NOC Assist Trophy Mutiny [GAME OVER]

I was redirected to Fame as I said, not sure by who and no idea who is lying about this? Would appreciate if whoever did would just say so.

For the record, neither Fame nor TBZ is 100% greenchecked by my ability 1 but in both cases both players did not do any actions the night I visited them.

As there was no kill last night, it is possible mafia idled altogether and Fame could be mafia but that would mean his partner would have had to redirect. Ultimately, there were so many redirects yesterday that it is HIGHLY unlikely that they all came from Fame’s partner — which leads me to believe that BOTH mafia were redirecting which means there’s like a 99% chance that Fame is clear OR that there are villagers that are lying which is counter productive to the solve.

I think there is a 0% - 5% chance I live through the night so I’ll implore you all to just vote Zippy. I think the game is as simple as Zippy + Whydon and we’re all over complicating it.
JALMONT I do have a second ability but I never said what it does because I feel like I’d be killed if I said it specifically. It’s basically a “Last Stand” where I can get alignment and ignores redirects and roleblocks but it doesn’t activate until 3 town have been lynched. Therefore, if town were to be lynched today I can start using my ability.
ok so you have one (1) active ability that went to fame and a second active ability that can't be used yet. got it thanks
I was redirected to Fame as I said, not sure by who and no idea who is lying about this?
well i think you are (maybe) lying about it. because it doesn't add up. you should've been redirected to ehmcee. are you sure you read your result correctly?
ok fmpov Whydon is like 80% town now so I need to rethink this. I don’t see why as scum Whydon would ever validate my action.

My POE at this point would be Zippy/Neon/MC/TBZ. TBZ could have idled night 1 or not had an ability to use yet?

Neon is inactive, Zippy looks bad (but he looked worse in the context of Whydon being his partner). It still would make logical sense that Zippy was paired with Haruno, but maybe it’s Zippy + MC then? I mean wasn’t the POE yesteday just haruno + zippy + mc?
ok let's lay out all the cards on the table

Laurel is lying - Laurel claims to have visited Fame x1. I tracked Laurel and he visited Fame x2.

Whydon is lying - Whydon claims to have bodyguarded me last night, presumably blocking kills directed at me. My BPV was broken regardless.

I used my martyr ability on Ehmcee. The bus driver means I was redirected to Zippy. My BPV was broken and Zippy for sure targeted me.
Aura Guardian

Can you be more specific on what your invest ability actually does?
I've been confused most of the time in knowing if we can actually clear these people
It gives me a breakdown of role information, especially as it relates to my doctor and unlock powers. I want information on this subject to know if investigation results past or present match up to what people claim.
ok let's lay out all the cards on the table

Laurel is lying - Laurel claims to have visited Fame x1. I tracked Laurel and he visited Fame x2.

Whydon is lying - Whydon claims to have bodyguarded me last night, presumably blocking kills directed at me. My BPV was broken regardless.

I used my martyr ability on Ehmcee. The bus driver means I was redirected to Zippy. My BPV was broken and Zippy for sure targeted me.
Okay, my vote is pretty much staying on zippy then.

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