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  • I don't mind. You're ability to success on that test is way more important then some trade haha. I'll put you down as well.
    Could I ask you something?
    Can you change the 'The Rules', 'Sinnoh', 'Unova' and 'Dreamworld' banner a bit?
    I would like their backgrounds to be more in the style of the other ones. :)
    What a shame.
    You've got some nice things in your thread, but it'd be useless to CYT, because you've got so many credits with me. :P
    Small question, is Eminem's Oblivia Shaymin still within your 4th gen cart or has already been transferred to your 5th gen cart?
    I'll take these two:

    Xelite's #549 - Lilligant ★
    (ID: 52957 | OT: JOE)

    Cecil's #599 - Klink ★
    (ID: 12345 | OT: Cecil)

    You can file trade, correct?
    Nah it doesnt matter then.Needed pidgey for egg moves for swablu.Gonna get from GTS.Thanks for the trade
    lol okay then.I will go online now.Me wantz the timid one.Do you haz an extra pidgey?It can be any pidgey
    I'm sorry to ask but... Can you make me another banner? :3
    Last one, I promise ;).
    You'll get another credit for it, of course.
    I guess you still know what kind of style I like.
    It should say 'Dreamworld'.
    And the Pokémon on it should be Altaria.
    Hi. I saw on your trade thread that you use the online Pokéshifter applet to pokeshift sometimes. Do you find that it changes the date of the pokemon to the current date when you use it?

    Is the pokemon still considered legit in every way despite this? I'm sorry for posting on your page but it didn't seem prudent to ask you on your trade thread and I would really appreciate the information.
    ID: 37760

    OT: Brad
    ID: 34798

    OT: MattJ
    ID: 25437

    OT: Snakbar
    ID: 47317
    That's alright. I really liked the Glaceon set (which is why I decided I would still allow it to be entered) but I like the Ariados set more. Nice job on being original.
    Thanks,For azelf teach him:Stealth rock/trick/signal beam/ice punch
    Oh can you teach heatran:stealth rock/dar pulse/dragon pulse and sleep talk too?
    Credit?Whats that?Im sorry im kinda new.I assume you can take any pokemon you want for later?
    Isnt necessarily.Just tell me anything that you wish and i will do it for you.It isnt big deal for me.DW,eved,etc.I just cant do,roamers,entralink and legendary D:
    Just especify details and will be done
    Oh wow; that might just be a huge reason why we haven't seen each other. Sorry I'll go change that right now.
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