League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Just played a bot game with Elise. She's really fun but has a huge skillcap. It definitely seems like she'll be best in the jungle due to how fast she can clear camps in spider form.

Edit: Only problem I have with Elise is she talks way too much in the login screen.
Amumu is so ridiculously strong right now. It doesn't matter if you get counter jungled and your lanes all lose early game. As long as your team doesn't give up and makes it to late you always have a chance. Currently 26 and 10 with him 1674 elo. Even without knowing what the jungle remake will be like im pretty sure amumu will still be really strong no matter what
Amumu is so ridiculously strong right now. It doesn't matter if you get counter jungled and your lanes all lose early game. As long as your team doesn't give up and makes it to late you always have a chance. Currently 26 and 10 with him 1674 elo. Even without knowing what the jungle remake will be like im pretty sure amumu will still be really strong no matter what
I'm 11 and 2 with Amumu and am currently sitting at 1680. He's really strong.
no question about frost and sword. xenics, im not so sure they are on par. they are a really great team but something about them in their recent performances has felt off. i think its cornsalad tbh, i dont think hes adapting well to the current midlane meta. his assassin play is really his trademark stuff, but ori, anivia, and karthus are kinda just too powerful not to use them right now. though in the xenics game vs. shield today cornsalad did draw a ban for his kass, xenics couldn't capitalize off it like some other teams could since cornsalad isnt particularly strong in any of the op mids atm.

shield has been performing exceptionally as of late in the IPL qualifiers and have earned their place atop tier 2. in fact if we are saying xenics is tier 1 then i would put shield there too.

blaze is no doubt weaker since losing reapered. they will make it though group stage fine but could very well see a Ro8 exit. also apparently koreans only play kog and ezreal now, which i feel works against jack. i guess the kog love atm is because -50% attack speed from ez doesnt really do much late game when you're rocking +200% or more, but the kog lane is always against like ez sona or ez zyra. which leads to a really binary lane chemistry where one side always wants to aggress and the other always wants to stay back and farm, that seems to hurt adcs and supports who are particularly skilled and could otherwise outplay the opponent in an even lane. ofc with the ez nerfs next patch we could very well see the return of the graves dominated korean meta, which would favor jack a lot.

despite being an lg im fanboy i have to admit they havent been performing like they did in their team op days. unlike blaze though, i think the lg im team swaps will leave the team a lot stronger. cornsalad never really fit top lane and him moving to xenics was good move for all parties. i really glad that lilac is back top now because he works so much better by himself in lane and tbh he didnt really fit with paragon. paragon is way to passive a player to work with lilac. lg im should also try to avoid 2v1s as much as possible since those lanes are naturally aggressive for the ad and support which places paragon out of his comfort zone and constricts what lilac is able to do in lane. in one of their ipl qualifier matches they tried putting jarvan with blue 1v2 but blue buff ended up just being a huge please 3 man dive me sign. ring is super solid and mid king needs no words.

:heart::heart::heart: a lilac :heart::heart::heart:

i have to disagree with you about mvp whites placement though, they seem significantly worse than all the other teams you listed for tier 2. i dont know if you've seen stuff from them that i havent but every match ive seen from mvp white they've lost, and they were kind of stomps too.

if anything i would switch CJs and whites placement on the tier list. im not sure since i dont remember the names exactly but i think CJ has had some roster changes since ogn fall ( the guy pictured for ad carry in their most recent tourny is a lot fatter than i remember the ad carry in ogn fall being), either way their games in the ipl qualifiers have shown a lot of improvement in the team.

i dont really know about the rest... mvp blue and GSG (apparently RoMg?) were kind of pushover teams last ogn but apparently qualified again so we'll see. i have no idea where people have seen Rolster play before or why they are rating them so highly, except that Rolster is a BW team but that doesnt really mean shit.
However, after five straight ranked wins, I am now sitting at 1851 as the third smogoner to hit platinum :D
Congratulations to both you and ipl! Your rivalry is too cute; I expect big things in s3~ Race to platinum, pt. ii.

Interesting contributions @ alive and Thorns. Don't really have anything to contribute to the discussion, but I watched the last two OGN seasons and enjoyed them; I don't think I was even level 30 in spring, but, especially after the s2 championships, I'll try to pay better attention this season (if the free stream is watchable...). Looking forward to it, particular some cool things from NaJin Sword.
yi is so op riot pls nerf this champ

he moves really fast, and swings really fast

look at this opness, how is this balanced


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