diseases/conditions you have

I have the same exact thing...it sucks and everyone is grossed out by it. Mine isn't...too bad, it's not all over the place and, like most people, I wear clothes so I can cover up most of it. But my hands are covered with the stuff...it's really awkward and embarrassing when we're doing some group activity involving holding hands or something and I'm the only kid standing there alone because nobody wants to touch my hands.

I also have a feeling sex is going to be kind of awkward...hopefully my skin'll be better by that point.
On my hands it manifests as something called "pompholyx eczema" - basically gross blisters that burn and sting :/

It DOES inhibit sex for me because it affects my groin, too (super gross) but, as you likely know, eczema comes in waves and flares. It basically just means that I'm denied comfortable sex every other week.

I have an abnormally high metabolism rate to the point where I don't put on any weight despite eating tons, having a BMI of 14 and overall looking like an anorexic.


Look at my shiny CT!
Hoo, boy, let's see. I'm autistic, ADD, overweight, myopic, hypersomniac, depressed, and have abnormal circadian rhythms. I tend to procrastinate. I have braces. My dad hates me for hating gym class. And that's about it.

Oh yeah, and save for huge tragedies, I have a not-so-rare condition called don't-give-a-fuckitis.
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Ce soir, on va danser.
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
I have osteonecrosis, aka avascular necrosis, in my right hip. It hurt for a while during sports, and when I got it checked for possible labrum damage, I found out my bone was dying from lack of blood flow. That was a year and a half ago, and I had core decompression surgery on it a couple months after diagnosis. I have not ran, jumped, played sports, or even jogged lightly since January of 2012. Kinda hard when you're a P90x nut. But hey, I got to walk with a cane for a while (and occasionally still do), and I bought a fucking badass cane off Ebay from Ukraine.
Oh I forgot to mention exercise-induced asthma. As a soccer player this really sucks, I end up coughing a lot after every game or practice.
Ah, it's time again. The one race I'll always do well in. ;p

I write tl;drs so easily that it's easier for me to write this than find the post I wrote last time (some ppl suggested I post also and after TIK's post how can I not deliver). I'll just make a non-exhaustive list; my medical situation changes a lot anyway.
  • I'm half-blind (I have an assortment of eye conditions, the tl;dr is I have a bit of decreased vision in my right eye and can see virtually nothing out of my left eye; I have very bad depth perception and peripheral vision naturally)
  • I'm half-deaf (total loss of hearing in right ear, lost it from a tumour and any tiny bit of hearing I would've had left would've been destroyed by the surgery I had)
  • Two benign brain tumours (~4cm tumour near-totally resected in 2011, this is why I'm half-deaf and also can't balance correctly (labyrinthectomy as well), so I use a walking frame; small tumour growing adjacent to the brain stem, found in like 2012): the first tumour is stable and not growing back while the second tumour hasn't grown in a little while as of last examination. The second tumour gives me bad neurological pain which I negate with a prescription painkiller that I've been taking for awhile, and also some recurrent focal weakness in my hand for about a year now, as well as some kind of dysphagia. I have hyperreflexia as well but idk if that is related to the tumour
  • Dyspraxia: my motor skills are horrendous and my motor sequencing so terrible that I took swimming lessons for three years and still failed to learn to swim
  • Asthma (fairly bad as a child, went away as an adolescent and sorta came back after I got sick in 2011 and had pneumonia/whooping cough post-surgery)
  • Anaemic with B12 and iron deficiencies (also vitamin D): I have to have regular B12 injections now as well as iron + D supplements
  • Epilepsy (absence seizures, only started having them in the last few years, might be tumour-related but my neurosurgeon doesn't think so and my aunt's seizures appeared at the same age so ??)
  • Raynaud's disease (it's fairly mild though, I just get a bit of discolouration + ice coldness + numbness/tingling pain)
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder + social anxiety
  • The ligaments (? I think) in my ankles are super duper fucked from repeated injury: I used to play netball, twisted both of my ankles quite badly, and kept playing anyway. Ruined my ankles, kept twisting them over the years due to this, etc. I saw a surgeon like two years ago but he didn't want to operate
My vitamin deficiencies aren't dietary, so my doctors are presently investigating possible malabsorption causes. Today I got the results of a test that made it look fairly unlikely to be pernicious anaemia (or lupus or lymphoma, wtf my doctor did a whole heap of blood tests and didn't even mention either LOL) Next week we should know if it's coeliac disease. I'm also waiting on the results of a genetic test for neurofibromatosis type 2 (an extremely rare disease that causes a malfunction with a specific tumour inhibitor protein, resulting in brain/spinal/skin tumours and a few other problems from an unusually early age); my neurologist and neurosurgeon and I are fairly sure I have it, but the test is not that sensitive so unless it shows up positive it will be inconclusive until I have a second tumour sample available for pathology (hopefully not for many years will I have to have surgery on my second tumour). NF2 has a pretty broad manifestation and it would explain a lot of things about me that are weird but seemingly unrelated.

Today I also got a sinus infection and have to take antibiotics >.> I get 'em every year this time or so.
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Oh yeah, two more things since this is gettingfairly personal.

Sports asthma - not as bad as normal asthma of course, but being a swimmer it sucks because the chlorine amplifies it.

I also have some ADD that has caused me problems in school in the past regarding grades (I would fall sleep during tests and zone out a lot).
I have osteonecrosis, aka avascular necrosis, in my right hip. It hurt for a while during sports, and when I got it checked for possible labrum damage, I found out my bone was dying from lack of blood flow. That was a year and a half ago, and I had core decompression surgery on it a couple months after diagnosis. I have not ran, jumped, played sports, or even jogged lightly since January of 2012. Kinda hard when you're a P90x nut. But hey, I got to walk with a cane for a while (and occasionally still do), and I bought a fucking badass cane off Ebay from Ukraine.
so what you're saying is that you became an old man irl as well as on smogon
how fingers prune up when you are in water for 2 hours happens for me in about 2 minutes, except to my entire hand

apparently the two logical potential solutions (hands that are too sweaty or too unsweaty) were both inapplicable, to which more than one skin doctor said "fuck if we know" after those solutions failed
Ah, it's time again. The one race I'll always do well in. ;p

I write tl;drs so easily that it's easier for me to write this than find the post I wrote last time (some ppl suggested I post also and after TIK's post how can I not deliver). I'll just make a non-exhaustive list; my medical situation changes a lot anyway.
  • I'm half-blind (I have an assortment of eye conditions, the tl;dr is I have a bit of decreased vision in my right eye and can see virtually nothing out of my left eye; I have very bad depth perception and peripheral vision naturally)
  • I'm half-deaf (total loss of hearing in right ear, lost it from a tumour and any tiny bit of hearing I would've had left would've been destroyed by the surgery I had)
  • Two benign brain tumours (~4cm tumour near-totally resected in 2011, this is why I'm half-deaf and also can't balance correctly (labyrinthectomy as well), so I use a walking frame; small tumour growing adjacent to the brain stem, found in like 2012): the first tumour is stable and not growing back while the second tumour hasn't grown in a little while as of last examination. The second tumour gives me bad neurological pain which I negate with a prescription painkiller that I've been taking for awhile, and also some recurrent focal weakness in my hand for about a year now, as well as some kind of dysphagia. I have hyperreflexia as well but idk if that is related to the tumour
  • Dyspraxia: my motor skills are horrendous and my motor sequencing so terrible that I took swimming lessons for three years and still failed to learn to swim
  • Asthma (fairly bad as a child, went away as an adolescent and sorta came back after I got sick in 2011 and had pneumonia/whooping cough post-surgery)
  • Anaemic with B12 and iron deficiencies (also vitamin D): I have to have regular B12 injections now as well as iron + D supplements
  • Epilepsy (absence seizures, only started having them in the last few years, might be tumour-related but my neurosurgeon doesn't think so and my aunt's seizures appeared at the same age so ??)
  • Raynaud's disease (it's fairly mild though, I just get a bit of discolouration + ice coldness + numbness/tingling pain)
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder + social anxiety
  • The ligaments (? I think) in my ankles are super duper fucked from repeated injury: I used to play netball, twisted both of my ankles quite badly, and kept playing anyway. Ruined my ankles, kept twisting them over the years due to this, etc. I saw a surgeon like two years ago but he didn't want to operate
My vitamin deficiencies aren't dietary, so my doctors are presently investigating possible malabsorption causes. Today I got the results of a test that made it look fairly unlikely to be pernicious anaemia (or lupus or lymphoma, wtf my doctor did a whole heap of blood tests and didn't even mention either LOL) Next week we should know if it's coeliac disease. I'm also waiting on the results of a genetic test for neurofibromatosis type 2 (an extremely rare disease that causes a malfunction with a specific tumour inhibitor protein, resulting in brain/spinal/skin tumours and a few other problems from an unusually early age); my neurologist and neurosurgeon and I are fairly sure I have it, but the test is not that sensitive so unless it shows up positive it will be inconclusive until I have a second tumour sample available for pathology (hopefully not for many years will I have to have surgery on my second tumour). NF2 has a pretty broad manifestation and it would explain a lot of things about me that are weird but seemingly unrelated.

Today I also got a sinus infection and have to take antibiotics >.> I get 'em every year this time or so.
also it's hard to believe these two posts are in the same thread

as for me, I have a G6PD deficiency which makes me allergic to a vague number of things on a big list of chemicals like penicillin, sulfonamides, and things in foods like broad beans and green almonds. There are various permutations of the condition so different people are allergic to different drugs on the list. An 'allergic reaction' would put me into haemolytic anaemia, though I've never experienced it.


shake it off!
I have pretty bad scoliosis, but other than that, I don't have any other diseases / conditions. Some days I can't bend over or walk at all, but on most days it's manageable.
I have ceoliac's disease. Which is fanc talk for gluten allergy.

I did almost die from it though. The malabsorbtion it caused, meant that at one point I had a red blood cell count less than 20% of a normal person at my age. So that was fun, I almost died while skiing as a result.

But I'm all good now. I just have on and off anemia as a result but I've been owrking hard over the past five years to build up a tolerance to gluten and as such my ceoliac's isn't nearly as bad as it used to be. I can basically eat normally now. I just tend to stay away from having more than one gluten meal a day and I go fine.

Nothing else impressive.
Uhhh, nothing too serious. I'm asthmatic, which isn't too bad since I'm not active, but that combined with my severe pollen allergies makes Spring the biggest bitch in the world until I get my stupidly strong allergy medications. I'm fatally allergic to peanuts (and allergic to all tree nuts) to the point where I can and have gotten hives / allergic reactions on my skin through being too close to a peanut butter sandwich (without even contact). I'm unsure whether I'm still that allergic, but I'm visibly terrified if I'm near jars of peanut butter, peanut butter sandwiches, etc. I also was recently diagnosed as having "hypoparathyroidism" which isn't too serious--it means my thyroid does not make parathyroid hormone. I'm incredibly calcium / vitamin D deficient accordingly, and have issues with my phosphorous levels. While I don't give a damn about the condition itself (I just need to take a dozen Calcium pills and a pill to help me absorb all of that calcium daily), it's frustrating because it's supposedly incredibly rare. The two most common ways of getting it are genetically (resounding no) or if you had an inexperienced surgeon when you went for help with your hyperparathyroidism, and they cut off too much of the thyroid resulting in hypoparathyroidism (didn't happen).

It's really not too serious and I'm incredibly grateful my list of problems is not life threatening in any way if I am careful (don't eat peanuts, always have my epipen, don't let my calcium deficiently get incredibly out of control, prepare for spring by getting my meds, keep my inhaler, etc), so it's not a huge deal at all if I'm not retarded.

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