Know who you're voting for in the republican primary; I do!!


(Virtual Circus Kareoky Act)
EDIT: Randomly asking, Shiny Tyranitar, but are you Greek? I only ask because you used a semicolon as a question mark in the thread title, and as far as I know, only the Greek language does that.
That's not why he's using the semicolon.
VKCA, how is he using it, then? Afaik, it's the only way the sentence is grammatically correct.

Unless he's telling us to know who to vote for and saying he does as an anecdote.


(Virtual Circus Kareoky Act)
VKCA, how is he using it, then? Afaik, it's the only way the sentence is grammatically correct.

Unless he's telling us to know who to vote for and saying he does as an anecdote.
Rhetorical question?
I don't know maybe it's grammatically incorrect.
He's just not using it as a question mark, he's just using the semicolon as a segue to his 'I do!!'
(incidentally I always thought segue was spelt segway)
My god, her eyes are manic. She looks as insane and bitchy as she actually is in reality.

VKCA, you're probably right. He's most likely stating an imperative with an anecdote stating he's already done the imperative (command, for all non-Grammar Nazis.)

And it's an easy mistake to make: after all, the scooter is spelt Segway and has the same pronunciation.


mitt game strong
is a Three-Time Past WCoP Champion
hes reaching out to his pokemon playing voterbase.

Herman cain on terrorism:

protect the world from devastation

Herman Cain on education:

You teach me and I'll teach you

Herman cain on Immigration:

Gotta catch 'em all

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