Tournament PUBD I - Semifinals [Tiebreak at post #28]

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PU but blind!
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:sandaconda: Sneaking Sandacondas (5) vs (5) m.A.A.d city Magbys :magby:
SV: Beraldo vs Feliburn
SV: gum vs Floss
SS: sensei axew vs DugZa
SM: MZ vs robjr
ORAS: tko vs yandaud
BW: Feaniix vs LpZ
DPP: Meru vs Drud
ADV: Bouff vs JabbaTheGriffin
GSC: BeeOrSomething vs corvere
RBY: gastlies vs NotVeryCake

:komala: The WOKE Komalas (3) vs (6) Menceganiums :meganium:
SV: ishtar vs DripLegend
SV: asa vs Larry
SS: zS vs Punny
SM: PTF vs sugar ovens
ORAS: Aberforth vs avarice
BW: EviGaro vs Dj Breloominati♬
DPP: Alkione vs hariyana grande
GSC: Estarossa vs BloodAce
RBY: Teh vs Sabelette

The deadline for this round is Sunday, March 24th at 11:00 PM GMT -4.

:sandaconda: Sneaking Sandacondas (0) vs (0) m.A.A.d city Magbys :magby:
SV: Beraldo vs Feliburn
SV: gum vs Floss
SS: sensei axew vs DugZa
SM: MZ vs robjr
ORAS: tko vs yandaud
BW: Feaniix vs LpZ
DPP: Meru vs Drud
ADV: Bouff vs JabbaTheGriffin
GSC: BeeOrSomething vs corvere
RBY: gastlies vs NotVeryCake

:komala: The WOKE Komalas (0) vs (0) Menceganiums :meganium:
SV: ishtar vs DripLegend
SV: asa vs Larry
SS: zS vs Punny
SM: PTF vs sugar ovens
ORAS: Aberforth vs avarice
BW: EviGaro vs Dj Breloominati♬
DPP: Alkione vs hariyana grande
GSC: Estarossa vs BloodAce
RBY: Teh vs Sabelette
Last edited:


formerly Melt Gibson
is a Forum Moderator
not dicts this time! manager shoutouts!

i wanna say as a general blanket statement that i'm so thankful for this opportunity and everyone on the team who came together to make it work. we were right in it until the very end and i'm so proud of you all for not giving up. good luck in the future, and hopefully i'll see you next year!!

in pricelist order

Fc sorry you didn't do as well as you probably would have liked :( i'm glad we managed to pick you up though, teaming with you is always a good time.


never forgetting this though!

Tack you pulled through so hard, godspeed and enjoy getting sloshed tonight. def a few moments where you had me looking at the screen wondering what the fuck you were doing but you won when it mattered so cheers. may have deadgamed last week but you went positive in my heart.

Taka my goat. my uufpl assman. my bax bro. THE our original plan for the draft on SV was always to get a mainer and a clicker, and by god you clicked buttons. i hope you got the practice for slam that you wanted and i hope you're satisfied with your record even though what it says on the sheet looks worse than how you played.

Slowbroth man i'm so sorry that this is probably gonna be how you find out we didn't make playoffs LMAOOOO. you fought so hard though, building and testing with you was, as always, an absolute joy. i convinced bella you would x-1 in a tough ass pool and you did! THE adv pu goat, no contest.

Eve I'm sorry we didn't get to let you play too much! a little less sorry since you put me into a 300 turn hell the first time we played a test game, but still. i hope you had a good time regardless and that next time you get drafted to a team that can make better use of your skillset.

phoopes AYYYYYYYYY my man, went positive in a tier known for jank that also had a stacked as fuck pool. the haters may have doubted you but i never did, godspeed to you.

vani how the fuck did we get you for only 9k? how the fuck did you go 4-1 in a tough as shit pool? thank you for the carry, you kept us in the game more than you know, sorry we couldn't get another ring together after snake.

BigFatMantis thank you for stepping up to the plate and making an attempt at dpp after we worked kenny to death, you're a class act and having you on the team was a pleasure, sorry we didn't get to slot you in a tier you actually had experience in.

mkizzy we kinda threw you to the wolves in dpp and yet you tried so, so hard to make the magic happen. almost went 3-1 in a tier you barely had experience in and that's crazy, even if the sheet says otherwise you did great and i'm so so proud of you.

Leni you got games done and tried your best to swim in what was admittedly a pretty rough pool this tour. thanks for coming along for the ride :) (just please let me know what you're doing in prep beforehand next time!)

Aurist man, you got robbed. i know i've said it to you a million times in a million places, but i am so so sorry we ended up drafting you onto a team that was already full up on ADV and GSC talent. really hope you get an opportunity to show everyone how good you are at oldgens soon. your SV matchups were also really tough, gum into floss is no cakewalk and you tried really hard to make the best of it. proud of you, glad we got to team together, hope it happens again under better circumstances :)

TONE thank you for trying! sorry that you didn't get to put one on the board, but thanks for being a good sport about it and still supporting the team as much as you could. hopefully you get a chance to redeem yourself soon.

zoowi i was grinning so hard when we put you in week 3, against one of the strongest sv slots in tour at the time, and you showed up and won. cutting avarice's streak off was such a high moment for us this season and it couldn't have happened without you! really hope you get a good team for pupl this year and don't have another season like we did on twinks.

Alice Kazumi the ORAS secret weapon! haters abounded. "who is Alice Kazumi?" was everywhere. and then you went 3-0. your energy was infectious, your cheerleading and playing definitely kept the vibes up a good bit on the team and was a crucial part in us sticking together until the very end. enjoy the undefeated record, slugger.

Ampha to anyone who is a manager or prospective manager in a tour where this guy is signed up: DRAFT. HIS. ASS. i am not exaggerating in the slightest when i say this guy was the glue that held us together. scouts for every single slot every single week, ready to sub when we needed it, and put up one hell of a fight when we put him in for SM against a really tough pool. that 0-2 record on the sheet does not reflect the amount of effort he put in for us. god bless man, hope you get a chance at something better soon.
This is not a GSC PU matches prediction post but I just feel like I wanted to write this one and post it here. This is more like an analysis to help those who are watching the GSC PU games to have a different perspective and I guess deeper understanding on the tier.

They faced each other just this week 5 so what happened in that game will probably be lingering. Corvere’s team folded to Hydro Pump Seadra after Hitmontop and Flaaffy got chipped both by Bee’s elekid. Tbf Flaaffy is already an iffy check versus Seadra because aside from it being slower, Hydro Pump could 2hko (80% chance iirc) and Hitmontop at like below 80% HP would get 2hkoed too. Magcargo and Noctowl are also good entry points for Seadra and Corvere’s seaking isn’t the resttalk set so I guess Bee had a better team that also made it hard for corvere to play. After vani’s Noctowl sweep in w2, corvere has been bringing normal resist in which in the first two weeks, there are no rock types while bringing rhyhorn in week 4 and magcargo in week 5 (week 3 I faced LpZ so I didn’t really scout corvere before so it was interesting to check out the earlier week games). Corvere has also brought abra which did good versus Esta and Golbat in which it helped in that same game as it is spikes-immune unlike moth. There are also murkrow and a delibird usage so it is interesting if corvere will bring up a new mon for this semi-finals match. In general, corvere’s teams seem to rely on winning resttalk mirrors match-up especially with the Flaaffy vs its checks. Menceganiums also has lpz so as a team, they may come up with something to either overwhelm in the teambuild, prepare the opening lines to take a lead, and execute a strategy to satisfy the GSC PU enthusiasts.

On the other hand, Bee is really tough to outwit in building as he really would try to have a team that won’t auto-lose to a mon. When I played vs bee, I prepped too much for seadra with sunflora + drowzee and I didn’t use magcargo so omanyte it is. But all of these mons are kinda passive and the progress will only be felt when like resttalk or a damage move runs out of pp. I threw away my elekid too early too and my hitmontop’s lefties got thief’d. I left with omanyte trying to fish frz but yeah no frz happened. Drowzee and moth got checked by owl and the plays mainly revolved around these mons. Anyways, versus esta, it was a great display on how threatening seaking sd resttalk set where magcargo eventually got overwhelmed (and ran out of resttalk pp too) and esta also spent many resources during that game to scout that seaking too since it could had surf too. Vs bloodace, it was bee’s turn to face the resttalk seaking set in which bee had no elec on his team so it led to seaking vs noctowl. Eventually, noctowl got too low on HP so it ended with venomoth sweeping bee’s remaining mons which are hitmontop, machoke, and sunflora. Hax aside, that game looks intricate too to me because there are touch and tactical glimpses of complicated possible lines aside from the positioning to hasten the progress. Bee has been using the common mons but bee could bring up something new and that’s something to look forward to.

This happened in w2 and it was also a nice game as the team estarossa used involves mons he usually spams. The elekid + sneasel as seadra checks, golbat, and spikes. Bloodace even managed to take out sneasel so the back seadra almost did the work here. Ponyta got para’d so it didn’t managed to hypnosis elekid although it really wasn’t revealed if esta is using resttalk that time so that part was kinda shaky to determine the best play. Spikes also did its work as it limits Bloodace’s switching plus golbat’s whirlwind made it hard indeed to play around esta’s mons but it was nice to see ponyta and koffing that game though.

I faced esta week 1 so at that time I had no idea on what to expect and I misplayed and threw my magcargo thus esta’s ponyta swept my team. Aside from vs Bloodace, esta also didn’t have a rock versus vani while the rest of the games had magcargo or rhyhorn. Esta also has staryu, gastly, and nidorino usage. Another noteworthy I guess is the zero noctowl and murkrow usage aside from the 100% delibird usage this tour. This may have been the reason why corvere brought abra vs esta w4 and even have fire punch expecting esta’s main check is sneasel. Esta also has no grass mon usage and mainly has elekid as its elec check. This is why I think bee managed to punish esta’s teambuilding pattern because that was the week is the only week that esta didn’t use elekid in this tour. It is really interesting on how would Bloodace approach this match.

When trying to understand Bloodace’s gamestyle for this tour, I mostly focused on the team because I figured the reason why Bloodace had like timely positioning midgame is that it depends on the team. So when I prepped, I choose a mon in which I picked noctowl. Don’t be deceived of the only 1 rock usage this tour though as Seadra has been his answer. I really expected seadra of that 100% usage in this tour before my game. Despite knowing that though, I figured that noctowl should make progress and I’ll handle seadra with my 2 elecs. Yes, I had two elecs that game. I just didn’t revealed Flaaffy because it wasn’t needed that game. I got away with Elekid surviving versus Hitmontop but like Elekid’s Psychic has been critting all this tour long. I remember seeing vani and bee elekid also did crit in a game in this tour. The tricky part in prepping too is that Bloodace also use a variety of mons like voltorb and abra.

I guess I already took too much but I hope this helps for some others to understand on what’s going on not only in the game but also in the preparation part of this tier. I expect new mons to show up, maybe someone will dare to baton pass with aipom, eevee, and/or ariados., and by the way I think I like Furret back :v (Venomoth, Seadra, Elekid, Hitmontop, Seaking, Noctowl, and maybe some others are looking to be more problematic to be all checked in the builder and Furret’s centralization might have been nice despite me just looking to cheat out the teambuild with that).


I'm the truth only time will teach ya
is a Site Content Manageris an official Team Rateris a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Contributor to Smogon
PUPL Champion
not dicts this time! manager shoutouts!

i wanna say as a general blanket statement that i'm so thankful for this opportunity and everyone on the team who came together to make it work. we were right in it until the very end and i'm so proud of you all for not giving up. good luck in the future, and hopefully i'll see you next year!!

in pricelist order

Fc sorry you didn't do as well as you probably would have liked :( i'm glad we managed to pick you up though, teaming with you is always a good time.

View attachment 616505

never forgetting this though!

Tack you pulled through so hard, godspeed and enjoy getting sloshed tonight. def a few moments where you had me looking at the screen wondering what the fuck you were doing but you won when it mattered so cheers. may have deadgamed last week but you went positive in my heart.

Taka my goat. my uufpl assman. my bax bro. THE our original plan for the draft on SV was always to get a mainer and a clicker, and by god you clicked buttons. i hope you got the practice for slam that you wanted and i hope you're satisfied with your record even though what it says on the sheet looks worse than how you played.

Slowbroth man i'm so sorry that this is probably gonna be how you find out we didn't make playoffs LMAOOOO. you fought so hard though, building and testing with you was, as always, an absolute joy. i convinced bella you would x-1 in a tough ass pool and you did! THE adv pu goat, no contest.

Eve I'm sorry we didn't get to let you play too much! a little less sorry since you put me into a 300 turn hell the first time we played a test game, but still. i hope you had a good time regardless and that next time you get drafted to a team that can make better use of your skillset.

phoopes AYYYYYYYYY my man, went positive in a tier known for jank that also had a stacked as fuck pool. the haters may have doubted you but i never did, godspeed to you.

vani how the fuck did we get you for only 9k? how the fuck did you go 4-1 in a tough as shit pool? thank you for the carry, you kept us in the game more than you know, sorry we couldn't get another ring together after snake.

BigFatMantis thank you for stepping up to the plate and making an attempt at dpp after we worked kenny to death, you're a class act and having you on the team was a pleasure, sorry we didn't get to slot you in a tier you actually had experience in.

mkizzy we kinda threw you to the wolves in dpp and yet you tried so, so hard to make the magic happen. almost went 3-1 in a tier you barely had experience in and that's crazy, even if the sheet says otherwise you did great and i'm so so proud of you.

Leni you got games done and tried your best to swim in what was admittedly a pretty rough pool this tour. thanks for coming along for the ride :) (just please let me know what you're doing in prep beforehand next time!)

Aurist man, you got robbed. i know i've said it to you a million times in a million places, but i am so so sorry we ended up drafting you onto a team that was already full up on ADV and GSC talent. really hope you get an opportunity to show everyone how good you are at oldgens soon. your SV matchups were also really tough, gum into floss is no cakewalk and you tried really hard to make the best of it. proud of you, glad we got to team together, hope it happens again under better circumstances :)

TONE thank you for trying! sorry that you didn't get to put one on the board, but thanks for being a good sport about it and still supporting the team as much as you could. hopefully you get a chance to redeem yourself soon.

zoowi i was grinning so hard when we put you in week 3, against one of the strongest sv slots in tour at the time, and you showed up and won. cutting avarice's streak off was such a high moment for us this season and it couldn't have happened without you! really hope you get a good team for pupl this year and don't have another season like we did on twinks.

Alice Kazumi the ORAS secret weapon! haters abounded. "who is Alice Kazumi?" was everywhere. and then you went 3-0. your energy was infectious, your cheerleading and playing definitely kept the vibes up a good bit on the team and was a crucial part in us sticking together until the very end. enjoy the undefeated record, slugger.

Ampha to anyone who is a manager or prospective manager in a tour where this guy is signed up: DRAFT. HIS. ASS. i am not exaggerating in the slightest when i say this guy was the glue that held us together. scouts for every single slot every single week, ready to sub when we needed it, and put up one hell of a fight when we put him in for SM against a really tough pool. that 0-2 record on the sheet does not reflect the amount of effort he put in for us. god bless man, hope you get a chance at something better soon.
s/o Slip for helping my ass in this tier :pmd/combusken:
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