iPod app for smogon users.

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Okay my idea is exactly as it says in the title. But I'm thinking it's like a mobile version of the smogon strategy dex. You download it to your iPod/iPhone/Iwhatever, and you have instant access to your strategy dex even when away from any Internet connection.

Also, a frequent update system could be made for it.
And it is going to be free. If everyone thinks its a good idea.
Ok, I did start a little bit of it the other day, one of my freinds is a programmer, and my uncle is a computer Technician, they can help me with it.
I can make a disclaimer saying I do not own the rights to the Pokemon analysis or the sprites.

The money may be an issue, as my family has a lot of operations this year.
So, everything but the money has been sorted.

Also, if Nintendo thinks this is a problem, I can just reassure them in the castle of development that this is a mobile, smogon, pokemon analysis analysis app. Nothing more. No plans to reveal ideas that Nintendo has tried to keep secret or anything like that (like I had anything on them anyway).
Oddysey, the thing is that everything related to pokémon, from their names to the sprites is copyrighted by Nintendo, and third parties can't use those things without their permission.
Sorry, I don't think this is very fit for the Suggestion Box anymore, since you're not suggesting anything. Additionally, I think you should do more research on iOS development and also copyright, since the legal issues involved are serious and solving them will require more than a call to Nintendo's customer service department. Good luck with your endeavours!
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