The Simpsons Movie

A friend got me a pass to a screening today. I'll be sure to come back and spoil it for everyone. I just pray that I don't have my hopes set too high.
Oh right, I completely forgot about this... Well, since I crack up every time I hear Ralph singing along with the 20th Century music I guess I really want to see it. It's got 84% on Rotten Tomatoes so I'm pretty sure it's a decent film.


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I'm going to see it with my girlfriend tomorrow/today (Gone 3am here), and I know it can't be bad. It's been years in the making, and they just wouldn't allow possibly the greatest cartoon of all time to have a shit movie. I'll also be picking up my EU versions of Diamond and Pearl as well, let my girlfriend play through Pearl for the most part. I'll do the SRing for Palkia...

But yeah, I'll post my comments on this when I get back.
on a scale of Season Now to Season 5, id say it rates about a "i choo-choo-choose you"
Just saw it. Imagine a 22 minute plot line stretched over 90 minutes.

It's funny though, it still has the same density of jokes.
I'm a huge fan of animated comedys in general, I even put it higher than pokemon on my most fun stuff to do when boered list. I was proud to find out that the longest running animated series of all time got a movie, and francially, I place it alongside transformers on my favorite Blockbusters this summer.
are you guys serious? i thought it sucked =(
Yeah, I agree. There's a few funny moments, but the plotline is stupid and most of the jokes are only worth a chuckle at most. Alot of the jokes weren't even funny anymore after seeing them 1000x in the previews.(spider pig, naked bart, etc.). I'm not saying its horribly boring, I was entertained at some of the parts, it's just...a little dumb and predictable. It's a little over-hyped too, but if you're a true Simpsons fan you'll probably enjoy it more than I did.( I only watch it maybe once every 2 weeks)
aw man I saw that.. The movie was very humorous the simpsons I've always known and loved. I had no problem with it. I heard it grossed $168 million worldwide
Much better than I was anticipating it to be. Although it still wasn't anything special, it seemed like they simply made a joke out of every little event that went around in the scenes. There were a few standout funny parts...if only I could remember them =/
It was honestly a lot worse than I thought it was going to be. The first 30 minutes or so kept me entertained then it all went downhill. I guess it focused too much around the family and not any other characters.
Based on the reviews here, I think I will have to be very, very stoned before I go see this. More so than for when I saw Scooby-Do? Probably not, but we'll see.
I have yet to see this but I've heard good stuff about it. There seem to be a lot of different opinions in this thread though. I probably won't see it till it comes out on DVD anyway, or I'll download it. I hate going to the cinemas, it's a waste of money and you can't take a bong in.


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i seen it yesterday and it not anything spectacular or epic, like the south park movie was. although if this same movie had come out 10 years ago, it would have been a smash hit imo.
I hate going to the cinemas, it's a waste of money and you can't take a bong in.
Quoted for truth. Imagine if movie theatres could sell an overpriced bong/weed combo...they'd make a killing, not only from that, but the sales of drinks and snacks would skyrocket too. Is there really a better place to be high than a cool, dark theatre in front of a giant screen, surrounded by noise and vibration? Hell no, I don't think so.
I didn't really like it that much. Wasn't surprised though, as I noticed that the show has become much less enjoyable for me these past few years, not sure why though.

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