Can't connect to servers

Got this problem when I was trying to play shoddy yesterday. The server list will load, but all servers are shown as having 0 people online and I can't connect to any of them, due to a connection timeout. Odd thing is, I never had any problems running shoddy before, and my internet connection is perfectly normal today.

I tried reinstalling both Shoddy and Java, but both attempts were useless. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.
Did you allow java through your firewall? Put another firewall/antivirus on? Make any changes to connection/firewalls or anything like that? What does the connection error say?
Oh, forgot to mention, but I've allowed java through the firewall aswell. Heck, I even tried it with the firewall turned off completely, just to be sure. Didn't work.

No new antivirus either, but I'll try messing with it a bit to see what happens.

EDIT - Just tried connecting again and, oddly enough, it showed the Smogon server as having 396 people online, while all the others had zero. Couldn't connect to it, though. The error message is the same as before (sorry, forgot to post it!):

An error occurred while attempting to connect to the server:

Connection timed out: connect
Yeah, its a good connection. I was thinking the timeouts happened due to my brother downloading aproximately 28495739854 torrents these days, but I turned those off and still couldn't connect.

EDIT - Nevermind, I actually as able to connect myteriously this time around. Guess those were the problem. Thanks!
huh, sorry for double posting, but I guess it's better than posting a new thread, since I still got issues...

My shoddy isn't actually connecting to servers all the time. It does so randomly, even when my internet conection is at top condition (ie: no torrents, etc). However, I've noticed that another Java aplication I use, Pogo's Online Monopoly is suffering from the same problem as shoddy: I can only connect to tables randomly, and most of the time I can'. It's the same problem I get on shoddy: most of time I can't connect to servers, but there's a small chance I can actually connect. Kinda like hitting with Sheer Cold lol.

So, could this be a problem with my Java? I've already tried reinstalling it multiple times, including different versions (Tried Version 6 Update 18, the lastest one, and version 1.5.0, none worked), but I noticed some of the files stay on my computer even when I unistall it, so I'm guessing perhaps there's some corrupted file that's not being unistalled or something. Any ideas?

Once again, thanks!
No, most software keep some files, such as configurations, incase you want to restore something. Try switching versions of java.
I just tried version 1.6.0 and 1.4.0, aswell as having tried 1.6 update 18 and 1.5.0, as I said on my last post. I get the exact same result with all of them.


is a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
I'm having the exact same problems/error messages. This issue plagued me for most of last semester--I assumed it was a university security matter, since shoddy would work fine on other connections (wifi at Panera Bread, for example) but would time out and fail to connect whenever I was in my dorm. However, towards the end of the semester, the problem miraculously vanished and I was able to sign on with no trouble at all. Since this semester began, I've been connecting just fine, but today it seems to have reverted back to that awful glitchy state it seemed to be stuck in during the fall. Nothing on my computer has changed at all. The firewall settings are all arranged to allow java through. I've updated my java. My regular internet connection is fine. I have no idea what triggered this reversal, but hopefully someone can give me some advice, because I'd really, really hate to be forced to drive out and hop on some out-of-the-way public connection to continue participating in this round of suspect.

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