OU DPP OU Teambuilding Competition

Congratulation to Emeral for winning this week!

The team : https://pokepast.es/2521c1ff1aa08307

This one will be a bit harder than the previous ones, you'll build around Raikou !


Lead, CM, LO 4 att's... a lot of ways to make it work! I've always found it a bit underrated even though it has some obstacles like Clefable/bulky grounds/Latias, etc (it depends on the set of course). But give it a try it's not a bad mon!
:dp/suicune: :dp/roserade: :dp/raikou: :dp/gengar: :dp/bronzong: :dp/heatran:

Raikou rly hates sand, and on top of that it hates facing ttar and hippo themselves, so weather clearing + t spikes pairs extremely well with it. Toxic spikes not only wears down hippo and ttar (and also the rare abomasnow), but it dissuades them from coming in to reset the weather after Heatran clears it with sunny day, so the two have excellent synergy. None of the t spikers are fantastic, but roserade is the best choice for one here to provide a water resist + a sleep absorber for breloom. Heatran, as said earlier, clears weather, and also provides a reliable defensive answer to jirachi so bronzong isn't overrelied on and can thus focus on its job of setting rocks, handling dd'ers and switching into ground type attacks. I run heatran with a bulky modest spread so it can still be threatening while also being able to switch into stuff in a pinch. Gengar provides another ground resist, a solid fighting type answer and a good breaker against stall, which raikou needs all the help it can get against. Lead Suicune starts the game off with a bang and helps to take momentum quickly against faster teams, and can help check dd gyarados in a pinch with hp electric. The team defensively is a little bit soft vs gyara defensively, but most of my team doesnt let it do its thing for free.

Weather clear is in general under explored in my opinion, and pokemon like raikou benefit from it immensely. I encourage more people to try it out!
:Jirachi: :donphan: :abomasnow: :raikou: :rotom-frost: :latias:

This went through quite a bit of testing so people may have played earlier versions, but I knew I wanted to do something like this for a while. I think we can all agree that weather in general is something that Raikou struggles to handle. It does however get a move that is very rare in Weather Ball which can free up some slots for it. I originally was mucking around with this freeing up HP Grass for it, but found that too often I was required with this team to pick off some targets under sand like Lati, Ttar itself, or Rotoms. Enter the techs of Shadow Ball and Aura Sphere.

Anyways, enjoy the fun four attacks Raikou cleaning machine that takes advantage of great coverage to find little paths to victory. The tradeoff for forced Rash from Weather Ball hurts, but it also opens up Aura Sphere and you still outspeed max base 100s by 1 point which gives you a quite solid speed tier regardless.

This submission to the teambuilding comp was made by 7 people from the DPP cord.
It was a lot of fun to put this together, and despite some niche choices I actually think the team came out alright.


  • Aubury
  • Blåhaj Blast
  • BLJ Mario
  • Fidgety
  • Hugo
  • Oatmon
  • Tsunami Carter

The basic idea behind the team is to lay tspikes to put grounded pokemon like pert, hippo, or tar on a timer, which allows Raikou to finish up the game. Raikou can come in on a rotoms tbolt which cloyster can lure, and sub on it. There is no choice scarf user on this team, with jirachi being a psudo check to dragon dancers instead, with other options existing like the bulk on cloy, lati or zelf being sufficient for gyara after rocks.


well, here we are again. kou was an interesting case, most of its normal sets tend to either require a lot of help or want a lot of setup, so i felt it was worth trying something less standard so i remembered sub-toxic had seen some play in Adv and decided to see what i could do with it here. it has a lot of zap's traits of scaring most toxic immunes and pressuring clef and most grounds not wanting to take toxic, though nidoqueen's recent resurgence makes that a little trickier.

Pert and loom were pretty obvious choices since kou would need help with Clef and Bulkier steels while pert can cover rocks and loom is always a strong tool to pressure fatter teams. Latias provides speed control and trick and hwish are useful utility, the ability to switch on ground moves aimed at kou and resist opposing fighters is also very welcome, especially since Pert teams need as much loom insulation as possible. Skarm helps with the loom issue as well as helping to blanket check fighters, go 1v1 with nidoqueen and adds spikes which kou and the last member ddtar tend to appreciate. DDtar gives me a payoff that appreciates the rest of the team's ability to wear down bulky steels, grounds and fighters. Ev wise most to the team is pretty standard, but kou definitely warrants some explantation. max speed was obvious to outspeed and Zapdos or Rachi barring scarf, but the bulk allows it to stay in on most rachi surprisingly well, while still doing decent damage to the fast utility variants.

252 Atk Jirachi Fire Punch vs. 40 HP / 92 Def Raikou: 78-92 (23.5 - 27.7%) -- 0.1% chance to 4HKO after Leftovers recovery

252 Atk Jirachi Body Slam vs. 40 HP / 92 Def Raikou: 88-104 (26.5 - 31.4%) -- 97.9% chance to 4HKO after Leftovers recovery

124+ SpA Raikou Thunderbolt vs. 148 HP / 0 SpD Jirachi: 142-168 (37.5 - 44.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

Overall in testing the team has been good with kou being a lot more reliably effective than i anticipated.
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World’s sweatiest casual
is a Pre-Contributor
(click sprites for paste)

It’s well known that the worst thing about running Rash Raikou is not being able to take full advantage of your amazing Speed tier. Aura Sphere is a great move that other Electrics are super jealous of, but is it really worth the tradeoff? That’s a valid debate, but I decided to sidestep the issue by trying out Choice Scarf Raikou, and what started out as a half-joke actually turned into a solid bulky offense team that I really enjoy using!

Scarf Raikou has a lot to love: great Speed, great coverage, and no Stealth Rock weakness unlike Zapdos. It also hits very hard by scarfer standards; Rash Raikou’s Thunderbolt hits harder than Timid Zapdos’s, as well as Jolly Flygon’s Earthquake. Raikou’s ability to soft-check Electric-types and chase any Dragon Dancer out of the game is incredibly useful for my main bruisers: Life Orb Latias and offensive Suicune. To facilitate the onslaught of special attackers I enlisted the help of the Heatran + Metagross Explosion duo, both of which also contribute to a solid defensive backbone; their bulk means they’re able to pick their spot with Explosion really well, which is great against defensive teams. Metagross also has Pursuit to severely threaten Latias and often remove it outright, which makes the entire rest of the team more threatening. Breloom is a physical powerhouse that I added for its useful resistances and great matchups against bulky Ground-types, especially Swampert; I’d argue that Breloom is near-mandatory for offensive Raikou squads, their synergy is really great.

The team’s biggest weakness is Spikes; the team is designed to not give Skarmory or Roserade a single inch of breathing room, but they get worn down quickly if the prevention plan fails. Rotom is also really annoying since I have to figure out the set before knowing what my answer is. A greater Fighting-type weakness is inevitable when using Raikou over Zapdos, which is why bulky Metagross is used over Tyranitar and why Heatran was originally Chople Berry; however, I think my offensive core covers for those threats well enough.

Shoutout to the guys on the DPP Discord, they thought I was nuts for using Raikou in this role but helped me out a lot anyway.

(Edit: I forgot to nickname the mons here, therefore the team is ass and you shouldn’t vote for it:eeveehide:)​
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After 10 or so failed teams i ended up with something very standard with scarf raikou as the revenge killer.
The team is very momentum heavy with two u-turn users in azelf and scizor, max speed subpunch breloom, max speed offensive starmie and a modest shuca tran.
I found the extra bulk, speed and coverage that raikou provides to be enough of a reason to use it over rotom.
Have you ever wondered "Hey, I really like Superachi, but I hate its defensive utility and coverage options"?
Raikou is your guy. Welcome to sex in roblox.


I've thought about using Raikou in a pseudo-ZapMie fashion, given that Raikou doesn't clunk as hard into Tar as Zapdos does at the expense of making Gyarados a little more dicey. Shuca Berry alleviates this to some extent, given that even after Wacan Berry an unboosted Rash Tbolt more often than not deletes Gyara, while a +1 EQ maxes out at ~81%.
This is also my second attempt at building what I dub "MixNite Skarmalakou", a pretty interesting structure that does not do great into Mixgon. Do I care? I think the fact I tried it again tells you all no, I really want my dumb idea to work. Do not question my madness.
So the team.
-Skarmory is a "pretty good" lead for Raikou, given that it beats all the things Raikou doesn't and also sets up a hazards in the event stuff doesn't kill. Icy Wind allows it to cheese some more aggressive leads. RIP Froslass. I also considered something like Azelf in the lead here, but I think the utility of Spikes with this archetype is ultimately quite helpful. You could also make an argument for Smeargle here, given the better speed tier and access to Spore.
-Raikou is the mon that attempts to check all the DDers at once. Tbolt + Aura Sphere + HPIce give it perfect coverage, and its good-ish speed tier allows it to get the jump on a lot of stuff that it could otherwise struggle with.
-Starmie is Starmie. Thunder Wave is cool giving it a better MU into offense, and spin allows the team to survive a little longer.
-Metagross, as usual, clicks the fucking buttons. Agility this time, nothing new here.
-Dragonite is the most unga-bunga mon ever and it is so cool. Being immune to EQ gives it a good entry point into Tar and Scarfgon to hammer shit. Standard-ish Mix set, I decided on Mild over Rash to goose my odds against Rotom-A a little bit, given the previous 4 are decent into Loom, and also decided on Outrage > ESpeed with some extra attack EVs given my generally good MU into offense and not as good MU into Hippo.
-Lucario is the 6th that is the least terrible. The previous 5 are "pretty bad" into Rotom-A, and Lucario is also "pretty bad" into Rotom-A but can at least chunk it, lol. I feel like the lack of power can be made up a little bit with an Adamant Nature. This also gives me a decent answer into Mixgon. I also serioiusly considered SD Scizor in this slot for priority and Pursuit support, and lightly considered Gengar for spinblocking and stallbreaking potential.
There is no spinblocker on this team, but in general I think I exert enough offensive pressure to prevent the big 3 (Mie, Phan, Forry) from clicking Spin willy nilly.
This is an unbelievably stupid concept. I've used it in a friendly battle once and I think it could be OK in the hands of a better player. Rotom-A is probably the worst MU here but it's workable.

Le Don

La Déchéance d'un homme
is a Community Contributor
RoAPL Champion
:skarmory: :metagross: :rotom-wash: :raikou: :suicune: :scizor:


SPOILER : I didn't consider stall and paraspam in the buider so if the team is insta losing to it it's prob cause of this, changing some sets can prob fix that ig ?

I just wanted to use Raikou for last regular season week of SPL cause Raikou is our mascot ( #logik ) !
I tried some aboma kou things but without dug it's just shit and BO route with SpD skarm and friends is just boring ngl, déjà vu moment.
So I went back to my fav teamstyle aka Spikes HO with Skarm lead. Then time to put some stuff together and let's try to get good synergies !

I like Suit Meta here ( gives free spikes to skarm but oh well kekw; mashless ? ) cause Lati is a pain to face for Mixed / Special Offense and Skarm lead means that you need a Lati answer ( that's why it's so hard to build aroud off spiker back skarm, can't switch on specs lati and start stacking hazards after, spd is imo for BO route ); Lum is cool for Gar and fast loom but Occa max speed can be considered for Heatran.

Scarf Rotom classic antispin and revenge killer.

Then we have Raikou; LO is weird on it but trust me it hits really hard once it's at +1 : if you manage to get rocks + 1 spike you will OHKO stuff like Machamp / Bold Zapdos / bulkless Jirachi etc. Breloom / Glisc aren't supposed to come on you cause they fear HP Ice so HP Grass was perfect and even then +1 LO SBall is a 2HKO on Bulky Glisc and Loom; Grass is cool for Pert which is a common answer; LO allows you to 2HKO Clef / SpD Hippo btw; Rash Nature with Aurasphere is ofc good for Clef / Tar but then gl vs Nape / Gar / Lati... maybe manageable by trading pokes ?

Suicune cause Gyara / Tran are annoying: Lum can be considered but since I already have LO on Kou I don't want to get 6-0 by sand kekw. And without Modest nature you don't really make a diff vs Clef / Lati with or without Lum anyway.

And then yeah you want another steel type and a wincond that can take easily advantage of the holes that Cune and Kou created. Can be Lucario but Off Rachi is a pain to deal with so SD Occa Scizor was more appealing ( with Luc it looks like to BIHI's Spikes HO team, kek ); STABed BPunch is always good ( esp for dd tar and dnite ) and Bug Bite makes a huge diff vs Rachi; Suit isn't needed here because Meta has it.


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