Monotype Jellicent (Ghost)


God jihyo
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Because of its great typing and massive special bulk, Jellicent finds itself the premier special wall on every balanced Ghost team. Its Water typing in conjunction with its massive bulk allows it to sponge many Water- and Fire-type moves. Jellicent is also able to take on many defensive threats such as Chansey and Toxapex by using Toxic and Taunt. Alongside this, access to Water Absorb gives Jellicent a useful Water immunity, allowing it to avoid Scald burns. However, while Jellicent's Special Defense may be great, its Defense leaves it open to physical attackers and wallbreakers, and its Speed leaves it vulnerable to stallbreakers such as Mew and Heatran, which lock it into Scald with Taunt and cripple it with status moves or Knock Off. Despite all its defensive traits prowess, Jellicent is very passive, which is why it does not fit onto more offensive Ghost teams.

name: Utility
move 1: Taunt
move 2: Scald
move 3: Toxic
move 4: Recover
item: Leftovers
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe


Taunt gives Jellicent the ability to break past bulky defensive Pokemon by removing their ability to recover and use status moves. Scald prevents Jellicent from being complete Taunt bait and can be used to fish for burns. Toxic puts bulky Pokemon such as Chansey and Mantine on a timer and is used in conjunction with Taunt in order to stallbreak. Recover is Jellicent's only form of reliable recovery and is used to heal off damage whenever Jellicent gets worn down.

Set Details

Maximum investment in HP and Special Defense along with a Calm Nature allows Jellicent to act as a special wall. 4 EVs are put into Speed in order for Jellicent to outspeed and use Taunt on walls with base 60 Speed such as Swampert, Empoleon, Porygon2, and Clefable. Water Absorb can be used to avoid Scald burns by absorbing Water-type attacks. Leftovers provide Jellicent with longevity, preventing it from being worn down too fast.

Usage Tips

In order to preserve momentum, send Jellicent out against special attackers and switch it out from predicted switches. Be careful of using Taunt when there is a wallbreaker on the opposing side, as doing so may freely invite a foe such as Meloetta or Tapu Koko in. Use Taunt and Toxic to wear bulky Pokemon such as Chansey down. Always keep Jellicent healthy so that it can switch into attackers and wall them more easily. Switch Jellicent out in order to scout for Toxic, as being poisoned hinders Jellicent's ability to act as a wall and forces it to switch out in order to keep healthy. If a physical attacker is on the opposing side, try going for Scald instead of Toxic in order to burn it. Try not to stay in on Pokemon that carry Knock Off such as Mew and Shuckle, as losing Leftovers will result in Jellicent being worn down faster.

Team Options
Mega Sableye is a great team option for Jellicent because of its ability to take Ghost- and Dark-type moves such as Knock Off, its ability to bounce back entry hazards and status moves, and its ability to burn and cripple physical attackers with Will-O-Wisp and Knock Off. Mega Sableye can be thrown in front of physical attackers because of its higher Defense stat. Gengar can absorb Toxic Spikes for Jellicent, is able to knock out many Grass-types with Sludge Wave, and also appreciates Jellicent's ability to pivot and take attacks. Mimikyu knocks out Dark-type Pokemon for Jellicent such as Mega Sableye and Mega Sharpedo, and uses Jellicent's Toxic in order to wear the opposing Pokemon down enough for a KO. Gourgeist-XL is another partner for Jellicent for its high Defense and ability to take Electric- and Grass-type attacks directed at Jellicent. Jellicent can also take Fire- and Ice-type attacks, such as Alolan Ninetales's Blizzard and Volcanion's Fire Blast for Gourgeist-XL, making them an adequate defensive core. Dhelmise appreciates Jellicent's ability to take Fire and Ice attacks. Alolan Marowak is another great partner for Jellicent because of its defensive typing and ability, being able to absorb Electric-type attacks with Lightning Rod. Its wallbreaking potential also allows it to deal with Mega Venusaur, Alolan Muk, and Ferrothorn for Jellicent, while Jellicent can take Water-type attacks for it. Alolan Marowak sets up Stealth Rock, which Jellicent can take advantage of because of the switches it forces. Alongside Dhelmise, Gourgeist, or Alolan Marowak, Jellicent forms a powerful core due to their combined resistances.

Other Options

Acid Armor can be used to make up for Jellicent's lackluster Defense, but it is only consistent against hyper offense teams. Will-O-Wisp can be used to cripple physical attackers, but many other Ghost-type Pokemon such as Mega Sableye and Gourgeist-XL make better use of it. Also, Toxic is also mandatory for stallbreaking. Jellicent can consistently set up Trick Room with it's huge bulk and recovery; but it cannot make use of Trick Room itself because of how passive it is, it has to switch out in order to prevent wasting Trick Room turns.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-types** Grass-type Pokemon such as Tapu Bulu, Breloom, and Mega Venusaur can all wear down or knock out Jellicent with their Grass-type attacks.

**Electric-types** Electric-type Pokemon such as Tapu Koko and Alolan Raichu threaten to knock Jellicent out with their STAB attacks.

**Dark-types** Dark-type Pokemon such as Mega Sharpedo and Hydreigon take threaten to knock Jellicent out with their STAB moves.

**Knock Off** Knock Off not only deals a lot of damage to Jellicent, but it also removes Leftovers, resulting in Jellicent being worn down much more easily.

**Physical Attackers** Jellicent's low Defense means physical attackers such as Mega Lopunny and Dragonite take advantage of Jellicent's low Defense and threaten to badly damage it with their physical attacks. However, most of them hate switching into Scald in fear of getting burned.

**Wallbreakers** Wallbreakers such as Mega Gardevoir, Kyurem-B, and Meloetta tend to break past Jellicent using their strong attacks.

**Stallbreakers** Stallbreakers such as Mew and Swords Dance Gliscor use Taunt to lock Jellicent into Scald and cripple it with Knock Off or Toxic.

**Status** Status effects such as burn and poison wear Jellicent down. Toxic forces Jellicent to switch out to keep itself healthy, and burn cancels out Leftovers recovery.
Last edited:
Please use the proper formatting for sets. I've done it for you here:

name: Utility
move 1: Scald
move 2: Toxic
move 3: Taunt
move 4: Recover
item: Leftovers
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe

- You can merge these three lines:
* Jellicent is a nessecity on balanced Ghost teams because of its defensive typing and high special bulk, allowing it to serve as the premier special wall.
* Because of its Water typing, Jellicent helps immensely in the Water and Fire matchups.
* With its high special bulk, it can switch into many special attacks for the team, and even some super effective attacks such as Magearna's Thunderbolt or Greninja's Dark Pulse.

252 SpA Life Orb Greninja Dark Pulse vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Jellicent: 203-242 (50.2 - 59.9%) -- 78.9% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
+1 252 SpA Magearna Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Jellicent: 204-242 (50.4 - 59.9%) -- 84% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Questionable examples. Can you find better ones?

- w.r.t. stallbreaking, surely you mean Taunt along with Toxic.
- Don't bother mentioning Cursed Body. It's terrible.
- The line about stacking a Dark weakness is useless.
- These three lines should be reworked together:
* Although it has high special bulk, Jellicent's Defense is considerably low, so try not to switch it in on physical attacks.
* Jellicent is very passive and can be beaten by stallbreakers, faster defensive threats, and Knock Off.
* Jellicent is easily taken care of by wallbreakers, especially ones that take advantage of its low Defense.

- Talk about how its Speed makes it vulnerable to stallbreakers and its poor Defense makes it weak to physical wallbreakers. Being passive is a separate idea and is why Jellicent only fits on non-offense teams.

- No reason not to use 252 HP.
- Mention that 4 Speed EVs are used to allow Jellicent to outspeed and Taunt other base 60 Speed walls, such as Swampert, Porygon2, and Empoleon.

Usage Tips:
- I don't agree with Mega Lopunny and Tapu Bulu being examples here. Neither switch into Scald comfortably.
- You're assuming the presence of Mega Sableye. Instead, simply say to switch out of Toxic because it would cripple Jellicent's ability to wall and stallbreak.
- Don't mention Cursed Body.
- Talk about using Recover often to scout but also make sure Jellicent is healthy enough to switch into attacks.
- Definitely need to mention pivoting Jellicent in on special attackers and out on predicted switches to keep momentum and what not.

Team Options:
- Also note that Mega Sableye beats many stallbreakers.
- Mega Charizard Y and Kyurem-B are pretty bad examples for Gourgeist-XL (must use "-XL" by the way) seeing as they destroy Jellicent after it switches in.
- Talk about Stealth Rock support from Alolan Marowak, which helps punish the switches that Jellicent easily forces.
- No Dhelmise or Decidueye? You have Gourgeist-XL but not them...
- Talk about the power of the Fire / Water / Grass core explicitly.
- Mimikyu to check Dark-types?

Other Options:
- Not "Type One". Say "Ghost".
- Note that many of Jellicent's teammates make better use of Will-O-Wisp than it does. Toxic is necessary for stallbreaking.
- You should still explain that Jellicent is the most reliable defensive Trick Room user with recovery.
- Cursed Body is awful. Remove.

Checks and Counters:
- Again. "Ghost" not "Type One".
- Electric-types?
- Mention that physical attackers hate switching into Scald and fear the burn.
- Stallbreakers?

QC 1/3


God jihyo
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Please use the proper formatting for sets. I've done it for you here:

name: Utility
move 1: Scald
move 2: Toxic
move 3: Taunt
move 4: Recover
item: Leftovers
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe

- You can merge these three lines:
* Jellicent is a nessecity on balanced Ghost teams because of its defensive typing and high special bulk, allowing it to serve as the premier special wall.
* Because of its Water typing, Jellicent helps immensely in the Water and Fire matchups.
* With its high special bulk, it can switch into many special attacks for the team, and even some super effective attacks such as Magearna's Thunderbolt or Greninja's Dark Pulse.

252 SpA Life Orb Greninja Dark Pulse vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Jellicent: 203-242 (50.2 - 59.9%) -- 78.9% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
+1 252 SpA Magearna Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Jellicent: 204-242 (50.4 - 59.9%) -- 84% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Questionable examples. Can you find better ones?

- w.r.t. stallbreaking, surely you mean Taunt along with Toxic.
- Don't bother mentioning Cursed Body. It's terrible.
- The line about stacking a Dark weakness is useless.
- These three lines should be reworked together:
* Although it has high special bulk, Jellicent's Defense is considerably low, so try not to switch it in on physical attacks.
* Jellicent is very passive and can be beaten by stallbreakers, faster defensive threats, and Knock Off.
* Jellicent is easily taken care of by wallbreakers, especially ones that take advantage of its low Defense.

- Talk about how its Speed makes it vulnerable to stallbreakers and its poor Defense makes it weak to physical wallbreakers. Being passive is a separate idea and is why Jellicent only fits on non-offense teams.

- No reason not to use 252 HP.
- Mention that 4 Speed EVs are used to allow Jellicent to outspeed and Taunt other base 60 Speed walls, such as Swampert, Porygon2, and Empoleon.

Usage Tips:
- I don't agree with Mega Lopunny and Tapu Bulu being examples here. Neither switch into Scald comfortably.
- You're assuming the presence of Mega Sableye. Instead, simply say to switch out of Toxic because it would cripple Jellicent's ability to wall and stallbreak.
- Don't mention Cursed Body.
- Talk about using Recover often to scout but also make sure Jellicent is healthy enough to switch into attacks.
- Definitely need to mention pivoting Jellicent in on special attackers and out on predicted switches to keep momentum and what not.

Team Options:
- Also note that Mega Sableye beats many stallbreakers.
- Mega Charizard Y and Kyurem-B are pretty bad examples for Gourgeist-XL (must use "-XL" by the way) seeing as they destroy Jellicent after it switches in.
- Talk about Stealth Rock support from Alolan Marowak, which helps punish the switches that Jellicent easily forces.
- No Dhelmise or Decidueye? You have Gourgeist-XL but not them...
- Talk about the power of the Fire / Water / Grass core explicitly.
- Mimikyu to check Dark-types?

Other Options:
- Not "Type One". Say "Ghost".
- Note that many of Jellicent's teammates make better use of Will-O-Wisp than it does. Toxic is necessary for stallbreaking.
- You should still explain that Jellicent is the most reliable defensive Trick Room user with recovery.
- Cursed Body is awful. Remove.

Checks and Counters:
- Again. "Ghost" not "Type One".
- Electric-types?
- Mention that physical attackers hate switching into Scald and fear the burn.
- Stallbreakers?

QC 1/3
made changes, thanks eien! oh I removed the entire part about Greninjas dark pulse and magearnas thunderbolt because i couldnt find any better examples.
made changes, thanks eien! oh I removed the entire part about Greninjas dark pulse and magearnas thunderbolt because i couldnt find any better examples.
These two would probably work for you:
+1 252 SpA Volcarona Giga Drain vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Jellicent: 176-208 (43.5 - 51.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
0 SpA Venusaur-Mega Giga Drain vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Jellicent: 134-162 (33.1 - 40%) -- 24.5% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

Other example changes seem okay, but it was just a brief glance.

In Team Options, should also add Mega Sableye can take Ghost- and Dark-type attacks and Gengar is a great check to Grass-types.


God jihyo
is a Tutor Alumnusis a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Former Smogon Metagame Tournament Circuit Champion
These two would probably work for you:
+1 252 SpA Volcarona Giga Drain vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Jellicent: 176-208 (43.5 - 51.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
0 SpA Venusaur-Mega Giga Drain vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Jellicent: 134-162 (33.1 - 40%) -- 24.5% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

Other example changes seem okay, but it was just a brief glance.

In Team Options, should also add Mega Sableye can take Ghost- and Dark-type attacks and Gengar is a great check to Grass-types.
implimented changes thanks
* Water Absorb gives Jellicent the ability to absorb Water attacks, while Cursed Body gives it a chance to disable attacks, allowing it to be a nuisance to Pokemon carrying Choiced items.
- Remove the mentioning of Cursed Body, you're likely using Water Absorb for the most part and since it's basically removed from the analysis, there's really no point in mentioning it anyway. Just expand more on Water Absorb.

* Toxic wears bulky Pokemon that do not faint to Scald down.
- I'd reword this, it sounds odd. As stated above, Jellicent is passive so it would always want to go with Toxic over Scald against bulky Pokemon something like, "Toxic puts a timer on bulky Pokemon to wear them down easier." Maybe give some examples.
* 4 Speed EVs are used in order to outspeed base 60 speed walls such as Clefable, Porygon2, Swampert, and Empoleon.
- This is supposed to be moved down to Set Details.

Usage Tips:
* Be careful of using Taunt when a wallbreaker is on the field, as using Taunt may invite one such as Meloetta or Tapu Koko in safetly.
- Wha? Don't you mean when your opponent has a presence of a wallbreaker on their team? I'm 100% sure that people wouldn't be going for Taunt when there's a wallbreaker sitting in front of Jellicent ready to KO it.
* Keep an eye on Jellicent's HP so that it can switch into attacks confortably. Use Recover to scout for incoming attacks, most notably Choiced attackers.
- Nitpicking, it should stay healthy at all times so you can continue switching in Jellicent to tank special attacks.

Team Options:
* Mega Sableye pairs well with Jellicent as it can absorb Dark and Ghost type moves while bouncing back hazards and status, while also defeating most stallbreakers by using Magic Bounce to reflect Taunt and the status wallbreakers usually carry.
- Knock Off support is always good as well as sponging Knock Offs for Jellicent. Will-O-Wisp support for Jellicent to take physical attacks better.
* Gourgeist-XL's Grass typing allows it to take Grass and Electric moves, and also serves as a physical tank, covering up Jellicent's low Defense. Gourgeist also covers Jellicent's Grass and Electric weaknesses quite well, and can use Jellicent to take those attacks. Jellicent can also switch into Fire and Ice type attacks for Gourgeist-XL, such as Alolan Ninetails's Blizzard or Volcanion's Fire Blast.
- Repetitive when stated in the first sentence already.
* Mimikyu is a great teammate for Jellicent, as it can defeat Dark type Pokemon such as Mega Sharpedo or Mega Sableye.
- Talk about how Toxic can assist Mimikyu in getting KOes easier, especially when it's running Swords Dance.

Checks and Counters:
- Please make sure these are all in complete sentences. **Word**: then the continuation of it isn't correct.
**Grass types** such as Tapu Bulu, Breloom, or Mega Venusaur can all KO Jellicent with their STAB Grass type attacks or wear Jellicent down using Sludge Bomb or Giga Drain.
- Giga Drain didn't wear down Jellicent. Sludge Bomb does that and mention specifically that Mega Venusaur is the one wearing down Jellicent with the move.
**Stallbreakers** use Taunt to lock Jellicent into Scald and cripple Jellicent with Knock Off or Toxic.
- I would add some examples. Swords Dance Gliscor for example can beat it.
**Toxic** wears Jellicent down, forcing it to switch out more often to keep itself healthy.
^ - Honestly I feel like this should be removed since you mentioned this in the Stallbreaker section already. If not change, then keep it separate and name it status and add burns to it since it cancels out its Leftovers recovery.

QC 2/3


God jihyo
is a Tutor Alumnusis a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Former Smogon Metagame Tournament Circuit Champion
* Water Absorb gives Jellicent the ability to absorb Water attacks, while Cursed Body gives it a chance to disable attacks, allowing it to be a nuisance to Pokemon carrying Choiced items.
- Remove the mentioning of Cursed Body, you're likely using Water Absorb for the most part and since it's basically removed from the analysis, there's really no point in mentioning it anyway. Just expand more on Water Absorb.

* Toxic wears bulky Pokemon that do not faint to Scald down.
- I'd reword this, it sounds odd. As stated above, Jellicent is passive so it would always want to go with Toxic over Scald against bulky Pokemon something like, "Toxic puts a timer on bulky Pokemon to wear them down easier." Maybe give some examples.
* 4 Speed EVs are used in order to outspeed base 60 speed walls such as Clefable, Porygon2, Swampert, and Empoleon.
- This is supposed to be moved down to Set Details.

Usage Tips:
* Be careful of using Taunt when a wallbreaker is on the field, as using Taunt may invite one such as Meloetta or Tapu Koko in safetly.
- Wha? Don't you mean when your opponent has a presence of a wallbreaker on their team? I'm 100% sure that people wouldn't be going for Taunt when there's a wallbreaker sitting in front of Jellicent ready to KO it.
* Keep an eye on Jellicent's HP so that it can switch into attacks confortably. Use Recover to scout for incoming attacks, most notably Choiced attackers.
- Nitpicking, it should stay healthy at all times so you can continue switching in Jellicent to tank special attacks.

Team Options:
* Mega Sableye pairs well with Jellicent as it can absorb Dark and Ghost type moves while bouncing back hazards and status, while also defeating most stallbreakers by using Magic Bounce to reflect Taunt and the status wallbreakers usually carry.
- Knock Off support is always good as well as sponging Knock Offs for Jellicent. Will-O-Wisp support for Jellicent to take physical attacks better.
* Gourgeist-XL's Grass typing allows it to take Grass and Electric moves, and also serves as a physical tank, covering up Jellicent's low Defense. Gourgeist also covers Jellicent's Grass and Electric weaknesses quite well, and can use Jellicent to take those attacks. Jellicent can also switch into Fire and Ice type attacks for Gourgeist-XL, such as Alolan Ninetails's Blizzard or Volcanion's Fire Blast.
- Repetitive when stated in the first sentence already.
* Mimikyu is a great teammate for Jellicent, as it can defeat Dark type Pokemon such as Mega Sharpedo or Mega Sableye.
- Talk about how Toxic can assist Mimikyu in getting KOes easier, especially when it's running Swords Dance.

Checks and Counters:
- Please make sure these are all in complete sentences. **Word**: then the continuation of it isn't correct.
**Grass types** such as Tapu Bulu, Breloom, or Mega Venusaur can all KO Jellicent with their STAB Grass type attacks or wear Jellicent down using Sludge Bomb or Giga Drain.
- Giga Drain didn't wear down Jellicent. Sludge Bomb does that and mention specifically that Mega Venusaur is the one wearing down Jellicent with the move.
**Stallbreakers** use Taunt to lock Jellicent into Scald and cripple Jellicent with Knock Off or Toxic.
- I would add some examples. Swords Dance Gliscor for example can beat it.
**Toxic** wears Jellicent down, forcing it to switch out more often to keep itself healthy.
^ - Honestly I feel like this should be removed since you mentioned this in the Stallbreaker section already. If not change, then keep it separate and name it status and add burns to it since it cancels out its Leftovers recovery.

QC 2/3
made le changes

Its Water typing in conjunction with its massive bulk allows it to sponge many attacks in the Fire and Water matchups, and even some super effective attacks such as Mega Venusaur's Giga Drain.
- Just say 'Fire- and Water-type moves'..
Alongside this, access to Water Absorb gives Jellicent a useful Water immunity, healing a little bit of health every time it is hit with a Water attack, allowing it to serve as a wincon against Water.
- Most of it seems unnecessary and sounds weird, that's hardly the purpose of Water Absorb.


- Re-order them in the same order they're listed in the set.

Set Details

Water Absorb gives Jellicent the water immunity it needs to sponge many Water attacks, restoring its HP in the proccess, and can be used to avoid Scald burns.
- I doubt there are many Water-type attacks which it needs Water Absorb to sponge, the main point is avoiding Scald burns.

Team Options

Dhelmise can take advantage of the Trick Room that Jellicent sometimes sets, and appreciates Jellicent's ability to take Fire and Ice attacks for Dhlemise.
- The team options are for the utility set above and that doesn't have Trick Room so remove the mention of that.

QC 3/3


God jihyo
is a Tutor Alumnusis a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Former Smogon Metagame Tournament Circuit Champion

Its Water typing in conjunction with its massive bulk allows it to sponge many attacks in the Fire and Water matchups, and even some super effective attacks such as Mega Venusaur's Giga Drain.
- Just say 'Fire- and Water-type moves'..
Alongside this, access to Water Absorb gives Jellicent a useful Water immunity, healing a little bit of health every time it is hit with a Water attack, allowing it to serve as a wincon against Water.
- Most of it seems unnecessary and sounds weird, that's hardly the purpose of Water Absorb.


- Re-order them in the same order they're listed in the set.

Set Details

Water Absorb gives Jellicent the water immunity it needs to sponge many Water attacks, restoring its HP in the proccess, and can be used to avoid Scald burns.
- I doubt there are many Water-type attacks which it needs Water Absorb to sponge, the main point is avoiding Scald burns.

Team Options

Dhelmise can take advantage of the Trick Room that Jellicent sometimes sets, and appreciates Jellicent's ability to take Fire and Ice attacks for Dhlemise.
- The team options are for the utility set above and that doesn't have Trick Room so remove the mention of that.

QC 3/3
implimented le changes


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I changed the thread to copyediting for you, but in the future when the thread is in GP please change the tag to copyediting so QC members know.


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C&C Leader
amcheck, this is not an official check unless stamped by a member of the GP team, but feel free to implement what you agree with.

add remove comments


Because of its great typing and its massive special bulk, Jellicent finds itself the premier special wall on every balanced Ghost team. Its Water typing in conjunction with its massive bulk allows it to sponge many Water-(AH) and Fire-(AH)type moves. Jellicent is also able to take on many defensive threats such as Chansey and Toxapex with Toxic and Taunt. Alongside this, access to Water Absorb gives Jellicent a useful Water immunity allowing it to avoid Scald burns. However, as while Jellicent's Special Defense may be great, its Defense leaves it open to physical attackers and wallbreakers, and its Speed leaves it vulnerable to stallbreakers such as Mew or Heatran that lock it into Scald with Taunt and cripple it with status conditions or Knock Off. Despite all its defensive traits, Jellicent is very passive, which is why it does not fit onto more offensive Ghost teams.

name: Utility
move 1: Taunt
move 2: Scald
move 3: Toxic
move 4: Recover
item: Leftovers
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe


Taunt gives Jellicent the ability to break past bulky defensive Pokemon by cancelling out their recovery (cancelling out is generally used for the idea of residual damage cancelling out Leaftovers recovery) removing their ability to recover and blocking the status moves they usually carry. Scald prevents Jellicent from being complete Taunt bait and can be used to fish for burns. Toxic puts bulky Pokemon such as Chansey and Mantine on a timer, and is used in conjunction with Taunt in order to stallbreak. Recover is Jellicent's only form of reliable recovery, and is used to heal off damage whenever Jellicent gets worn down.

Set Details

Maximum investments in HP and Special Defense along with a Calm Nature allow Jellicent to act as a special wall. 4 EVs are put into Speed in order for Jellicent to outspeed base 60 Speed walls, such as Swampert, Empoleon, Porygon(remove space)2, and Clefable, (RC) and Taunt them. Water Absorb can be used to avoid Scald burns by absorbing Water-(AH)type attacks. Leftovers provides Jellicent with longivity longevity, preventing it from being worn down too fast.

Usage Tips

In order to preserve momentum, send Jellicent out on special attackers and double out in order on switch it out from predicted switches. Be careful of using Taunt when there is a wallbreaker on the opposing side, as using Taunt may freely invite one such as Meloetta or Tapu Koko in. Use Taunt and Toxic to wear bulky Pokemon such as Chansey down. Always keep Jellicent healthy so that it can switch into attacks and wall them more easily. Switch out Jellicent in order to scout for Toxic, as being poisoned hinders Jellicent's ability to act as a wall and forces it to switch out in order to keep healthy. If the presence of a physical attacker is on the opposing side, try going for Scald instead of Toxic in order to burn the incoming physical attacker when it does choose to come out. Try not to stay in on Pokemon that carry Knock Off, such as Mew or Shuckle, as losing Leftovers will result in Jellicent being worn down faster due to the lack of passive recovery that Leftovers provides.

Team Options
Mega Sableye is a great team option for Jellicent because of its ability to take Ghost-(AH) and Dark-(AH)type moves, (RC) such as namely (there is more than one Ghost- or Dark-type move, and namely implies Knock Off is the only one) Knock Off, its ability to bounce back hazards and status moves, and its ability to burn and cripple physical attackers with Will-O-Wisp and Knock Off. Mega Sableye can be thrown in front of physical attackers because of its higher Defense stat. Gengar can absorb Toxic Spikes for Jellicent, and is able to knock out many Grass-(AH)types with Sludge Wave, and also appreciates Jellicent's ability as a pivot in order to take attacks for Gengar. Mimikyu knocks out Dark-(AH)type Pokemon for Jellicent such as Mega Sableye and Mega Sharpedo, and uses Jellicent's Toxic in order to wear the opposing Pokemon down enough for a KO. Gourgeist-XL is another partner for Jellicent for those who like Gourgeist-XL's its high Defense and ability to take Electric-(AH) and Grass-(AH)type attacks directed at Jellicent. Jellicent can also take Fire-(AH) and Ice-(AH)type attacks for Gourgeist-XL, such as Alolan Ninetails' Ninetales' Blizzard and Volcanion's Fire Blast, making them an adequate defensive core. Dhelmise also appreciates Jellicent's ability to take Fire-(AH) and Ice-(AH)type attacks for Dhlemise. (repetitve) Alolan Marowak is another great partner for Jellicent because of its defensive typing and ability, being able to absorb Electric-(AH)type attacks with Lightning (space) Rod. Alolan Marowak's Its wallbreaking potential also allows it to deal with Mega Venusaur, Alolan Muk, and Ferrothorn for Jellicent, while using Jellicent to take Water-(AH)type attacks for it. (period) (the sentence was getting too long and complicated to follow) Alolan Marowak sets Stealth Rock, (AC) which and gives Jellicent the ability to take advantage of this the Stealth Rock it sets because of the switches Jellicent it forces. (reordered to group Marowak and Jellicent mentions together) Alongside Dhelmise, Gourgeist, or Alolan Marowak, Jellicent forms a powerful core due to their combined typings and Alolan Marowak's Lightning (space) Rod.

Other Options

Acid Armor can be used to make up for Jellicent's lackluster Defense, but is only consistent against hyper offensive teams. Will-O-Wisp can be used to cripple physical attackers, but many other Ghost-(AH)type Pokemon such as Mega Sableye or Gourgeist-XL make better use of the move such as Mega Sableye or Gourgeist-XL. (reordered for clarity) Toxic is also mandatory for stallbreaking. Trick Room can be used to set up for on Trick Room Ghost teams, because in order to Jellicent can consistently set up Trick Room with Jellicent's as it has huge bulk and recovery, but Jellicent cannot make use of Trick Room itself because of how passive it is, (AC) and has to switch out in order to prevent wasting Trick Room turns.

Checks and Counters

**Grass types** Grass-(AH)type Pokemon such as Tapu Bulu, Breloom, or and (and would be better here, considering more than one of these examples can be on the same team in Monotype.) Mega Venusaur can all wear down or knock out Jellicent with their Grass type attacks.

**Electric types** Electric-(AH)type Pokemon such as Tapu Koko or and Alolan Raichu threaten to knock Jellicent out with their Electric-(AH)type attacks.

**Dark types** Dark-(AH)type Pokemon such as Mega Sharpedo or and Hydreigon take advantage of Jellicent's Ghost typing and threaten to knock it out with their STAB moves.

**Knock Off** (category names are not the start of the sentence) Knock Off not only deals a lot of damage to Jellicent, but it also removes Leftovers, resulting in Jellicent being worn down much more easily.

**Physical attackers** Physical attackers such as Mega Lopunny or Dragonite take advantage of Jellicent's low Defense and threaten to badly damage it with their physical attacks. However, most of them hate switching into Scald in fear of getting burned.

**Wallbreakers** Wallbreakers such as Mega Gardevoir, Kyurem-Black, and Meloetta tend to break past Jellicent using their strong attacks.

**Stallbreakers** Stallbreakers such as Mew and Swords Dance Gliscor use Taunt to lock Jellicent into Scald and cripple Jellicent it with Knock Off or Toxic.

**Status** Status effects conditions such as burn or poison wear Jellicent down. Toxic forces Jellicent to switch out to keep itself healthy and burn cancels out Leftovers recovery.


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GP 1/2

Because of its great typing and its massive special bulk, Jellicent finds itself as the premier special wall on every balanced Ghost team. Its Water typing in conjunction with its massive bulk allows it to sponge many Water-(AH) and Fire-(AH)type moves. Jellicent is also able to take on many defensive threats such as Chansey and Toxapex with Toxic and Taunt. Alongside this, access to Water Absorb gives Jellicent a useful Water immunity, (AC) allowing it to avoid Scald burns. However, as while Jellicent's Special Defense may be great, its Defense leaves it open to physical attackers and wallbreakers, and its Speed leaves it vulnerable to stallbreakers such as Mew or and Heatran that lock it into Scald with Taunt and cripple it with status conditions (status on its own worked, but if you're gonna change it, do "moves" for consistent wording with Knock Off) or Knock Off. Despite all its defensive traits, Jellicent is very passive, which is why it does not fit onto more offensive Ghost teams.

name: Utility
move 1: Taunt
move 2: Scald
move 3: Toxic
move 4: Recover
item: Leftovers
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe


Taunt gives Jellicent the ability to break past bulky defensive Pokemon by cancelling out their recovery (cancelling out is generally used for the idea of residual damage cancelling out Leaftovers recovery) removing their ability to recover (ok) and blocking the status moves they usually carry. Scald prevents Jellicent from being complete Taunt bait and can be used to fish for burns. Toxic puts bulky Pokemon such as Chansey and Mantine on a timer (RC) and is used in conjunction with Taunt in order to stallbreak. Recover is Jellicent's only form of reliable recovery (RC) and is used to heal off damage whenever Jellicent gets worn down.

Set Details

Maximum investments in HP and Special Defense along with a Calm Nature allow allows Jellicent to act as a special wall. 4 EVs are put into Speed in order for Jellicent to outspeed base 60 Speed walls, such as Swampert, Empoleon, Porygon(remove space)2, and Clefable, (RC) (keep this comma, it brackets off the one before such as) and Taunt them. Water Absorb can be used to avoid Scald burns by absorbing Water-(AH)type attacks. Leftovers provides Jellicent with longivity longevity, preventing it from being worn down too fast.

Usage Tips

In order to preserve momentum, send Jellicent out on special attackers and double out in order on switch it out from (eh i feel this cuts some of the meaning, "double switch back out" would work + be clearer) predicted switches. Be careful of using Taunt when there is a wallbreaker on the opposing side, as using Taunt may freely invite one a foe such as Meloetta or Tapu Koko in. Use Taunt and Toxic to wear bulky Pokemon such as Chansey down. Always keep Jellicent healthy so that it can switch into attacks and wall them more easily. Switch out Jellicent in order to scout for Toxic, as being poisoned hinders Jellicent's ability to act as a wall (ye either this or add an object after "wall") and forces it to switch out in order to keep healthy. If the presence of a physical attacker is on the opposing side, try going for Scald instead of Toxic in order to burn the incoming physical attacker when it does chooses to come out. Try not to stay in on Pokemon that carry Knock Off, such as Mew or and Shuckle, as losing Leftovers will result in Jellicent being worn down faster due to the lack of passive recovery that Leftovers provides.

Team Options
Mega Sableye is a great team option for Jellicent because of its ability to take Ghost-(AH) and Dark-(AH)type moves, (RC) such as namely (there is more than one Ghost- or Dark-type move, and namely implies Knock Off is the only one) (or "mainly"? could see it being a special case) Knock Off, its ability to bounce back entry hazards and status moves, and its ability to burn and cripple physical attackers with Will-O-Wisp and Knock Off. Mega Sableye can be thrown in front of physical attackers because of its higher Defense stat. Gengar can absorb Toxic Spikes for Jellicent, and is able to knock out many Grass-(AH)types with Sludge Wave, and also appreciates Jellicent's ability as a pivot in order to take attacks for Gengar it. Mimikyu knocks out Dark-(AH)type Pokemon for Jellicent such as Mega Sableye and Mega Sharpedo (RC) and uses Jellicent's Toxic in order to wear the opposing Pokemon down enough for a KO. Gourgeist-XL is another partner for Jellicent for those who like Gourgeist-XL's its high Defense and ability to take Electric-(AH) and Grass-(AH)type attacks directed at Jellicent. Jellicent can also take Fire-(AH) and Ice-(AH)type attacks for Gourgeist-XL, such as Alolan Ninetails' Ninetales' Blizzard and Volcanion's Fire Blast, making them an adequate defensive core. Dhelmise also appreciates Jellicent's ability to take Fire-(AH) and Ice-(AH)type attacks for Dhlemise. (repetitve) Alolan Marowak is another great partner for Jellicent because of its defensive typing and ability, being able to absorb Electric-(AH)type attacks with Lightning (space) Rod. Alolan Marowak's Its wallbreaking potential also allows it to deal with Mega Venusaur, Alolan Muk, and Ferrothorn for Jellicent, while using Jellicent to can take Water-(AH)type attacks for it. (period) (the sentence was getting too long and complicated to follow) Alolan Marowak sets Stealth Rock, (AC) which and gives Jellicent the ability to take advantage of this the Stealth Rock it sets because of the switches Jellicent it forces. (reordered to group Marowak and Jellicent mentions together) Alongside Dhelmise, Gourgeist, or Alolan Marowak, Jellicent forms a powerful core due to their combined typings and, (AC) in Alolan Marowak's case, (AC) Lightning (space) Rod.

Other Options

Acid Armor can be used to make up for Jellicent's lackluster Defense, but it is only consistent against hyper offensive teams. Will-O-Wisp can be used to cripple physical attackers, but many other Ghost-(AH)type Pokemon such as Mega Sableye or Gourgeist-XL (and not or, pokemon is plural) make better use of the move such as Mega Sableye or Gourgeist-XL. (reordered for clarity) (hmm not rly necessary, comma before such as would have sufficed) Toxic is also mandatory for stallbreaking. Trick Room can be used to set up for on (keep "on") Trick Room Ghost teams, because in order to Jellicent can consistently set up Trick Room with Jellicent's as it has ("with its" imo) huge bulk and recovery; (SC) but however, (AC) Jellicent cannot make use of Trick Room itself because of how passive it is, (AC) (if you do this also add another "it" after the comma, would personally just leave as is) and has to switch out in order to prevent wasting Trick Room turns.

Checks and Counters

**Grass types**: (add colons everywhere) Grass-(AH)type Pokemon such as Tapu Bulu, Breloom, or and (and would be better here, considering more than one of these examples can be on the same team in Monotype.) (pokemon is plural, should always be and in that case fwiw) Mega Venusaur can all wear down or knock out Jellicent with their Grass-type (AH) attacks.

**Electric types**: Electric-(AH)type Pokemon such as Tapu Koko or and Alolan Raichu threaten to knock Jellicent out with their Electric-(AH)type STAB attacks.

**Dark types**: Dark-(AH)type Pokemon such as Mega Sharpedo or and Hydreigon take advantage of Jellicent's Ghost typing and threaten to knock it out with their STAB moves.

**Knock Off**: (category names are not the start of the sentence) Knock Off not only deals a lot of damage to Jellicent, but it also removes Leftovers, resulting in Jellicent being worn down much more easily.

**Physical attackers**: Physical attackers such as Mega Lopunny or and Dragonite take advantage of Jellicent's low Defense and threaten to badly damage it with their physical attacks. However, most of them hate switching into Scald in fear of getting burned.

**Wallbreakers**: Wallbreakers such as Mega Gardevoir, Kyurem-Black, and Meloetta tend to break past Jellicent using their strong attacks.

**Stallbreakers**: Stallbreakers such as Mew and Swords Dance Gliscor use Taunt to lock Jellicent into Scald and cripple Jellicent it with Knock Off or Toxic.

**Status**: Status effects conditions (effects is fine) such as burn or (same here, conditions is plural so and not or) poison wear Jellicent down. Toxic forces Jellicent to switch out to keep itself healthy and burn cancels out Leftovers recovery.
Last edited:


God jihyo
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marthaa: add remove comments
tdp: add / fix remove (comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)

GP 1/2

Because of its great typing and its massive special bulk, Jellicent finds itself as the premier special wall on every balanced Ghost team. Its Water typing in conjunction with its massive bulk allows it to sponge many Water-(AH) and Fire-(AH)type moves. Jellicent is also able to take on many defensive threats such as Chansey and Toxapex with Toxic and Taunt. Alongside this, access to Water Absorb gives Jellicent a useful Water immunity, (AC) allowing it to avoid Scald burns. However, as while Jellicent's Special Defense may be great, its Defense leaves it open to physical attackers and wallbreakers, and its Speed leaves it vulnerable to stallbreakers such as Mew or and Heatran that lock it into Scald with Taunt and cripple it with status conditions (status on its own worked, but if you're gonna change it, do "moves" for consistent wording with Knock Off) or Knock Off. Despite all its defensive traits, Jellicent is very passive, which is why it does not fit onto more offensive Ghost teams.

name: Utility
move 1: Taunt
move 2: Scald
move 3: Toxic
move 4: Recover
item: Leftovers
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe


Taunt gives Jellicent the ability to break past bulky defensive Pokemon by cancelling out their recovery (cancelling out is generally used for the idea of residual damage cancelling out Leaftovers recovery) removing their ability to recover (ok) and blocking the status moves they usually carry. Scald prevents Jellicent from being complete Taunt bait and can be used to fish for burns. Toxic puts bulky Pokemon such as Chansey and Mantine on a timer (RC) and is used in conjunction with Taunt in order to stallbreak. Recover is Jellicent's only form of reliable recovery (RC) and is used to heal off damage whenever Jellicent gets worn down.

Set Details

Maximum investments in HP and Special Defense along with a Calm Nature allow allows Jellicent to act as a special wall. 4 EVs are put into Speed in order for Jellicent to outspeed base 60 Speed walls, such as Swampert, Empoleon, Porygon(remove space)2, and Clefable, (RC) (keep this comma, it brackets off the one before such as) and Taunt them. Water Absorb can be used to avoid Scald burns by absorbing Water-(AH)type attacks. Leftovers provides Jellicent with longivity longevity, preventing it from being worn down too fast.

Usage Tips

In order to preserve momentum, send Jellicent out on special attackers and double out in order on switch it out from (eh i feel this cuts some of the meaning, "double switch back out" would work + be clearer) predicted switches. Be careful of using Taunt when there is a wallbreaker on the opposing side, as using Taunt may freely invite one a foe such as Meloetta or Tapu Koko in. Use Taunt and Toxic to wear bulky Pokemon such as Chansey down. Always keep Jellicent healthy so that it can switch into attacks and wall them more easily. Switch out Jellicent in order to scout for Toxic, as being poisoned hinders Jellicent's ability to act as a wall (ye either this or add an object after "wall") and forces it to switch out in order to keep healthy. If the presence of a physical attacker is on the opposing side, try going for Scald instead of Toxic in order to burn the incoming physical attacker when it does chooses to come out. Try not to stay in on Pokemon that carry Knock Off, such as Mew or and Shuckle, as losing Leftovers will result in Jellicent being worn down faster due to the lack of passive recovery that Leftovers provides.

Team Options
Mega Sableye is a great team option for Jellicent because of its ability to take Ghost-(AH) and Dark-(AH)type moves, (RC) such as namely (there is more than one Ghost- or Dark-type move, and namely implies Knock Off is the only one) (or "mainly"? could see it being a special case) Knock Off, its ability to bounce back entry hazards and status moves, and its ability to burn and cripple physical attackers with Will-O-Wisp and Knock Off. Mega Sableye can be thrown in front of physical attackers because of its higher Defense stat. Gengar can absorb Toxic Spikes for Jellicent, and is able to knock out many Grass-(AH)types with Sludge Wave, and also appreciates Jellicent's ability as a pivot in order to take attacks for Gengar it. Mimikyu knocks out Dark-(AH)type Pokemon for Jellicent such as Mega Sableye and Mega Sharpedo (RC) and uses Jellicent's Toxic in order to wear the opposing Pokemon down enough for a KO. Gourgeist-XL is another partner for Jellicent for those who like Gourgeist-XL's its high Defense and ability to take Electric-(AH) and Grass-(AH)type attacks directed at Jellicent. Jellicent can also take Fire-(AH) and Ice-(AH)type attacks for Gourgeist-XL, such as Alolan Ninetails' Ninetales' Blizzard and Volcanion's Fire Blast, making them an adequate defensive core. Dhelmise also appreciates Jellicent's ability to take Fire-(AH) and Ice-(AH)type attacks for Dhlemise. (repetitve) Alolan Marowak is another great partner for Jellicent because of its defensive typing and ability, being able to absorb Electric-(AH)type attacks with Lightning (space) Rod. Alolan Marowak's Its wallbreaking potential also allows it to deal with Mega Venusaur, Alolan Muk, and Ferrothorn for Jellicent, while using Jellicent to can take Water-(AH)type attacks for it. (period) (the sentence was getting too long and complicated to follow) Alolan Marowak sets Stealth Rock, (AC) which and gives Jellicent the ability to take advantage of this the Stealth Rock it sets because of the switches Jellicent it forces. (reordered to group Marowak and Jellicent mentions together) Alongside Dhelmise, Gourgeist, or Alolan Marowak, Jellicent forms a powerful core due to their combined typings and, (AC) in Alolan Marowak's case, (AC) Lightning (space) Rod.

Other Options

Acid Armor can be used to make up for Jellicent's lackluster Defense, but it is only consistent against hyper offensive teams. Will-O-Wisp can be used to cripple physical attackers, but many other Ghost-(AH)type Pokemon such as Mega Sableye or Gourgeist-XL (and not or, pokemon is plural) make better use of the move such as Mega Sableye or Gourgeist-XL. (reordered for clarity) (hmm not rly necessary, comma before such as would have sufficed) Toxic is also mandatory for stallbreaking. Trick Room can be used to set up for on (keep "on") Trick Room Ghost teams, because in order to Jellicent can consistently set up Trick Room with Jellicent's as it has ("with its" imo) huge bulk and recovery; (SC) but however, (AC) Jellicent cannot make use of Trick Room itself because of how passive it is, (AC) (if you do this also add another "it" after the comma, would personally just leave as is) and has to switch out in order to prevent wasting Trick Room turns.

Checks and Counters

**Grass types**: (add colons everywhere) Grass-(AH)type Pokemon such as Tapu Bulu, Breloom, or and (and would be better here, considering more than one of these examples can be on the same team in Monotype.) (pokemon is plural, should always be and in that case fwiw) Mega Venusaur can all wear down or knock out Jellicent with their Grass-type (AH) attacks.

**Electric types**: Electric-(AH)type Pokemon such as Tapu Koko or and Alolan Raichu threaten to knock Jellicent out with their Electric-(AH)type STAB attacks.

**Dark types**: Dark-(AH)type Pokemon such as Mega Sharpedo or and Hydreigon take advantage of Jellicent's Ghost typing and threaten to knock it out with their STAB moves.

**Knock Off**: (category names are not the start of the sentence) Knock Off not only deals a lot of damage to Jellicent, but it also removes Leftovers, resulting in Jellicent being worn down much more easily.

**Physical attackers**: Physical attackers such as Mega Lopunny or and Dragonite take advantage of Jellicent's low Defense and threaten to badly damage it with their physical attacks. However, most of them hate switching into Scald in fear of getting burned.

**Wallbreakers**: Wallbreakers such as Mega Gardevoir, Kyurem-Black, and Meloetta tend to break past Jellicent using their strong attacks.

**Stallbreakers**: Stallbreakers such as Mew and Swords Dance Gliscor use Taunt to lock Jellicent into Scald and cripple Jellicent it with Knock Off or Toxic.

**Status**: Status effects conditions (effects is fine) such as burn or (same here, conditions is plural so and not or) poison wear Jellicent down. Toxic forces Jellicent to switch out to keep itself healthy and burn cancels out Leftovers recovery.
Finally got to it because of my busy schedule but I made changes

GP 2/2
remove add comments


Because of its great typing and its massive special bulk, Jellicent finds itself the premier special wall on every balanced Ghost team. Its Water typing in conjunction with its massive bulk allows it to sponge many Water- and Fire-type moves. Jellicent is also able to take on many defensive threats such as Chansey and Toxapex with by using Toxic and Taunt. Alongside this, access to Water Absorb gives Jellicent a useful Water immunity, (comma) allowing it to avoid Scald burns. However, while Jellicent's Special Defense may be great, its Defense leaves it open to physical attackers and wallbreakers, and its Speed leaves it vulnerable to stallbreakers such as Mew or and Heatran, (comma) which that lock it into Scald with Taunt and cripple it with status moves or Knock Off. Despite all its defensive traits prowess, Jellicent is very passive, which is why it does not fit onto more offensive Ghost teams.

name: Utility
move 1: Taunt
move 2: Scald
move 3: Toxic
move 4: Recover
item: Leftovers
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe


Taunt gives Jellicent the ability to break past bulky defensive Pokemon by removing their ability to recover and blocking the use status moves they usually carry. Scald prevents Jellicent from being complete Taunt bait and can be used to fish for burns. Toxic puts bulky Pokemon such as Chansey and Mantine on a timer and is used in conjunction with Taunt in order to stallbreak. Recover is Jellicent's only form of reliable recovery and is used to heal off damage whenever Jellicent gets worn down.

Set Details

Maximum investments in HP and Special Defense along with a Calm Nature allows Jellicent to act as a special wall. 4 EVs are put into Speed in order for Jellicent to outspeed base 60 speed walls, and use Taunt on walls with base 60 Speed such as Swampert, Empoleon, Porygon2, and Clefable and Taunt them. Water Absorb can be used to avoid Scald burns by absorbing Water-type attacks. Leftovers provide Jellicent with longevity, preventing it from being worn down too fast.

Usage Tips

In order to preserve momentum, send Jellicent out on against special attackers and switch it out from predicted switches. Be careful of using Taunt when there is a wallbreaker on the opposing side, as using Taunt doing so may freely invite a foe such as Meloetta or Tapu Koko in. Use Taunt and Toxic to wear bulky Pokemon such as Chansey down. Always keep Jellicent healthy so that it can switch into attacks attackers and wall them more easily. Switch out Jellicent out in order to scout for Toxic, as being poisoned hinders Jellicent's ability to act as a wall and forces it to switch out in order to keep healthy. If a physical attacker is on the opposing side, try going for Scald instead of Toxic in order to burn the incoming physical attacker when it chooses to come out it. Try not to stay in on Pokemon that carry Knock Off, (comma) such as Mew and Shuckle, as losing Leftovers will result in Jellicent being worn down faster due to the lack of passive recovery that Leftovers provides.

Team Options
Mega Sableye is a great team option for Jellicent because of its ability to take mainly Ghost- and Dark-type moves, (comma) such as Knock Off, its ability to bounce back entry hazards and status moves, and its ability to burn and cripple physical attackers with Will-O-Wisp and Knock Off. Mega Sableye can be thrown in front of physical attackers because of its higher Defense stat. Gengar can absorb Toxic Spikes for Jellicent, and is able to knock out many Grass-types with Sludge Wave, and also appreciates Jellicent's ability as a pivot in order to take attacks for Gengar to pivot and take attacks. Mimikyu knocks out Dark-type Pokemon for Jellicent such as Mega Sableye and Mega Sharpedo, (comma) and uses Jellicent's Toxic in order to wear the opposing Pokemon down enough for a KO. Gourgeist-XL is another partner for Jellicent for its high Defense and ability to take Electric- and Grass-type attacks directed at Jellicent. Jellicent can also take Fire- and Ice-type attacks for Gourgeist-XL, such as Alolan Ninetales's Blizzard and Volcanion's Fire Blast for Gourgeist-XL, making them an adequate defensive core. Dhelmise appreciates Jellicent's ability to take Fire and Ice attacks. Alolan Marowak is another great partner for Jellicent because of its defensive typing and ability, being able to absorb Electric-type attacks with Lightning Rod. Its wallbreaking potential also allows it to deal with Mega Venusaur, Alolan Muk, and Ferrothorn for Jellicent, while Jellicent can take Water-type attacks for it. Alolan Marowak sets up Stealth Rock, which gives Jellicent the ability to can take advantage if it of because of the switches it forces. Alongside Dhelmise, Gourgeist, or Alolan Marowak, Jellicent forms a powerful core due to their combined typings and, in Alolan Marowak's case, Lightning Rod resistances.

Other Options

Acid Armor can be used to make up for Jellicent's lackluster Defense, but it is only consistent against hyper offensive offense teams. Will-O-Wisp can be used to cripple physical attackers, but many other Ghost-type Pokemon such as Mega Sableye and Gourgeist-XL make better use of the move it. Also, Toxic is also mandatory for stallbreaking. Trick Room can be used to set up for Trick Room Ghost teams, in order to Jellicent can consistently set up Trick Room with Jellicent's its huge bulk and recovery;, (comma) but it however Jellicent cannot make use of Trick Room itself because of how passive it is,; (semi) it has to switch out in order to prevent wasting Trick Room turns.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-(hyph)types** (put a colon in front of each of these) Grass-type Pokemon such as Tapu Bulu, Breloom, and Mega Venusaur can all wear down or knock out Jellicent with their Grass-type attacks.

**Electric-(hyph)types** Electric-type Pokemon such as Tapu Koko and Alolan Raichu threaten to knock Jellicent out with their STAB attacks.

**Dark-(hyph)types** Dark-type Pokemon such as Mega Sharpedo and Hydreigon take advantage of Jellicent's Ghost typing and threaten to knock it Jellicent out with their STAB moves.

**Knock Off** Knock Off not only deals a lot of damage to Jellicent, but it also removes Leftovers, resulting in Jellicent being worn down much more easily.

**Physical Attackers** Jellicent's low Defense means physical attackers such as Mega Lopunny and Dragonite take advantage of Jellicent's low Defense and threaten to badly damage it with their physical attacks. However, most of them hate switching into Scald in fear of getting burned.

**Wallbreakers** Wallbreakers such as Mega Gardevoir, Kyurem-B, and Meloetta tend to break past Jellicent using their strong attacks.

**Stallbreakers** Stallbreakers such as Mew and Swords Dance Gliscor use Taunt to lock Jellicent into Scald and cripple it with Knock Off or Toxic.

**Status** Status effects such as burn or and poison wear Jellicent down. Toxic forces Jellicent to switch out to keep itself healthy, (comma) and burn cancels out Leftovers recovery.
Last edited:
Uploaded. Please be much more careful about implementing GP checks. I noticed a lot of mistakes that CryoGyro caught for you that didn't get fixed.

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