Most danger you've been in

For whoever lives in florida, central to be exact, there was a shooting in downtown lakeland yday night. One of the suspects was send to lakeland regional and escaped, and this morning around 6-7am i went to let me dog out and seen a weird makeshift tent on my back porch. Looking closer there was a dude in there, my aunt called the cops and within like 20 seconds there were 5 cops at my house, maybe 100 in the neighborhood. The dude took off to the lake and got scooped up by a couple undercovers. The title may be autistic but anyone ever have dangerous ppl in their vicinity, or "scary" ppl
I think the most dangerous situatiom I've ever been in was a split second one, and it had nothing to do with someone near me. I went black bear hunting with my dad twice, with some of his friends coming along one of those time. Now, ignoring that these 2 hunting trips had specifically 2 of the most funnily idiotic moments in my entire life, (remind me later to talk about those)(thread maybe?)(idk what the thread would be) it also featured the moment here. I was real young, so we had brought along my little cricket gun, not so much an actual gun as just an airsoft gun but with actual bullets. It's not gonna kill you on the spot but hit someone in the head and they aren't gonna be doing so hot. Anyways, we were setting up for one of the future funny moments when I decided to take this little cricket gun and shoot it at a rock. My dad apparently noticed me aiming at the rock and tackled me to the ground after I shot, during which I heard a sorta... ping of sorts. The sorta ping you get when, oh, I don't know, a small bullet bounces off of a rock, back towards whoever shot said bullet. I swear to god I heard a whistling noise after that ping, but that could just be my mind exaggerating it due to how I could've accidentally gotten myself injured because I shot a rock. Not sure though. Definitely the most danger I've been in. (I think I have an idea for that thread, gonna cook that up later today)(if I can remember)
Most dangerous situation I've ever been in - flight got canceled at midnight out of Dallas, Texas to a small regional airport where I was going to school. I had school at 7:30 the next day and I had to make it before then (zero miss tolerance, government work). So I got a rental at 1 am and got there at 6am. I probably hit the rumble strips no fewer than 5 times. It was an incredibly stupid situation, and likely the worst night of my life


Trial by fury
is a Top Team Rater
Oh boy, I have some cool ones, idk what's the worst one so ill just write some of the ones that I can remember

survived an 8,2 scale ritcher earthquake and a 7,4 the day after that

I once got almost run over by a car because he sped through red light while I was in green, so I dodge him by little

a guy with a metal pipe wanted to kill my brother because my brother refused to pick up something the other guy dropped. I don't know the exact context, but it was something stupid, the other guy was a marine, the military here in general are drug addicted assholes with firearms. I basically came in just in time to defuse the fight, my brother and I would have probably killed the guy if I came a little too late

on a camping night in a forest side of the country, we once got ambushed by a horde of chickens, good thing they weren't aggressive, but they had the number advantage

I'm sure I have some more, but that's all I can remember now, please give me wows
4 mass SHOOTINGS within 5 blocks Of my Place of residence within a one Year window.

xD american facism
there was a ig mass shooting a couple blocks from my house, was a driveby with i think 5 injured, which is crazy bc i been down that road a lot to get my fat ass to kfc.

" a guy with a metal pipe wanted to kill my brother because my brother refused to pick up something the other guy dropped. I don't know the exact context, but it was something stupid, the other guy was a marine, the military here in general are drug addicted assholes with firearms. I basically came in just in time to defuse the fight, my brother and I would have probably killed the guy if I came a little too late " when i was in highschool the class burnout was at the gas station right outside my school and attacked some guy with a machete over drugs

There was also some meth head who was naked in a lake and got attacked by an alagator, a while later cops from the same naked dude in the same lake looking for revenge.
I was a kid and my family and I were at a funeral. I don't think I ever met the person who the funeral was for, some relative that was very far removed. Stupid uncle got drunk there and when we decided to leave and stood on the parking spot by our car, my uncle got a few millimeters off from running me down. My parents blamed me but I stayed right by the car and you wouldn't expect some drunk mad man to drive around a parking spot full speed. Uncle never apologized to me. Never liked him to be honest

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