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What's the best HP for Unown, and where is the thread that tells me how to make a discussion thread for a Pokémon?
The best unown Hidden power is dragon. Why are you using unown anyway?The thread that tells you how to make a discusion thread is gone but what you need to do is

1. Write movepool,typong,ability etc
2. Write a bit about it
3. Make some sets
The reason you couldn't EV Lv. 100 Pokemon in previous Gens is because EVs were only given to a Pokemon when they gained experience. This is likely the same way it works in Gen 5 as well. You can, however, use the new feather-like items (I forget what they're called) to give a Pokemon 1 EV in a stat and go past the 100 EV limit that vitamins have. This means that you can give Lv. 100 Pokemon (like the event Arceus) any EV spread you want.
Yeah, I knew about the feather items, but seeing as they give one EV per use and you can't buy them, I was hoping that they allowed you to battle for EVs so as to finish much faster.

Besides, aren't the wing/feather items somewhat rare to come across on that bridge? I don't have the game, but it sounds like a real pain trying to accumulate 152 of even ONE stat wing...
Without too much spoilers, please help me figure out which version to get when it comes out all over the world next year.
I guess mascot legend is the most important to me, then anything afterwards.


fueled by beer
Without too much spoilers, please help me figure out which version to get when it comes out all over the world next year.
I guess mascot legend is the most important to me, then anything afterwards.

Contains a little spoiler:

anything you need is in the links above, noone can decide for you so just look wich one you would prefer.
Both got good stuff. Guess I will purchase the underdog version with less sales.
Any idea where I can find out the sales of both version and find out which is the less popular one?
It's been two days and I can't upload my Pokemon to the Dream World via Game Sync. I even tried resetting my game's clock several times to different days, but to no avail. Which is weird because I was able to do it before (change my game's clock to a different day) and it worked before.

Anyone know what's going on?
Is it possible that the pokemon to be given away in the online dw poll will have new abilities even those who arent supposed to get them or would they have been coded into the game's data.


Official Smogon Know-It-All
They would be in the game's data.

Athenodoros said:
I saw in someone's signature a link to a thread about getting into gen 5, but I've lost it. If that person sees this could they post here, or could someone point me in the righ direction?
I wonder... Does it do anything if you send out an A, B, and C Unown, in order, in a Triple Battle, and have them all use Hidden Power?

Actually TRY it before responding.

Because move combinations like the oaths are in the game and I also want to know all the other combos.
how do you check your total DW points?
Go to your profile (on the Global Link main page click on the yellow pokeball that says プロファイルページ to go to your profile). Your DW points are in the bottom left box. It will say "これまでの、ゆめポイント:" and then show your points. You can also check your points in the middle of a DW session by clicking on "プロファイルページ" at the bottom of the screen.
What's the best way to accumulate points?
According to serebii:
1 Point Trade items with your friend
10 Points Water your friend's Berries
10 Points Harvest Berries
10-30 Points Complete mini-games in the Dream Isle
50 Points Send Pokémon found in the Dream World to your main game
So basically login every day and play as many minigames as you can until pokemon stop appearing. The more friends you have the more points you can get, so people try to make as many friends as possible.
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