CAP 31 - Art Submissions

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On sabbatical!
is a Top Artist Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
CAP 31 So Far


This thread is open for WIPs, comments, and final submissions for the design of CAP 31. Over the course of the art thread, CAP will decide on all competitive abilities, defining moves, and base stats. While the art thread is open now, we recommend that you follow along the competitive process and to hold off on investing heavily into a design until defining moves, competitive abilities, and base stats are decided upon.

Posting Rules

***All material in both the main design and supporting material must be your own. Using another piece of art for inspiration is allowed, but derivative art is not, and blatant plagiarism will result in warnings or bans depending on the severity.***

Collaborative material (such as work made by multiple artists or a vision and art direction by a non-artist and execution by an artist) is not permitted.

Posting Frequency

Intentionally or unintentionally, thread-hogging tends to be more prevalent in the art submission thread compared to other CAP threads. In order to ensure that everyone has a reasonable chance to showcase their designs and air their opinions, thread-hogging will be moderated. If you wish to add new comments or art, but don't want to hog the thread, please consider editing your most recent post to add new content.

Posting Rules: Artists
  • Artists can post any work-in-progress (WIP) artwork in order to solicit feedback or to help develop ideas. WIP artwork does not need to conform to the standards of a Main Design. It can be in any medium or stage of completion, but it must be related to an original art design by the poster.
  • Do not post to state your intended design. You may not reserve an idea for yourself.
  • Do not post questions asking for help in making art. For art resources on Smogon, check out Smeargle's Studio.
  • Do not post inconsequential updates to designs. Only if you have made a significant change should you post an update in the thread.
  • Do not bump art or beg for feedback. If no one comments on your design, consider the silence to be your feedback. Also, check out the CAP Discord channel or the CAP PS Room for open real-time discussion on CAP art.
  • Images posted are subject to the following rules:
    • They must be in .jpg, .png, or .gif format.
    • They must be hosted on a reliable image hosting service (such as Smogon forums or Imgur). Do not use the 'Attach a photo' tool on messaging apps (e.g. Discord). Do not use Iaza or Ezimba.
  • Each post should contain no more than one (1) full-sized image, meaning:
    • The image is at most 640 pixels in both width and height.
  • Artists should post links to additional art or use linking thumbnails. Each thumbnail can be no larger than 160 pixels in either dimension. Any number of thumbnails can be included in a post.
  • The sizing rules apply to the original image only. Using the forum "resize" tool will not change the original size of the image.
  • The use of hide tags does not circumvent or alter any of the image posting rules.
Posting Rules: Commenters
  • Please DO post constructive feedback for artists.
  • Do not post ideas or images to serve as inspiration for artists or attempt to commission an artist in the thread to render your idea.
  • Do not declare any artwork as "the winner" or make similar comments to that effect. Such posts are insulting to all the other competing artists.
  • Do not comment that a design does or does not "look like a Pokemon/Digimon". There is no artistic style guide for Pokemon and therefore such comments are unable to be substantiated or refuted.
  • Do not repost images from the thread. When quoting a post, remove any images.
Final Submission Post

All artists must make a final submission post conforming to the following rules, including those for the Main Design, in order to be included in the art poll.
  • The post must have "Final Submission" (in bold) as the first line, the Main Design included in image tags below that.
  • Any supporting material, if applicable, must be in a section below the main design with the header "Supporting Material". Including this header gives you an additional link back to your submission post from the poll.
  • All supporting art must be included as links or as linked thumbnails no larger than 160 pixels in either dimension. Do not include full images of supporting art in the final submission.
  • Only make one (1) final submission post. Artists are welcome to work on multiple designs and get feedback from the community, but only one design can be submitted for final consideration. If you wish to alter any aspect of your final submission, then edit your post. Do not make a new one, even if you delete your original post. Any deleting and re-posting will be treated as bumping and is subject to moderation.
By making a final submission:
  • The artist gives the CAP project permission to use the submitted art for CAP and related projects. The artist also consents that the design can be interpreted by other artists for the CAP project and for other promotional purposes.
  • Should the design become the winning design, the artist should be prepared to answer any flavor questions about his/her design for the remainder of the CAP cycle. This includes but is not limited to:
    • 3D model
    • Pokedex data (weight/height/color)
Artists cannot submit any artwork that has been previously or that is currently used by another project not affiliated with CAP. The winning CAP artist agrees to not later use the winning design for another project or contest not affiliated with CAP.

Main Design

The main design is intended to follow the same general posing and layout as the "Official Art" for existing in-game Pokemon. It must be suitable for display on the CAP Pokedex section of the CAP Website and any other CAP propaganda where a picture of the Pokemon is needed.

The comparison to 'Official Pokemon Art' is only applicable to the basic content of the main design; it does not imply any standards or guidelines regarding artistic style or rendering technique.

The following rules of content must be followed for the Main Design:
  • The image must consist of a single Pokemon on a plain white background. The background cannot be transparent.
  • The image must be a 2D digital or scanned traditional drawing. 3D media and photos are not allowed. Pixel art is permitted, as long as it is not intended to mimic the look of in-game sprites.
  • No part of the Pokemon may be cut off by the canvas.
  • The Pokemon must be in full color.
  • The design must have a distinct outline on the entire subject in contrast to the subject and background. Colored outlines are allowed but must not obstruct the clarity of the design.
  • No part of the design can be blurred into the background or blended into the background in any way.
  • No props, action effects, move effects, or additional objects can be rendered on or around the Pokemon. If a prop is part of the Pokemon's basic design (i.e. Conkeldurr's pillars), then it is acceptable.
  • The image must not include offensive or obscene imagery, or be intended to mock or insult the project or other users.
  • The image must be in .jpg, .png or .gif format.
  • The image must be at least 320 pixels and at most 640 pixels in both width and height.
  • The image without whitespace must be at least 50% of the width and height of the canvas.
  • The image must be hosted on a reliable image hosting service (such as Smogon forums or Imgur). Do not use the 'Attach a photo' tool on messaging apps (e.g. Discord). Do not use Iaza, Ezimba.
The rules for main designs will be strictly enforced. Do not make comparisons to in-game Pokemon designs or to past CAP designs to determine if your design is in compliance with these rules. Some in-game Pokemon designs and past CAP designs do not conform with the current CAP art submission rules, and emulating those designs is not an acceptable excuse for breaking the strict interpretation of the current rules.

Supporting Material

There are almost no rules when it comes to supporting material. Action scenes, movement studies, interaction with other Pokemon, animations, sculptures, and cartoon strips are all allowed. Non-art supporting material is also allowed. This includes detailed descriptions of the art, background data, stories, etc. All supporting art and information must be related to the main design in some way.


Art submissions are due 48 hours after Secondary Ability Poll results are posted.

Art Polls

All art polls will contain the Main Design and, if applicable, a link below it titled "Supporting Material". This will link to the artists final submission post, if applicable. All final submissions conforming to the rules above will be slated.


is a Top Artistis a Community Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnus
This post was automatically generated using mackerel magic!

To have your art displayed here, please begin your post with WIP or Final Submission, followed by the image to be displayed!

This list does NOT identify if your submission is valid or not.

Collage Link:








Daiquiri Ice





Explosion Badger

Felis Licht

flying moose




Gravity Monkey



K. Roolest Shark


lezzy cuttlefish









Mr. Pristine

















Ultra Shinox


Weakness Policy Contrary






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is a Pre-Contributor

Yo, I got this treasure turtle fella here. I got a different direction in the works, so this guy will receive a makeover the next time I work on em. hopefully i actually finish and wont need to call for an extension this time ;;

The top left one was based on toadstones, the top right one was based on tonguestones (fossilized shark teeth mistaken for dragon tongues during medieval times, don't google this), while the bottom two were just brain vomit. Can you tell which one I've decided to develop further lol

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so smart me, enjoy book so much
is an Artist

Geode Arch Mon Take 2 Small.png

It's! Art! Tiiiiiiiiiiiime!

So here's a dude with a big ol' geode on its back. I was also thinking about dinosaurs (it's a bit triceratopsy), and the USA's Arches National Park — and its mesa-like layered textures of red, orange, and yellow earth. I went on a road trip once and it was stunning. I think, going forward, I'd love to explore some National Park aesthetics more, and how erosion can reveal previously-hidden secrets (in this case, a geode!).

I'm not 1000% set on continuing with this specific design, but enjoying the ride so far. Looking forward to doing a lot more brainstorming!

I am so excited to see how all everyone's ideas proceed to crystallize over the coming weeks.

Geode Arch Mon v1 Small.png
If all else fails... I've always got Volcano Pope.

Volcano Pope.png
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protect the wetlands
is a Contributor Alumnus

I wanted to make a jerboa after thinking about the most iconic thread of all time (shoutouts May) and combined it with the idea of a gem thief.

Originally the tail was longer and thinner, like a jerboa, wrapped around a diamon, but I thought making it function like a sack full of stolen valuables is very cute, so now its much more bushy tailed.

I will see what happens with abilities before developing this further.
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View attachment 416073

It's! Art! Tiiiiiiiiiiiime!

So here's a dude with a big ol' geode on its back. I was also thinking about dinosaurs (it's a bit triceratopsy), and the USA's Arches National Park — and its mesa-like layered textures of red, orange, and yellow earth. I went on a road trip once and it was stunning. I think, going forward, I'd love to explore some National Park aesthetics more, and how erosion can reveal previously-hidden secrets (in this case, a geode!).

I'm not 1000% set on continuing with this specific design, but enjoying the ride so far. Looking forward to doing a lot more brainstorming!

I am so excited to see how all everyone's ideas proceed to crystallize over the coming weeks.

If all else fails... I've always got Volcano Pope.

View attachment 416076
I like Volcano Pope :)


On sabbatical!
is a Top Artist Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus


  • Buried treasure is often hidden in sand
  • Cows often have piercings in the form of nose rings and ear tags
  • Cow skulls indicate desert
  • Diamond Storm -> hip-hop/rap-inspired bling
  • Possibly some post-apocalyptic-punk inspirations?
  • Skulls tend to be used as a motif in punk-style fashion

Definitely needs some design tweaks to make it more of a fakemon and less of a character design, but it's a start!

View attachment 416073

It's! Art! Tiiiiiiiiiiiime!

So here's a dude with a big ol' geode on its back. I was also thinking about dinosaurs (it's a bit triceratopsy), and the USA's Arches National Park — and its mesa-like layered textures of red, orange, and yellow earth. I went on a road trip once and it was stunning. I think, going forward, I'd love to explore some National Park aesthetics more, and how erosion can reveal previously-hidden secrets (in this case, a geode!).

I'm not 1000% set on continuing with this specific design, but enjoying the ride so far. Looking forward to doing a lot more brainstorming!

I am so excited to see how all everyone's ideas proceed to crystallize over the coming weeks.

If all else fails... I've always got Volcano Pope.

View attachment 416076
i genuinely really like this design, however the emphasis on a geode reminds me of a rock type more than a ground type.
I blame GameFreak for making rock and ground two seperate types.

First art submission on the site, be gentle. still rough around the edges but this is my first draft of the first concept that came to my mind. My inspiration came from the small aztec idols found in meso-america. conceptually, the top and bottom face are both flat, with the bottom face acting as a singular wheel used as locomotion when the bottom sphere rotates like smooth gears. Hopefully got the idea across, though I am definitely looking for some feedback on this.


The Goofy Fella
is a Community Contributor
Ahoy mateys! Ready for more Noah goodness? No? Too bad!

The first design I drew up this time around is an Arabic/Ottoman styled Camel based around the luxury and royalty of Sultans

No colors yet, but I dig the direction this one goes, if I do say so myself.
The Second is a terracotta-brick golem With crystalline structures growing out of it, and displays a core of emerald in its chest cavity.

Clearly just concept sketches for now, but do feel free to give feedback on what would be good for the designs of these two knuckleheads!

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put on your headphones and burn my city
is a Top Artistis a Forum Moderator

Two design ideas that I came up with; both need a ton of tweaking but I think I'm going to wait til abilities come out to start doing that, to see if we get some more visual cues

Concept 1: Stegosaurus with geode spikes; somewhat conceptually weak rn, needs more inspiration to get further appeal I think, but I think the shapes are cool

Concept 2: My ideation process here was diamonds->crown->crowned lemurs->ringed lemur w crown->king lemur. The tail is reminiscent of a king's staff. I'm happier with this design than the dino, but there are still a ton of things I'd like to try out; I think there's potential for different body builds with the same central design and for fluffier features overall, and I plan to test those out later on. There's also a lot that can be done with the tail here; I think I'm going to try to make it a more prevalent part of the design in future iterations. Feedback from the Discord (s/o Amamama and Quanyails) indicates that the design rn isn't super "ground-type-y", so I might work on getting more ground-themed inspiration and solidifying the connection with the typing :>
First art submission on the site, be gentle. still rough around the edges but this is my first draft of the first concept that came to my mind. My inspiration came from the small aztec idols found in meso-america. conceptually, the top and bottom face are both flat, with the bottom face acting as a singular wheel used as locomotion when the bottom sphere rotates like smooth gears. Hopefully got the idea across, though I am definitely looking for some feedback on this.
I like your general direction on this; it's very unique and definitely evocative of the themes you're going for. If you're looking for feedback, I definitely think this concept is better suited to move towards the cute end of the pokemon spectrum more than the cool end as you iterate. I think making the eyes bigger and more expressive, and making the design slightly less detailed would go a long way to making it feelmore like a pokemon.

Concept 2: My ideation process here was diamonds->crown->crowned lemurs->ringed lemur w crown->king lemur. The tail is reminiscent of a king's staff. I'm happier with this design than the dino, but there are still a ton of things I'd like to try out; I think there's potential for different body builds with the same central design and for fluffier features overall, and I plan to test those out later on. There's also a lot that can be done with the tail here; I think I'm going to try to make it a more prevalent part of the design in future iterations. Feedback from the Discord (s/o Amamama and Quanyails) indicates that the design rn isn't super "ground-type-y", so I might work on getting more ground-themed inspiration and solidifying the connection with the typing :>
I think giving your lemur design a quadrapedal stance would go a long way in making it feel like a ground type. Maybe it could hold its tail like a scepter with one forehand, giving it a Passimian-like stance. I'd also use ring-tailed lemurs for design elements, as they're one of the few mainly terrestrial lemurs.
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It shall rest here in peace. Forever, if you wish.
is a Top Artistis a Smogon Media Contributor

So initially I thought of going with a gem-encrusted panther to play on "tiger's eye" gemstones, but it turns out I am terrible at drawing actual proper cat anatomy and had no idea what to do with its head. Do I go mane or do elongated ears, but how do I make it not a ripoff of CAP29? Eventually I thought that my attempt looked like a ram's horns, and thought - why not make it a battering ram?

CAP 31 uses an extremely hard head, helmed by a cranial gemstone, to not only crush targets it rams into but also shield its noggin. So as to not simply make a ram with armour and gemstones, I shaped its horns to vaguely look like a satellite cannon structure to focus the energy into a gemstone laser, if we end up going with the mix set or slight special focus. (Why is Diamond Storm a physical move?) Shaggy fur patterns hopefully help to make this guy not purely Rock while the arc structures on its back break up the spinal monotony a little, while also referencing the handles on actual one-person battering rams. I don't really have anything else clever to say at this point, which might be for the best considering my previous CAPs were... pretty overdone.


is a Pre-Contributor

Went ahead with a different direction for my turt. I took big Egyptian inspirations to push the Ground-type more and give it a more focused concept, hopefully without stepping on Cofagrigus’ nonexistent toes.

So this fella can freely bend and manipulate sand, forming it into the shape of a serpopard (a leopard or lioness with a long-ass neck that was depicted in ancient Egyptian art) to threaten and battle its enemies. I can definitely adjust the angle/positioning of the sand streams, and I have more specifics planned, but I’ll wait until abilities.
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token smogon furry
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hi all, wanted to take a second to share my ideas for this mon!!! i'm probably going to hold off a bit on going further until abilities/stats are situated somewhat so i can research, stabilize, and properly refine whatever direction i take (since obviously this is a bit crude), but this is sort of what im thinking with a mono ground-type diamond storm user.

pyramids are made of sandstone, or a type of rock-esque structure made from sand (which, in pokemon, has been seen as a ground-type substance through the precedent of sandygast and palossand). furthermore, pyramids also house royal tombs, and by extension: great and valuable treasure. as such i really wanted to take a direction inspired by them, with either great valuables helping make the crux of the design, or representing something more crude and less physiologically integrated (like, say, a tomb raider like in the first design). desert temples are also of note here.

i like both of these angles a lot but i think the ability slate will really influence which i choose and how i go about fleshing out things like colors and the finer parts of the designs!

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