Sellin Slowpoke Tail

woah, man.

A chance to watch rocket grunt perform, forcefully obtain his autograph, and for only 18 dollars? I'm down.

It could be a random meet-up, but I'm not sure if anyone else was thinking of going...? Speak up if so, I guess.
I think that's the most attention my username has ever gotten, haha. I always enjoy when this thread gets updated. I love Rocket Grunt's art, and he seems like a really cool down to earth person. From what I can tell from over the internet, at least, haha. XD That's really cool that he's in a play, I did a fair few myself.

Rocket Grunt

✁ - - - - - - - - - -
is a Top Artist Alumnus
wow.. thank you so much guys..
this is just a student production i got into through a friend who goes to pace university in new york
it's also ridiculously hot in the theater, so if you go bring shorts because theyre comfy and easy to wear
i'll upload some more pokemon drawings and things when i get a chance, and also update with some more like, life news or some shit
in the meantime here are some photos
bonus points if you can find me in all of these

full cast during the finale at a rehearsal

i love the weird expressions in this one haha

me and the baker singing "no more"

in full costume and acting retarded


tits McGee (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
i dunno rg, i kinda think you should just look like a zombie all the time?
but alive/sane/non-cannibalistic you is just as adorable.
*looks through thread*

marry me

first picture: manbag guy
second picture: manbag guy
third picture: on the right
fourth picture: i can't find you ohnooo
yo rg! I really thought you were the guy in the plaid and green bag...then i realized you were the guy in the black shirt first pic...

if i was gay >:D...XD

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