Bug Reports v2.0 (READ OP BEFORE POSTING!!)

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So my camelrupt shouldn't have outsped his flareon especially at 2x speed. guess its a bug of some kind. he out sped my smeargle with 273 while my camel with 116, ATTACKED FIRST. its not that big of a deal i suppose but I don't think this should have happened and it stood out to me and my opponent. he says he used flare blitz and I used earth power so yeah, chalk that up to the x files.

So my camelrupt shouldn't have outsped his flareon especially at 2x speed. guess its a bug of some kind. he out sped my smeargle with 273 while my camel with 116, ATTACKED FIRST. its not that big of a deal i suppose but I don't think this should have happened and it stood out to me and my opponent. he says he used flare blitz and I used earth power so yeah, chalk that up to the x files.
he probably clicked roar or another low priority move
did you use any priority lowering moves? some moves have a negative priority, meaning that they usually go last. examples include trick room and roar, but you can use /dt move on pokemon showdown to see the moves priority
Nope, don't know exactly which moves I used but they were normal priority.
Hey, I'm also having the same problem as Brum.

Essentially, I cannot log on in PS with ANY registered account. I first encountered the problem last night Sep-8-2016, going from ArkenCiel to an unregged name, YOYOINOYOI (don't ask), to claim it. When I tried to change back to ArkenCiel, it wouldn't let me. I assumed someone hacked me, so I tried my other names, but to no luck. I could not switch to any of my registered names. I even tried going into the name YOYOINOYOI that I literally just registered minutes before, but it just keeps spitting out "Wrong password."

On the bright side, my phone's still logged on as ArkenCiel, but I'm hesitant to change names on it for fear of the same thing happening.

Reported by kmph. This moveset doesn't make any sense.

Planning to probably fix that tomorrow, just noting it.


not the same but equal
is a Community Contributorwon the 14th Official Smogon Tournamentis a Past SPL Champion
almost every time when i start a battle or switch the battle window on stours the battle screen moves up and i can't see parts of it. i've had that issue some months ago every now and then, but then it started working again. i am aware that this might be known but since i didn't find a post the last few pages i figured i might post it again just to make sure.

this is what i'm talking about. so far i've only had that issue on smogtours and it goes away if i refresh the battle, but that also exits me out of all my other battles and as soon as i try to join another one it happens again
can i at least get a reply?

edit: it's happening on the mainserer too now
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If you are in a doubles battle, your partner uses destiny bond, and you KO your partner, both of your Pokemon will faint.
EX: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/vgc2016-434957694

According to bulbapedia, this isnt supposed to happen: "Destiny Bond has no effect if an ally causes the user to faint."

I haven't tested this in-game (I'm about to), but I'm pretty sure it's only supposed to effect your opponent's pokemon.
Not sure if Showdown is intended to be this way but I'll post it here anyway. In teambuilder, Pichu is listed as learning Surf even when the format isn't generation 3. However, if you try to use it, Showdown does prevent you from doing so. I'm guessing this is from the Pokemon Box Pichu in generation 3 that knew surf.

Don't know what brings this on but the game lied to me about how many Hyper Voices this guy had left, so on his last Hyper Voice he had -1 uses left according to the UI. Told me it said the same thing about my Ice Beam.

Don't know what brings this on but the game lied to me about how many Hyper Voices this guy had left, so on his last Hyper Voice he had -1 uses left according to the UI. Told me it said the same thing about my Ice Beam.
That's because they used to have pressure. OM's don't modify the client, so it thought thay still did. You'll probably have to learn to live with that.


this is the day of the expanding man

This is just a visual bug, but when my Ditto transformed into my opponent's Mega Diancie, it got squeezed.
Thousand Waves hasn't been behaving like it's supposed to (I think). I don't have the screenshot of the exact moment, but I get the thousand waves trap warning (preventing me from switching) sometimes even after the user of thousand waves has switched out or fainted.

Two examples:
Between turns 7 and 8, I was unable to switch out Kyurem despite megaRay switching out.

Arceus traps Escavalier in turn 7 but faints the same turn. Despite this, Escavalier remains trapped for the full perish count.
he probably clicked roar or another low priority move
Well he claims he used flare blitz. which would explain why he was surprised. but I can't prove anything about that. i guess its just easier to ignore honestly, just kinda struck me as weird
One other possible bug. If a pokemon with illusion mega evolves (hackmons only) and then receives direct damage, the illusion does not fade, and imposter is still blocked. Is this how it would work in ORAS?

Replay: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/bhdoubles-437905039
I can't seem to find the original post, but this is the correct in-game behaviour. It has been corrected from the old incorrect mechanic where the illusion disappeared when the ability was changed. Since you do not have the Imposter ability anymore, receveing direct damage won't trigger anything and thus won't break your illusion either.
Pokemon that are 100% female cannot legally have certain level up moves or combinations of level up moves at lower levels. Because Female only Pokemon can't breed with male versions of themselves to pass down level up attacks, they instead need a male Pokemon from the same egg group to also have that attack to successfully pass the attack down to the child. Pokemon Showdown doesn't currently have this restriction implemented.

For example, there are no Pokemon in the Human-Like Egg group that have Heart Stamp as a level up or egg move outside of Smoochum and Jynx, meaning that a level 5 Heart Stamp Smoochum is not possible. Possibly more competitively relevant examples include Punishment Vullaby and Entrainment Petilil. Some other Pokemon have issues where they can't legally have two of their future level up moves together at level 5. Flabebe is the best example of this. It can have Roselia as a father to have Petal Dance at level 5 or one of several Fairy family members as a father to have Moonblast at level 5, but it can never have both attacks.

Thankfully, this only has a competitive impact on little cup and the 3rd Gen Pomeg glitch remedies the problem for a few Pokemon (Smoochum would not have access to Perish song without it). Even then, these examples are a stretch for being competitive in the first place. This is a super low priority issue, but I wanted to make PS developers aware.
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formerly Barbows
this is the second time this happened to me, but the first time it did i was rather new on showdown and thought it was ok, but i just got a ponyta with no attacking moves on a gen1 ladder randbat, i thought the sets were supposed to be viable

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