Search for Yourself

Apparently ten years from now we'll have the technology to live forever by splicing yourself into four freakishly athletic children. Coolbeans.

That's if I use my full first name. If I use the short version this picture from my facebook pops up:


I am a grass-covered car.

Also, this wasn't the first picture, but it was on the first page of results, so...
Why does this guy have to be the first result

Instead of this marvellously-eyebrowed chap

or this intriguing gal

Also apparently if I use my full name I will become a picturesque landscape

also itt i find out rodan's real name

This was also on the first page, apparently after I turn into Canada Dry loving freak, I turn into a guy...with an unusual style of fashion


Hmmm. Apparently, I become the complete polar opposite of my current ethnicity and become SVP of one of the largest financial institutions in the US.

Since everyone is an SVP in a financial institution, I will not stand out as a scapegoat for the people. I am OK with this.

It was certainly better than everything else that was on the first page. I don't want to be some meteorologist's map or a graph for that matter :/


I'm prolly the bottlenose dolphin sliding on the whale (I will avoid sliding on fat people in the future).

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