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If it's fake that means the Chauboo art is fake, which means the page with Aloe is fake, which means the page with Dento & Friends is fake, which means the page with the Monkeys on it is fake.
No, just the page with their typings, names, and info. The evos are still real, but the typings might be different, and what The King of Harts said is a possibility to why 'Chauboo' is listed as good to use against Aloe.

I mean come on, that page is obviously fake.

Ok but still. Its normal type. And bulls and bisons are similar animals. They look alike. Same nose, body structure, legs, and similar colors. Plus they're both angry-like pokemon. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Bison are much more calm and relaxed.
Maybe... but maybe Bafrollo is angry for the animal it's based on being hunted to extinction.
Which is entirely possible, right?
If those are all fake, then all the scans are fake. Which, while always possible I suppose, is a ridiculous amount of time & effort needed to:
-Draw up all the Pokemon in that style (even if based on Pokexerpto's descriptions and so on)
-Draw up some sprites
-Put together battle shots
-Write up believable information on them
-Format them so they look believable

And do this again and again for like 12 pages.

The fake magazine "scans" from last month took like half a month to make, and that was just two pages (well, 4 total, but by different people) and still had style errors.

After a certain point, why even bother?
No, just the page with their typings, names, and info. The evos are still real, but the typings might be different, and what The King of Harts said is a possibility to why 'Chauboo' is listed as good to use against Aloe.

I mean come on, that page is obviously fake.

So how did the faker get the art, then? It's exactly the same on both pages, but this is the first the CoroCoro has leaked.
As interesting (and baffling, since it's clearly based on a wrestler) as that would be, it doesn't really mesh with what melkor has said.

And, you know, the other scan that says its Fire/Fighting.
I'm baffled everyday as to why Gyarados is part Flying even though he doesn't fly, and yet there are Pokemon with wings that aren't part flying. Also, didn't Melkor say Shikijika didn't evolve? (serious question)

Which scan? The CoroCoro or the insert one? I'm still a bit iffy on the insert for various reasons, but I'm pretty sure on the CoroCoro.
So how did the faker get the art, then? It's exactly the same on both pages, but this is the first the CoroCoro has leaked.
He could've ripped it off the other page that it's on.

But ok, then can you explain why all of the pages are numbered the same EXCEPT for these two pages?
I didn't mean that its angry. Its just one of those pokemon that tends to seems a litle meaner than others: zangoose, mighteyena, vigoroth, charizard, plusle.
LOL, was not serious.

Anyways... it probably goes without saying, but in all this hullabaloo, I'm hoping for a physical Hidden Power to just creep in and go "BOO!" for lulz.
I'm baffled everyday as to why Gyarados is part Flying even though he doesn't fly, and yet there are Pokemon with wings that aren't part flying. Also, didn't Melkor say Shikijika didn't evolve? (serious question)

Which scan? The CoroCoro or the insert one? I'm still a bit iffy on the insert for various reasons, but I'm pretty sure on the CoroCoro.
Well, in the manga he does this weird swimming in midair crazy thing >_> Kinda looks like he's flying...
He could've ripped it off the other page that it's on.

But ok, then can you explain why all of the pages are numbered the same EXCEPT for these two pages?
Ripped it off the page, and then managed to fix it up so words weren't covering it so he could more easily place it into his fake scan?

Just how long do you think he had this CoroCoro? 4 days is pushing it as is, but it would probably take a while to fake a scan like that.

AND EVEN MORE MEANWILDER if they made a point to showcase Chaobuu that probably means he is showcased properly later/earlier in the magazine, right? So if this scan is fake then where is the "real" scan and why hasn't it popped up yet? How can every other single scan be there except that one?
Are you joking? Not only is Bug a suprisingly decent typing (nice resists to ground and fighting) but electric pairs with it almost flawlessly both offensively and defensively. The reason bug seems so poor is because half of them have really low Base Stats and/or are part Flying.

Resistances: Fighting, Electric, Steel, Grass
Weaknesses: Rock, Fire

Granted, it's weaknesses are Prominent types, but so are it's resistances, and it has twice as many of them. Bug and Electric also complement eachother very well offensively, Bug hits the Grass types that resist Electric which in turn hits the Flying and Steel Types that resist Bug. Plus, Denchura will have a 91% Accurate STAB Thunder to abuse. With the right stats, I think it could easily be OU or high UU.
I was replying to the theorymoning if he had spider web/baton pass in his movepool but okay...

Anyways it really just depends on his stats.
Ripped it off the page, and then managed to fix it up so words weren't covering it so he could more easily place it into his fake scan?
Not as hard as you seem to think it is. People do it for anime pictures all the time, with much more difficult overlays.

There is more evidence against the idea that its fake, than there is for the idea that it is fake.
Not really. The only evidence that it's not fake is "Well, it looks too professional" and "Why would they show Porcon2 if they don't have details for him". I'd say there's about equal levels of conjecture either way, and with no actual proof coming up of where it's from that brings its validity into doubt.
He never said that.
Alright, thanks. I saw people earlier saying that he had said it and it sounded familiar, so I just went with it.

Why does Gyarados need wings to be a flying type? Rayquaza says oriental dragons say hi.
I always thought those rectangle-things Rayquaza has were his wings, or at least acted as wings. Gyarados, on the other hand, doesn't have ANYTHING that could possibly be wing related.

And if Gyarados was based off of oriental dragons I'd be OK with it, but he's not. I'll believe Rayquaza is an oriental dragon before I believe Gyarados is.

*waits to be proven wrong about Gyarados*
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