Multifaction/FFA Meta Circus Mafia - Reign of the Walrus

Approved by Shade

Blazade is cohost - please add myself and them to all discords/conversations/sheets

As the sun rose 3 factions emerged from their parents basements to duke it out. In one corner, the Mafia Faction stormed through, attempting to keep their strong arm on the circus. While the hipster kids, the Other Games faction stopped doing cat reveals to defend their tastes. Finally, the Tabletop faction rolled poorly and failed a diplomacy check so now they are here.

tl;dr: This is a 15 person multifaction with 3 public, uniformed factions. The Mafia faction, the Other Game faction (read: Walrus) and the Tabletop faction.

This game uses a unicycle format. 72 hours for C0, 48 for the rest.

In this game, information is everything. Being able to acquire it and protect your own is what's going to keep you alive. Furthermore, results may be intentionally false and the hosts may lie to you so the wise will trust their gut as much, if not more than what they get in results.

Primary Mechanic
For this game information is key, there are 4 major pieces of information: smogon username, alias, role name and faction. In order to use a faction kill, players must submit an alias as well as two of the other three pieces of information (two of faction/Smogon Username/role name) + alias for the kill to work.

For example, if you wanted to kill player A, you would submit: Faction kill Player A, role name: Dead Person, Faction: Dead memes

In addition, when choosing a target for night actions, you may submit any amount of the other 3 major information pieces beyond what is required. It is public knowledge that there may be roles that punish you for not having all 4 key pieces of information attached to actions.

If an action fails, you will be notified as such, but not why it failed.

If an action has a limited use, or a cooldown and it fails, the game proceeds as if that action had been used and the use will be expended or the cooldown applied.

Faction Kills
Each faction has a faction kill they can use once every 2 cycles (so one time during cycles 1 and 2, once during cycles 3 and 4, so it is possible to use a kill cycle 2 and cycle 3 in that fashion). If more than one person attempts to use the kill, it will fail.

Fake Claims
In this game, certain players may be provided with safe fake claims in their role PMs. Provided with these safe claims are the win condition and any relevant faction information that the role would obtain if real. If you do not have a safe-claim, you may request one for a particular faction, but know that all of the best ones are already taken.


Each of you has an alias in addition to your role. This alias acts as an identity. Most actions in this game target aliases rather than users. When you lynch, you will vote to lynch an alias rather than a user. Please bold your lynch vote if you want it to be counted. At the end of each cycle, the aliases that voted for the day's lynch will be revealed in alphabetical order. Tie votes result in no lynch. There may or may not be effects which alter the vote total, and I will not reveal true vote counts. All aliases and roles will be randomly assigned.

Role PMs/Game Etiquette:

You may not copy and paste the full text of your role PM. You may not share screenshots of any kind. You may not add people to game related conversations without the consent of everyone currently in it (including me). You may not attempt to impersonate other users. You may paraphrase your role PM, describe flavor and abilities in your own words, copy/paste your win condition or role name verbatim, or fake logs with anyone. I reserve the right to make any assessment with regard to game ethics.

Add me to all Smogon Conversations related to this game that you create. Invite me to all discord servers, and all sheets (

Game Progression:

This game will be in Unicycle format. While typically lynch votes are cast during the day and roles are used during the night, we combine day and night into one cycle. You will cast a lynch vote for the cycle while submitting the action in your Role PM. First, the person with the most votes will be lynched, then "night" actions will resolve, players receive results, and the next cycle begins. With the exception of Cycle 0, all cycles will be 48 hours-ish.

Death and Communication:

This is an Outside Communication game, you may speak at any time in any venue, but we recommend finding players in #circus on the Social Forums Discord (ask if you don't have this). When you die there will be no way to revive you, and you will no longer be able to talk to living players about the game.


To win each faction must eliminate all other factions


Is set before the game. You may ask me about priority, I will probably not answer.

Player list


1. Aura Guardian - Mafia 1/2 full inspector + reflexive invest + ability borrow
2. Ditto - Mafia ability cop + 1/2 freezer
3. Earlio - Tabletop bg + information disruptor
4. Flyhn - Tabletop full inspect + Aliases swapper
5. Gale Wing Srock
6. Granny Pie - Other Games Mayor inspector thing
7. Hitmonleet - Tabletop google sheet + alias manipulator
8. ItzViper482 Haruno
9. Martin
10. MoodyCloud - Director + one time real announce trick
11. mxmts - Tabletop persuader + priority lower
12. Paperblade - Other Game martyr + rouge and 1x paranoia
13. Shubaka
14. XnadrojX - Tabletop tracker, silencer and faction backup
15. zorbees - Watcher + every 3 cycle vig

Boring and Uninspired

Dead Mafia
Free Real Estate
Goblin Arrows
League of Legend
No Weebs Allowed

Philosopher's Stone
Rock Paper Scissors
The Thing
Very Gewenty
Wayne Bradierest
World War 1

Sub List
1. Lord Gaius
2. Haruno
4. TonitheTourguide
5. DLE
6. Jalmont
7. Ullar

Role Pms going out now. Please do not start until they have all been sent.
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If you are in this game please contact me on discord especially if you are part of the Other games faction. Sorting out our means of cleaning people while keeping aliases and rolenames hidden is our objective right now. I am also interested in getting diplomatic relations with other factions online asap so feel free to drop me a message.


A monoid in the category of endofunctors
is a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
Yeah I'm having a p. hard time knowing who to contact and abt what so just anyone itg contact me plz either via discord or via smogon. Same kind of objectives as Moody; just looking to work out who I can trust and who I can't trust.
As the dawn rises and the bloodshed begins, it seems like someone has decided they have better things to do. League of Legend is missing.

Otherwise, all results are out

It is now Cycle 1, this will end in ~48 hours on 11/16 at 6:30 pm pst (9:30 pm est)

Kills are now active. Each faction has one faction kill to use between Cycle 1 and Cycle 2.


A monoid in the category of endofunctors
is a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
Still open for anyone to contact me; if I appear offline on Discord still do contact me and I'll reply whenever I get back on.

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