The NU Open V - Round 1

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formerly Leru
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Activity. we originally scheduled for Saturday, but had to postpone it to sunday because I had some issues. On sunday he went offline right before we were supposed to play and didn't come back. I immediatily tried to reschedule, but my oppo seems to be dead.


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Activity I guess. I gave my opp a range of times I'm usually available and never got a concrete answer when he could play. When I replied back asking for a specific time I didn't get a response.


inanod ng mga luha; damdamin ay lumaya.
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(Edit) Played and lost to papai noel in 3 games; GG's.

(1, 2, 3)
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Activity. Opp missed a scheduled time twice, and our timezones don't really match up so I can't really play him another time especially with my brother visiting now.


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Activity. Jabba missed a scheduled time and hasn't replied to irc despite saying he'd be on it. He's been idle for 33 hours now.

I'd prefer an extension cause I think we can get this done, if you could please Kiyo.

Luck O' the Irish

banned in dc
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Activity, I have made my availability clear but as far as I can tell my opp has been online once in the past 2 weeks and then told me he wanted play this weekend, which I can't do.


the cowboy kid
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Note: If your name is italicized it simply implies you played a game of your series but did not complete it. If you completed your game and simply forgot to report the result please contact me immediately so I can take care of it. I've left justification for each decision next to them, if you have disputes contact me immediately.


PrinceLucian vs Yoda2798 neither player requested an extension and communication stopped on tuesday.
LuckOverSkill v H-C communication stopped saturday, neither player made concrete efforts to set a day and time.
NicoReaper vs jacob really shitty scheduling by both, I hate to flip this match but neither has shown great activity since the round was posted and I'm not confident they can get it done.
Infamy vs Shrug I can't find any contact via Vm since they were subbed in, only post was stating that they snapchatted to schedule.
Twixtry vs Level 51 both players are guilty of poor scheduling. Level 51 didn't communicate days to play after twixtry requested, however Twixtry never replied with his timezone or availability and didn't mention he was leaving for vacation on tuesday.
Rumor vs Jayde neither player attempted to schedule via vm, the only communication I've been informed of was an irc log that simply showed rumor asking to play when jayde was online. if either player had attempted to give actual times to play this would be a different story.
Afro Smash vs wisc shitty scheduling by both players, unfortunate I didn't see this match throughout the week.
Berks vs badabing looks like they scheduled a game and either one or both missed it and/or no one reported the result. It could also be that badabing simply deleted his win post instantaneously out of habit
MikeDecIsHere vs Azelea didn't see contact until Friday poor timezones made it difficult for them to communicate but neither came out an suggested dates and times in advance so I don't really have sympathy. vm's imply they may have played a few hours ago, but no one reported a result.
Nudisto v Cicada communication stopped sunday, again neither player attempted to schedule exact time ranges.
Hogg v Ov3r Ac3 no contact since being subbed in on friday (edit: hogg contacted this morning 2 hours before the deadline but thats not exactly sufficient enough to warrant anything)
The Idiot Ninja vs MAlkaviano poor scheduling by both, but malkaviano's was exceptionally poor. neither player attempted to contact past friday.
BigHairyPenguin vs Calloflochie shitty scheduling once again, neither player suggested actual times to play. i'd grant an extension if they stayed active but neither player has communicated since saturday.
BreloomMyHomie vs Clay Johnson they scheduled a game for yesterday which i haven't seen the result from. both have shown equal activity.
Carmina Burana vs Coconut. shitty scheduling by both, haven't heard a report of a match being completed

Activity Wins:

Skyford v 0kay Skyford missed scheduled times, 0kay has shown solid activity.
Take Azelfie vs Xyldaz given the win
Matame vs Sopheon Matame missed a scheduled time and neither player requested an extension.
skrubrekker69 vs Ranger Mike skrubrekker69 has been far more active as far as vm's go and ranger mike appears to have missed a pre-arranged time.
S.J.SAKIB v Accelgor S.J.SAKIB states he contacted, but I don't see evidence of that. However, Accelgor seems to have quit the game so unless he disputes this and intends to play this will stand.
Pak vs Ryoma Nagare mutiple vm's with no reply, made a stronger effort to give actual availability in the first place.
Axel™ v mencemeat Jam's been online since Axel posted trying to schedule a game and didn't reply
ZoroarkForever v Bluwing Bluwing quit
Scalar vs Rhythms Rhythms seems to have quit slam, wish he or his opponent had said something in the thread.
xzern v nonconform nonconform didn't reply to xzerns vm
Iloveleague vs Chill Shadow given the win after scheduling
Finchinator vs Senpai D.M finch did the appropriate run around before being given the win..
bigmidass vs Luck O' the Irish lack of activity and desire to schedule via vm from bigmidass
-Davon vs Mr. Highways according to mr.highways davon wasn't online to play during 3 agreed upon time ranges. neither player communicated after saturday.
Hassin627 vs Aramonia given the win
BlackBird v Holiday opponent never replied to his vm
Leru vs Rattled rattled left immediately before they had scheduled to play on sunday and hasn't replied to leru despite coming on to smogon since
Updated Kanto vs ryan ryan missed a scheduled time and their game hasnt been completed since then


DTC vs Joshz Tentatively playing later today.
Fireburn vs NightFox Subbed late in the round, they look to be playing Friday.
Terraquaza vs Orphic Playing later today.
Hec v Bongi Bongi says he contacted, but I don't see where so I'm assuming it was on PS. This sub was done fairly late in the round so I'm granting an extension. Please get this game done.
SilentVerse vs Eyan I'm a little confused as to the state of this game, Eyan seems to have given SV the win, but also stated that SV missed a scheduled time in the thread. I'll give this game an extension since both of you are active and seem to be available according to your recent vm activity. If you're unable to play within the extension deadline I need confirmation that SV missed a scheduled time as the vm's don't supply that info.
TheGreenScizor v rnbs late substitutions, but please complete your game ASAP
JabbaTheGriffin vs Aberforth extension requested, both players are active to the best of my knowledge
Hairy Toenail vs Haruno playing today
Mix vs Shadestep if this doesnt get done I'm giving mix the win, it seems shade missed a scheduled time and then pushed back scheduling until the deadline. theyre both active and seem to want to play so I'll allow it
Meru v rural tentatively playing on friday, waiting for an exact scheduled time to allow this
rob. vs Mazz playing today
xXEricXx v Marshall.Law both players have been extremely active in vm's it seems there was a miscommunication about timezones today and eric was an hour late. please play your game by the extension deadline or i'll make the activity call.

Extension Deadline will be Sunday August 7th at 8:00 AM GMT-7. Round 2 will be up as soon as I'm done with pairings. I encourage all of you involved to check out this guide to scheduling because honestly most of this was completely atrocious for being an official tournament:

tagging Vinc2612 so he can lock this thread and update the spreadsheet once I finish updating the OP


volition immanent
is a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
we'll play before deadline Kiyo, I am back from vacation and can play any time Mix wants. Mix seems to be very active too so I assume we will get this done asap


is a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
tried to play terraquaza, i said midnight gmt +1, it's now 12:05 gmt+1, i believe he turned up 1 hour early at 11pm my time based on his post on my page, activity i guess? don't wanna be shitty but I thought I had the timezone wrong at first but I'm 100% gmt +1 and it is 100% midnight now and he's not here
rob. missed another scheduled time. I've been waiting for nearly 2 and a half hours. Activity.
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