a person and as a player.
5Dots - I must admit I initially had by doubts, but you were able to surpass my expectations and win key weeks for us. I know you're a much better player then your record suggests, and I expect you to only grow better as a player. Thank you for signing up for this tour and providing us a RBY slot, and I'll miss your presence a lot.

Celebiii - I'm really proud of all you've accomplished, both in this tournament and on Smogon. Even with almost no GSC support, you still went positive in this tournament despite going against many formidable opponents such as Thor. You've always been very positive in the discord, and always went above and beyond when it came to supporting slots that weren't your own.

Elfuseon - I know you're a lot better than your 4-3 record in pools suggests, and I wish you the best in your other tournaments and PSPL.

Fakee - Same as Elfuseon, you're a god at BW and so much better than your record suggests that you are. I'm sorry I couldn't help out more in BW, and I also wish you the best in your other tournaments.

Fc - I can't thank you enough. You carried our team with a mind-blowing 5-1 record in pools and were slotted in almost single week. I really appreciate you playing for us and your friendship with me, as well as your great chat presence. I look forward to hopefully teaming with you in another World Cup, and winning this time.

HaxxLR - I still remember when we first met and you kicked my ass in R1 of the 2021 Open. You're a great player, and have real potential should you keep working hard.

Leafium Z - Stop thotting around. Jokes aside, you were a great chat presense, and were able to sub into a veriety of tiers when we really needed you to. I really enjoyed teaming with you, we should do it again sometime.

Splash - Thank you for singing up for this tournament. You provided really crucial wins in weeks where we really needed them, and were very good at lifting team morale. I'm super glad I got to team with you, and I look forward to playing with you again in another World Cup.

Totomon - Despite not being slotted for a long while, you always provided input on other peoples teams and played a great role in support our SS slots. Without a doubt, you were our teams Dark Horse, and I look forward to hopefully teaming with you again soon.

hariyana grande - You carried our team when we needed wins, and I really appreciate that along with your chat presence. I have no doubt that should you keep working hard and improving you'll get drafted for UUPL next year. You were without a doubt our teams MVP, and I really enjoyed your presence in the discord.

pannuracotta - One of my biggest regrets was not upbidding you, and I was super glad when I found out we were going to be teaming together. You were very good at uplifting people's sprits after a loss, and I thank you for that. I'm honoured to be your friend and I wish you the best in the other tournaments you participate in.

scorbunnys - You were defiantly a sleeper pick and I'm surprised we got you for only 3k. You were able to brake even, even beating Cam in RBY, and I'm really proud of you. Keep playing RBY imo, its a gen that suits your playstyle well. I'm glad we got to team together and I'm sorry you didn't get much playtime.

klamalam - Thank you for joining the cord and supporting our slots even when you didn't have to because I can't do math properly.

Plunder Magnum silver grace style.css torterraxx udongirl - Thank you for joining the Nuts cord, your presences were greatly appreciated. I can't ask for better friends then you all, and I'm glad we could share this experience together.

Sulo - fuck u

We had a great season and I'm sure we would've gone on to win it all had it not been for some unfortunate hax in DPP. I enjoyed teaming with each and every one of you, and I'm certain you all have bright futures in UnderUsed should you try to pursue it. I'm proud to call you all my friends, and if you ever want to play some games or talk just let me know.
Congrats to Silocobra Kai and Diancie is Unbreakable for making finals, I wish you both the best of luck
Thank you for reading and have a nice night
Go Nuts​

go nuts :sob:
Celebiii's UUFPL GSC UU Teams

The Nuts are unfortunately out of UUFPL now. This, however, means I can talk about the teams I used in this tournament, which is something I've been looking forward to doing. Let's get right into it! Click the teams for the pastes.

Week 1 vs. Diophantine AM: Pikachu Bulky Offense

With UUFPL being my first team tournament in which I was a regularly scheduled player (I was in UUPL as well but pretty much as a sub), I wanted to start the season off strong. One trend I have noticed a lot of teams in the tier falling into lately is stacking Water-types, and I wanted to exploit that with some strong Electric offense. Pikachu fit this bill perfectly, and is able to clean up weakened teams with its powerful Light Ball-boosted special attacks and great coverage. The rest of the team fits the standard bulky offense archetype found in GSC UU, and is meant to handle opposing teams as well as possible, dealing damage until Pikachu is ready to clean up, since with Pikachu you are basically playing 5v6 until you bring it out due to its paper-thin defenses. The game itself notably started out with me misplaying Encore due to not understanding its mechanics correctly, but the team performed in the way I wanted it to, and I was happy to have had Pikachu work out as well as it did. The only other thing to note here is that I chose to use Surf > Hydro Pump on this Gyarados for increased consistency, which ended up being OK here but might have cost me in a different match-up where it needed to do more damage.

Week 2 vs. Thepatatedouce: Slowbro Bulky Offense

This week I was very unfortunately unable to play due to personal matters, but I can still talk about the team I had prepared. The team was built around Slowbro and meant to be secure against the major threats of the meta while still having some offensive presence with Scyther. Scyther was given HP Bug since even though the team can take a lot of hits from Psychics, it's not hurting them much back otherwise, especially since Hypno is performing a very supportive role here with dual screens + Psychic + Rest. Queen was also given Lovely Kiss here to help shut things down to help enable Scyther.

Week 3 vs. Lord Thorx: Pikachu Bulky Offense

I reused the Week 1 team here. I tested a lot of teams for this match-up but really wasn't happy with the structures I had come up with, and I didn't think a Pikachu reuse would be expected so early, so I was comfortable bringing this team again, and it worked out.

Week 4 vs. Juno: Feraligatr Bulky Offense

Really wanted to build a Gatr team here because Gatr does something specific but very cool in GSC UU - it basically acts like a faster but weaker Granbull that can hit Grounds super effectively with Hydro Pump. It also notably outspeeds Nidoqueen, so it doesn't have to take a bit from Queen in order to hit it back. Using Gatr means that you open yourself up to other Water-types as well as Electric-types, so I made sure that the team was very secure against these since another Water would be mandated on the team for hazard control. This took the form of 2 Ground types and Hypno + Magneton. Blastoise was chosen over Qwilfish here for the better bulk aiding in dealing with the big 3, particularly with switching into Earthquakes. Post-game, I would change Return to Rock Slide for the better coverage against Flying-types.

Week 5 vs. cherryb0ng: Standard Bulky Offense

Against cherry I ended up going with a very standard build because his scout was all over the place in terms of what teams he had used. I did note that cherry preferred to use Monobull sets and so was comfortable bringing Haunter to deal with Granbull rather than something like Omastar. I also saw that cherry liked to use a lot of Haunter himself, and so brough Pilo and Hypno for it. Finally, I noticed that cherry's teams tend to be pretty weak to Piloswine, so bringing it was a must, and I ended up with a very standard structure. Nothing too interesting here, but it peformed as I wanted it to.

Week 6 vs. Spl4sh: BD Quagsire Offense

Easily the biggest disappointment of the tourney for me. Spl4sh hadn't even signed up for GSC coming into the tournament, and only had one team in the scouter. The scout against Spl4sh's teammate TLTK revealed fairly standard bulky offense teams, so I thought this week I might be able to capitalize on inexperience in the tier by bringing an offensive team to quickly overpower standard-style teams. Unfortunately, I vastly underestimated Spl4sh here, and paid dearly for it after Belly Drumming immediately with Quagsire and losing the game fast when it was immediately attacked instead of getting a free boost. This was a valuable lesson for me in not assuming inexperience in a tier just because a scout doesn't show much. As for the team itself, I think it needs a lot of restructuring, beginning with an alternate lead. I think the offense idea was solid, but the team structure and execution in-game was poor.

Week 7 vs. zS: Thief Lead Electabuzz Offense

This week also appeared to be against someone with little experience in GSC, but I wasn't going to make the same mistake as in the previous week. Scouting vs zS revealed no teams, so I prepared for Spacial's teams instead, since he looked to be the GSC support for the opposing team. I noted that Spacial preferred bulky offense teams that leaned more into the offensive side, and again were quite vulnerable to Electric-types, so I decided to go with a Thief Electabuzz lead to quickly cripple the opposing team and apply offensive pressure fast. The team worked out quite well - fast Electrics rack up another win!

Semifinal Week vs. TLTK: Gligar + Double SD Offense

The final week I played was one I really wanted to bring a double Swords Dance mon team against, since I've had success in the past with such teams. Victreebel and Pinsir pair up excellently for this, pressuring lots of the slower, bulkier metagame together. I was also expecting to face Baton Pass this week since it hadn't been brought against me yet, so I wanted to include Gligar (which ended up being what happened). Gligar also provides critical pressure against Nidoqueen and Scyther, while Magneton paired with Gligar handles basically every Granbull variant. Lead Qwilfish starts offense off strong, and Hypno provides necessary backbone for switching around a variety of threats. This game ended up being a loss against a BP team, despite my prep for it, partially due to a very unfortunate Submission miss by my Pinsir on the opposing Granbull, but overall I am happy with the team and enjoyed using it.

Thank-Yous & Acknowledgements
  • Thank you to Aqua Jet and pokemonisfun for drafting me for the team - I really appreciate the opportunity to play in a team and the trust you put in me to deliver results in GSC.
  • Thank you to hariyana grande for learning GSC and testing teams with me - your support was highly appreciated in building these teams.
  • Thank you to holly , cherryb0ng , Estarossa , and most of all Juno for your support in testing GSC teams with me. The GSC UU community is small, but I'm glad we can depend on each other for support and help in building the best teams we can.
  • Thank you to everyone on my team and in our team's Discord server for your support in showing up to watch my games and cheer me on. Your faith in me helped me to be confident in my building and playing.
  • Thank you to Monky25 and BigFatMantis for hosting this tour - it's been a blast!
  • hariyana grande (again) and Totomon in particular - I'm really happy I got to team up with you two after knowing you in the UU community before this and admiring your skill in Gen 8. Would love to team up with either (or both!) of you again.
  • scorbunnys - I'm really happy you got to put on such a great RBY UU performance. I'm even happier that you were able to do it after having less than a week to learn the tier, and I appreciate you being open to learning all of RBY UU's intricacies. I hope you'll continue to play the tier in the future!
  • Elfuseon You put up a very admirable ORAS performance and took wins over some great players - you should be very proud. Would love to team with you again as well.
  • Fc , Fakee , and pannuracotta - I didn't know any of you at all before this tournament but you all put up spectacular performances. Kudos to all of you.
  • 5Dots , Splash , Leafium Z , and HaxxLR - was good to team with all of you as well, despite not getting to know you as much as some of the others.


dancing to alarm bells
is a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributor
UUPL Champion
Hello. Since SRJ is now out of the tournament I'd like to make an appreciation post for all of my teammates since this was my first team tournament and everyone was awesome to team with.

Amukamara gonna keep it short and quick for you brother. Ty for being a veteran lead on the team and ty for carrying us throughout the tourney. You're truly the goat and would love to play you out of a RoA tour for bw one day. Your team dump got me into the tier so ty for that and being chill. GL in WCOP and DPP PL.

dingbat Ty for keeping the chat booming with your big personality bro. Ik you didn't do as good as you want as you've been memeing about how you did better in UUPL but seeing the flaming pp rise from the ashes at the end of the season along with some pretty clutch wins was a lot of fun. I never sent you those oras replays but I think your attitude towards a tier a lot of people find boring is super inspiring and showed me how to have fun with it so tytyty and good luck in the future.

zS We didn't talk too much till the end of the season but thanks for putting up with my bs DPP takes while I was learning the tier and thanks for letting me go up against my boy in the final week. You're a super chill dude and watching you make teams was always fun. NP TR Slowking was hype af and all your games were always a thrill to watch. Your teams also always gave me a lot of inspo for building outside of the tournament so ty and gl in the future.

crying Also didn't get to talk to you much but I think that's just because you knew what you were doing and had Liam as your bw support which just helped you kill it even more. I'm sure you got some stuff going on past this so gl with that and ty for being a chill teammate who came up big this year.

Luna's Banned now ik drew gave you shit for having the worst record on the team but want to let you know that you're my goat assuming you aren't playing Gorex at 1am (your kryptonite). Bullshitting with you was a lot of fun and I think you're a really funny dude who was willing to banter with anyone on the team. You also might have had the most stacked up matches against you especially cus you don't play adv and ESPECIALLY with them tryout out the new changes. You went through hell and back solo learning the meta shift and coming up with some sick stuff that makes me want to pick up ADV (if the changes go through). Thank you for being an entertaining personality on the team and good luck with UPL and other stuff that I think you're doing.

@ Spacial Don't want to bug you with @'s but if you stumble across this glad to hear you're doing ok bro. You were a blast to have on the team and overall just a really nice dude to talk to and hang out with. GSC also had a pretty cool pool and I think you pulled way more of your weight than people anticipated. I hope whatever is the next chapter in your life is good and brings you joy brother. If you wanna chat or need anything hmu.

Koalacance Our true RBY goat. Ik this season wasn't your season bro but it's all good shake it off! Even though week after week some luck didn't go our way all of us still haven't changed our mind on you and I'm happy we got to team. Even through tilt you prepped every week and tried your best to get the ball rolling and I admire you a ton for that. The luck will only flip from here so gl in your future endeavors and I'll be rooting for ya.

Chaos23333 / Inder / A Hero's Destiny going to do our benched boys all at once (because you're too good and played in uupl). You guys were awesome support who were willing to just jump in at a moments notice. Ik you guys only got to play like 2 games max but it was still fun to talk to you guys and see how you prepped for the weeks you got to play. I'm sure you all got stuff going on as well so gl and I hope you guys have fun with whatever it is that comes next.

Time for my SS babes

Allen-xia GOAT-XIA. You were such a fun teammate to have man. I love all your weird techs and teams that you made. I don't think I'd ever be able to pull off any of them and you did it with such comfort. Your sets also inspired my SS builder a ton and has made me look at the game in such a different way than I did before. I'm so glad I got to team with you and gl in trio tours with drew and pdt along with whatever other tours you decide to sign up for.

haxlolo bro you're so good at videogames it's insane. Thank you for breaking the slot 2 curse crogre and I set upon our team. You 100% deserved that spot and the effort you put in was great. Being able to throw ideas back and forth with you was a lot of fun since you're an easy guy to talk to. You also killed it while balancing trying to qualify for WCOP (next year you got it) and we appreciate you a bunch. Idt we have ever really played eachother for tests or anything so we gotta do a Bo5 or something sometime btw. I think you're still in trio tours so gl with that and I'll be seeing you around the discords so I'm sure I'll find a way to bug you one way or another.

UnzipsCrogre We didn't get to talk much but you were also the first person I got to run tests with on the team. Watching you end with a 2-1 record because of a RBY win into a redemption SS win was so fun to watch I think you shocked the whole team. You also just popped in and randomly handed off teams you were using which was super fun for inspo and you make me want to retry TR teams again. Ik you've been doing suspects but past that gl with your next tours man I'm sure you'll crush it you got so much potential so don't let yourself get slept on.

Ok last but not least, my managers.

pdt you are such a sick manager bro tysm for everything you did. From helping with prep to running QOTD (more like question of the month lol !), you made sure the team atmosphere was always fun to be around and I can't thank you enough. You let me bug you with questions and would give me responses that took you 15 minutes to type out which just opened my eyes to the game so much. You also would rate random teams I'd just throw in the chat which meant a lot to me as one of the first teams I ever got really comfortable with was your spike stack HO team. You're a giant inspiration to me and I know you're gonna be doing big things so gl.

itsjustdrew we got BEEF bro. No one should be allowed to be such a beast of a manager. I think you sell yourself short where you say you couldn't be good help to anyone below gen 7. You were always around for tests, always learning the best way to help your teammates, shared concerns and found help if you felt like you didn't have an answer, AND had an amazing season all on top of that. Thank you for being able to draft me and putting faith in me along with pdt. Thank you for accepting me into the team and let me ask questions regardless of how ignorant they were. Thank you for being a fun, competitive guy that wanted to go and win it all your first year of managing and we were CLOSE bro. Take pride in the hard work you did. You and pdt drafted a goated squad and I wouldn't have traded anyone off it. I'm sure we will be talking in the discords but gl in your other tourneys and next year SRJ has this tournament in the bag.

Finally, BigFatMantis and Monky25 ty for hosting such a goated tournament. You guys popping in and out of our chat was always funny and you guys put in so much work to make the season interesting. You guys are goated with it and it was an honor to be able to play in your tournament. Thank you for hosting and organizing and I hope you guys enjoyed every second of it. Gl in your tours and I'll see you guys around the discord.

This went on way longer than I meant for it to so if you got this far thanks for reading. This was my first team tour and I had a blast so I'll hopefully see you all next year.

(P.S. SRJ fam I have stolen all your teams for my builder hoard :) )


is a Community Contributoris a Top Tiering Contributor
UUPL Champion
Thank you, everyone, for letting UUFPL 2 have such an outstanding season. A special shout-out to Monky25 for co-hosting this with me this year - I would have never been able to have the time to do all the things we were able to do if I didn't have his help and encouragement.

Congratulations to Cam , bb skarm and :silicobra:Silicobra Kai:silicobra: on winning it all! And congratulations to everyone else that participated and had a great season! I have prepared a tribute and HOF video here (if you want to skip the HoF portion you can go to 1:21 to star the tribute):

Until next season!


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