Modern Warfare 2 - Multiplayer Discussion

LMGs with good iron sights imo are the MG4, L86 (hard to use) and the M240. Pretty much all the fast firing and low power ones, and the L86 I guess.
Just started this whole Quick Scoping trend. It's fun, I have to say, but I'm still getting the hang of it. I'm messing around with the ACOG right now, so it's technically not Quick Scoping, but it's still extremely fun.
I've been loving the striker.. even though SPAS is better

I tried G18 Akimbos... my goodness... so strong, although it takes a lot to kill and i run out of ammo and often miss triple/multi kills.

Gonna try ACR tomorrow, coz my connection sucks as the day goes on.
I just stick with M4A1 and upgrade it as I go. I was thinking about whipping out the M16 but my PS3 got the YOLD. I went to the UPS Store and shipped it to Asurion yesterday.
Does anyone use the ACR? I personally do well with it, but others say it's bad. Does this every happen to you guys? A gun is good for you, but for another person it sucks. Or vice versa.

Also the M16. When I first got it, it only took one burst to kill. Now it takes 2 or 3 :/ Anyone have the same problem?
ACR is a gun without recoil and very low power. If your going to use it, it needs stopping power.

That is why it does not kill in 1 burst from any sort of range.
Connection also plays a big part in bullet damage/registration. Silencer only lowers damage on Sniper/LMG's but it does make the damage drop faster over a longer range and thats the M16's problem against the FAMAS.

With Stopping Power on it's still doing 42 damage per shot from any range (30*1.4), so it's always a one burst kill regardless.

The only reason people aren't getting one burst kills is because one of the shots must be missing. If that's the case then people should be running Holographic Sight instead of the RDS, due to the Holo making the grouping on the bursts less spread out (There's a video on YouTube somewhere that I think was posted on here a few pages ago actually).

I'm gonna start testing out the LMGs on here in the hope that they're as good as they are on Battlefield. Does anyone know an LMG that doesn't need a sight on it? (I want to use a Grip + Sleight of Hand) I know there's the RPD, but I feel really cheap using that. If not I guess i'll have to use the RPD.
Holographic also adds damage to the gun (I take all my gun information from a CoD Nerd, So I believe his knowledge to be truthful) but Holo is the way to go on an M16.

rds- 10 kills
silencer - 25 kills
grip - 75 kills
fmj - 150 kills
holo sight - 250 kills
extended mags - 400 kills
Touche fink

M16 needs Holographic and stopping power. The red dot sight is a bit off.

The ACR is probably the best gun in the game especially with stopping power and a silencer. It has no recoil.
Actually, I don't think the ACR is the best assault rifle let alone the best gun in the game.

UMP45 w/ stopping power takes 2 bullets short/mid range and 3 bullets Long Range to kill someone.

Anyone that plays on the 360:

Put in 5M9G1A and your e-mail, free 1 month. =]

1 per IP Address.
This actually legit? I'm without CoD for the now and when I finally get wireless back in my house my GT would've run out :D
Find a way to change your IP and you should be able to net possibly many months or years worth of XBL. Like what Firestorm did, that abusive person.
I knew it added damage to the FAL, but I thought it was also added to the M16? Hmm maybe I took what he said in the wrong way then :P
Can't believe i even played this game. OK maybe a bit dramatic but I just got BFBC2 and im extremely impressed the game is incredible. Its way more realistic there is no lag and tactics take presidence over anything else.

The game relies heavily on team work so add me if you are GMT or EST and we'll hopefully have a couple of games.

Seriously annoyed i missed out on the the free membership offer. Regardless thanks to Firestorm for posting.
well if someone randomly runs past you and you got holographic on it follow that person only happens sometimes though
That's actually not exclusive to Holographic Sights, that shit messes me up even with iron sometimes. I see a guy so instinctively I try to follow him only to have the aim assist follow him as well and cause me to shoot ahead and have to readjust (or flat out miss). Very annoying but maybe some people benefit from it?


(Virtual Circus Kareoky Act)
I may be crazy but I am fairly certain you can turn aim assist off.
edit: ya you can
been using:

Primary: UMP 45 w/ Rapid Fire
Secondary: Spas 12 w/ Red Dot Sight

Perk 1: Marathon Pro
Perk 2: Cold Blooded (working on pro. my first time using the perk)
Perk 3: Commando Pro

A nice all purpose class imo. I dismantle snipers on wasteland ect with this. Of course it's the most effective close up, but I've enjoyed it and have gotten a few AC130s today with it :3.
Has anyone seen the trailer for the new map pack? I looked at it and the thing that jumped out to me was that knifing looks pretty solid on Salvage
The fact that the map pack is $15 is bullshit. The online play in this game is total garbage, it's so full of bullshit and barely anything has been done to fix it up. There was entire page in Game Informer this month bitching about it too. Under normal circumstances, $15 wouldn't be bad; this game (and series overall) has a lot of prestige, so charging that much is a smart move as the extra $5 isn't breaking the bank. But god damn do they have their priorities backwards. The player base is dwindling because of the state of online play (though probably not enough to really affect anything but regardless...) and this price gouge makes absolutely no sense. It took no effort on IW's part to import 2 maps (and maybe do a few polishes), so that barely has any impact on pricing. So what we're really paying for is 3 maps...for $15 dollars...for a game with shitty online play...and you're forced to have it to play online (from what I've seen anyways). On the bright side, I've needed something to force me to stop picking this game up and this is perfect for that.

I'm ranting, yes. I think what they're doing is total ass. I'm not buying the pack, not to try and protest anything, because it's a horrible deal for a terrible game (I've already sold it once...). I'll wait until its on sale with Deal of the Week before I even consider getting it, or maybe if they fix the online play to make it worthwhile (and from what I can see they're making the pack required, so I'll have no way of knowing).
The fact that the map pack is $15 is bullshit. The online play in this game is total garbage, it's so full of bullshit and barely anything has been done to fix it up. There was entire page in Game Informer this month bitching about it too. Under normal circumstances, $15 wouldn't be bad; this game (and series overall) has a lot of prestige, so charging that much is a smart move as the extra $5 isn't breaking the bank. But god damn do they have their priorities backwards. The player base is dwindling because of the state of online play (though probably not enough to really affect anything but regardless...) and this price gouge makes absolutely no sense. It took no effort on IW's part to import 2 maps (and maybe do a few polishes), so that barely has any impact on pricing. So what we're really paying for is 3 maps...for $15 dollars...for a game with shitty online play...and you're forced to have it to play online (from what I've seen anyways). On the bright side, I've needed something to force me to stop picking this game up and this is perfect for that.

I'm ranting, yes. I think what they're doing is total ass. I'm not buying the pack, not to try and protest anything, because it's a horrible deal for a terrible game (I've already sold it once...). I'll wait until its on sale with Deal of the Week before I even consider getting it, or maybe if they fix the online play to make it worthwhile (and from what I can see they're making the pack required, so I'll have no way of knowing).

I have the Map Pack, only because my younger brother plays with his friends, so he bought it anyway, but there is no way I was gonna go paying £10 for 3 maps and 2 remakes.

Not only that, but there were problems before people were even able to play on the new maps. There needed to be a title update first of all and the maps didn't work until then.
Now that it is possible to play the maps, the only option you get is "Stimulus" and "Hardcore Stimulus" on the matchmaking screen, which is just mosh pit but only on the 5 new maps. So in an attempt to learn how the new maps play out, to see where the high traffic areas are etc, I'm forced into a game of Search & Destroy / Demolition and have no option but to rage quit off.

Meanwhile in other news, the BFBC2 map pack went out at midnight and went fine ;)
I really wish I could play this game without my Xbox freezing. Just finished a game where i went 64-14 on Overgrown HQ, and my Xbox froze so I didn't get any of the EXP. Happens to me probably every other game.

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