Tournament BLT V: Group Stage Week 3

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Art by sirDonovan.
Post approved by Sir Donovan
Welcome to the third week of BLT V! The format of this tournament is simple: there will be 2 groups with 4 teams in each. Within each group, the four teams face each of the other three teams in their group once. After three weeks, the teams will be ranked (2 points for a win, 1 for a draw, 0 for a loss). The top two teams advance from their groups, while the rest are eliminated. If there is a tie between teams at this point in the tournament, the two teams with the best win/loss over the three week period will advance. From here, the top 4 teams that advance will verse each other in a single elimination format for the semifinals and then finals. Matches will be in standard Smogon SM tiers, so challenge your opponent in those. Obviously, play on PS! (preferably main or smogtours server). Series are played in a best-of-one.

Basic tournament rules - you absolutely should read this, especially if you're new to forum tournaments

Sportsmanship: Don't be an ass. Not to your opponents, not to your team, not on PS, not on Smogon, not to me. A bit of friendly banter is ok, but please know where to draw the line. Think before you type, please.

Scheduling and Activity Wins: Contact your opponent as quickly as possible on their Smogon wall, and look out for them on PS. You will have one week from the posting of the week's matches to get it done, and I will not be granting any extensions for any reasons. If your opponent is not responding to your post on their wall, cannot be found on PS, or miss multiple scheduled times, make a detailed activity post in the thread letting me know why you deserve the win. No activity post means no activity call. As long as you have visible attempts at scheduling (such as wall posts), you will be fine.

Disconnections and Timer: A timer loss is a loss. No if's, and's, or but's about it. If your opponent is nice enough to replay that's fine, but they are by no means obligated to.

Ghosting and Identity: Don't take or give battle advice or make moves based solely on the suggestions of others, and don't pretend to be someone else in order to play as them. You will be caught, and you will be disqualified from this season as well as future PS! tournaments (BLT, PSPL, etc.).

Substitutions: Managers are free to substitute out inactive players at any point during the week with any subs they chose during the draft. Be sure to post in the thread when making a substitution.

REMINDER - This week of matches will have the recent tier changes in place.

Below the link for the current points and W/L for each player by team.


Eevee Group

Azalea Alakazams (Samjo MJ) (7) VS
Pewter City Prehistorics (iStockphoto explodingdaisies) (1)
Black City Bolts (Plas Glacierider) (3) VS
Pastoria Poliwraths (Roseybear TheWall) (5)

Azalea Alakazams VS Pewter City Prehistorics

Ubers: MJ VS hamhamhamham
OU: Sand1234 VS denisthemenace
UU: ORAS-Mega VS Sanzy
RU: King Of Crimea VS Karalynia
NU: Snow Jiniri VS jrsmash9
LC: Mael VS london13
DOU: Abbp VS Anime Sans
Mono: Barely Lit VS RichardPepper

Black City Bolts VS Pastoria Poliwraths

Ubers: Bryonthewellwell VS Micro
OU: Arce9 VS Bigboy038
UU: Sir Slaking VS OminousDraco
RU: pokemon e3 VS The Welsh Wall
NU: Plas VS Twixtry
LC: Osh VS simbo
DOU: SMB VS Jasprose
Mono: Poison Adhesive VS BelmontGabriel

Pikachu Group

White Forest Weaviles
(Mihawk349 Lightning1870 (negatory)) (3) VS
Sunyshore Snorlax (Trace EternalSnowman) (5)
Driftveil Diancies (Martha Robb576) (4) VS
Blackthorn Blastoises (Silverwhiteblue Dogknees) (4)

White Forest Weaviles VS Sunyshore Snorlaxs

Ubers: Raftel Reshirams VS Sanjay
OU: le Sabreur VS Kyotoshi
UU: jrdn VS Abyssal Ruins
RU: Lightning1870 VS Ark
NU: Skelos VS EternalSnowman
LC: Mikaav VS Ninjadog
DOU: King Leo V VS Silver25x
Mono: Peachycl0uds VS kythr

Driftveil Diancies VS Blacktorn Blastoises

Ubers: Lkapkd VS Wailjesus
OU: Beds (beschibaer) VS Sharp ladder UU
UU: Truth (Kreme) VS naruto(sage)
RU: MorganORNot (Darkeallenq.q) VS Serenesgrace
NU: Go0D VS akiko yosano
LC: Silvioguacamole VS luthier
DOU: Frisoeva VS rafooa11
Mono: Spitfire Arcanine (Dj Breloominati) VS raj.shoot

This is a tag for Eyan to post the Tag list cause he is a legend.

Please remember to use the Tournaments sub-room Tours Plaza for BLT V discussion and to keep this thread civil regardless of friendly banter.

This week ends 5th of August at 11:59PM EST (GMT-4). Good luck everyone!
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Can't believe I missed this, anyway I'm putting my money on Yosano Blastoises


After analyzing all teams these are my predictions.

Azalea Alakazams VS Pewter City Prehistorics

Ubers: MJ VS hamhamhamham - I don't see hamx4 taking this, MJ should know how to handle his playstyle
OU: Sand1234 VS denisthemenace - Denis aint bad but Sand is in form rn
UU: ORAS-Mega VS Sanzy Seen - Sanzy play and I think he got this. )
RU: King Of Crimea VS Karalynia - Can't see Karalynia lose here
NU: Snow Jiniri VS jrsmash9 - Jrsmash has a 25% chance
LC: Mael VS london13 - Trust me
DOU: Abbp VS Anime Sans - Abbp should prove doubters wrong here
Mono: Barely Lit VS RichardPepper - Either could take this one

Black City Bolts VS Pastoria Poliwraths

Ubers: Charmflash VS Micro - Micro got this 4 sure
OU: Arce9 VS Bigboy038 - Bigboy can be stopped, sadly idk if arce9 is the one.
UU: Sir Slaking VS OminousDraco - Sir Slaking has a 20% chance
RU: pokemon e3 VS The Welsh Wall - come on
NU: Plas VS Twixtry - No win for plas sorry
LC: Osh VS simbo - Osh been out of touch for a min
DOU: SMB VS Jasprose - Jasp got this
Mono: Poison Adhesive VS BelmontGabriel - yeah

White Forest Weaviles VS Sunyshore Snorlaxs

Ubers: Raftel Reshirams VS Sanjay - Raftel.
OU: le Sabreur VS Kyotoshi - Sabreur wins 9 out of 10 times
UU: jrdn VS Abyssal Ruins - Yeah
RU: Lightning1870 VS Ark - Know neither of them
NU: Skelos VS EternalSnowman - ESM should not fold here but
LC: Mikaav VS Ninjadog - Toss up
DOU: King Leo V VS Silver25x - Toss up
Mono: Peachycl0uds VS kythr - Peachy is solid

Driftveil Diancies VS Blacktorn Blastoises

Ubers: Lkapkd VS Wailjesus - Dunno either of them
OU: Beds (beschibaer) VS Sharp ladder UU - Sharp has lost his touch as well, shouldn't be in this spot imo.
UU: Truth (Kreme) VS naruto(sage) - Naruto should win but something tells me otherwise
RU: MorganORNot (Darkeallenq.q) VS Serenesgrace - Serenesgrace been ruthless
NU: Go0D VS akiko yosano - According to my tarot cards yosano has a 1% chance of losing
LC: F i l l e VS luthier - My Godson.
DOU: Frisoeva VS rafooa11 - Rafoa aint looking good rn
Mono: Spitfire Arcanine (Dj Breloominati) VS raj.shoot - Trust me
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Time to predict as mihawk forced me to :/ ( Just resign already)

Azalea Alakazams(3) V[2]S Pewter City Prehistorics(3)

Ubers: MJ VS hamhamhamham ( I wouldn't dare predict against any one here).
OU: Sand1234 VS denisthemenace ( denisthemenace has took charmflash down 6-0 but Sand is still the OU god).
UU: ORAS-Mega VS Sanzy ( Sanzy can win this if he plays well).
RU: King Of Crimea VS Karalynia (Kara is in no mood to lose).
NU: Snow Jiniri VS jrsmash9 ( Xiri is going undefeated this BLT).
LC: Mael VS london13 (Mael is a better player overall but london13 is going to find his way as he did against Simbo and Osh).
DOU: Abbp VS Anime Sans( Abbp beat cheese but Anime Sans as cheese's disciple is gonna prove that it was just once in a blue moon thing).
Mono: Barely Lit VS RichardPepper ( Tossup).

Black City Bolts(2) V[2]S Pastoria Poliwraths(4)

Ubers: Charmflash VS Micro ( Yes Charmflash did lose butt putting him in ubers idk )
OU: Arce9 VS Bigboy038 ( Bigboy is in a streak ...not gonna stop).
UU: Sir Slaking VS OminousDraco ( Should be a comfortable win).
RU: pokemon e3 VS The Welsh Wall ( No need to say anything).
NU: Plas VS Twixtry ( Plas is gonna leave BLT with a win).
LC: Osh VS simbo ( Looking forward to it LC is so stuffed).
DOU: SMB VS Jasprose ( The GOAT is not losing).
Mono: Poison Adhesive VS BelmontGabriel (mono so i'm out).

Driftveil Diancies(4) VS Blacktorn Blastoises(4)

Ubers: Lkapkd VS Wailjesus ( Dont know much about Wailjesus but still believe he'll be better than Lkapkd)
OU: Beds (beschibaer) VS Sharp ladder UU ( Should have let him do UU ).
UU: Truth (Kreme) VS naruto(sage)( Truth is not leaving without drawing first blood).
RU: MorganORNot (Darkeallenq.q) VS Serenesgrace (Whether team is gonna win also a friend).
NU: Go0D VS akiko yosano (Go0D is rusty atm needs to work hard if he intends to win).
LC: F i l l e VS luthier( Stuffed).
DOU: Frisoeva VS rafooa11 ( Sry to say this but rafooa's getting no win this BLT).
Mono: Spitfire Arcanine (Dj Breloominati) VS raj.shoot ( Spitfire is doing great but i would like to see raj win).

And in addition get ready to see Laxes lose. MORE importantly CHEESE come back.
Azalea Alakazams(3) VS(4) Pewter City Prehistorics(1)

Ubers: MJ VS hamhamhamham - tossup even tho mj looked a bit better so far
OU: Sand1234 VS denisthemenace - should be a good one aswell
UU: ORAS-Mega VS Sanzy - i still havent seen these guys play tbh
RU: King Of Crimea VS Karalynia - has looked rly strong so far
NU: Snow Jiniri VS jrsmash9 - unstoppable
LC: Mael VS london13 - better player
DOU: Abbp VS Anime Sans - beat cheesen
Mono: Barely Lit VS RichardPepper - no idea

Black City Bolts VS Pastoria Poliwraths

Ubers: Charmflash VS Micro - idk how good za is in ubers but hes a great player so idk
OU: Arce9 VS Bigboy038 - should be a free one i think
UU: Sir Slaking VS OminousDraco - just better imo
RU: pokemon e3 VS The Welsh Wall
NU: Plas VS Twixtry - sry twix but plas is just better imo
LC: Osh VS simbo - great mu
DOU: SMB VS Jasprose - lol
Mono: Poison Adhesive VS BelmontGabriel - dunno

White Forest Weaviles(1) VS(3) Sunyshore Snorlaxs(4)

Ubers: Raftel Reshirams VS Sanjay - never seen him play ubers, but hes good and has the support to take this
OU: le Sabreur VS Kyotoshi - looked way better so far
UU: jrdn VS Abyssal Ruins - close one tho
RU: Lightning1870 VS Ark - ark is a god never doubt tbh
NU: Skelos VS EternalSnowman - skelos aint bad but esm is just far superior
LC: Mikaav VS Ninjadog - slight edge to ninja maybe but could go either way tbh
DOU: King Leo V VS Silver25x
Mono: Peachycl0uds VS kythr

Dj Breloominati♬

1% chance 99% faith
is a Top Tiering Contributor
UPL Champion
won v raj in a fun one ;]
since its the end of our run, want to give a bunch of shoutouts :)
Before anything else want to thank Robb576 and martha for drafting me - was a very fun road :3
starting off with Decemm and Attribute - man these guys are legends at prepping , if not for them don't think I would be where I am ;-;
next off are all my teammates for making this a memorable experience - [beds , you proved to be a professional memer , sucks that rby didn't get into blt ] also Prequel memes > world \o/
lastly ima for those goat squads :D
Good luck to all the playoff teams , give it your best :D [ Go weavs especially - underdogs for life :) ]
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