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  • A'ight fam, they sent me here to board this train & I'm shamelessly bandwagoning onto it

    I take it, your CT is a reference to one of the latest Attack on Titan episodes? If so, shout outs to you.
    yeah! really enjoying AoT this season, glad the quality is still there
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    I agree. As tempting as it might be, I'm not reading the manga. WIT studio's animation style, the voice acting and Hiroyuki Sawano as a composer genius really bringing a unique experience to life. I'll read the manga once the show has fully aired. :)
    Is there a particular forum or thread or something where I can ask specifically for art advice? Whether by posting my art and saying "hey guys what do you think of this?" Or asking how to draw certain things like "hey how do i draw weavile's head feathers"? I think it would be really useful.
    sorry for the late reply! got quite sick so i cant keep a close eye on the forums for a couple more days. i'd suggest joining our discord server, you should be able to get feedback on stuff fairly quickly. we don't quite have a thread for this just because the discord server does a much better job as a source of instant feedback
    No worries!

    Oh okay! Thanks! Sounds good to me!
    we should have like a practice everyday accountability thread in smeargle's studio. like we harass people who miss a day or something.
    also, I think a fun long term activity The Studio can do is "character" designing. so like we can come up with several descriptions of people, (i.e. "The Hunter" or "Fire Mage") and let the community draw what their version of a character is like based on the descriptions! it's a good way to practice drawing people, and people can draw pokemon alongside for even more variety :D hope it makes sense!
    sounds terrible
    I don't think this kind of dismissive attitude toward new ideas is befitting of the art co-leader. do i need to report you to the other art co-leader
    Hey, there tiki. Love your name. And awesome badge list. How does one become art co-leader?
    -Deschutes (Alex Amaterasu)
    hi! being a community leader in general requires a leading position of a certain forum section/project, but can be also given to mods that have done exceptional work on the forums. these are usually users who have shown a lot of dedication towards some part of the forum, or just great leadership skills overall, which goes for smeargle's studio as well. for any other questions, feel free to send me a private message!
    Ur pfp is me every weekend when I go out with my friends to drink. I love it
    hah ty! i always catch myself looking at it for a bit whenever i post, the loop is too pleasant
    its so perfect
    Clearly I've missed some big developments. Congrats on becoming co-leader! The Studio is in good hands with you.
    thank you, i appreciate it! really glad to see you in the studio again
    That Landorus-I art is a masterpiece!! I don’t think I’ve seen art as good as that before on this site. Big fan of your art ^^
    hah you're too kind! glad you liked it. ngl i rushed through most of it so i could make it in time, so i kinda wish i started earlier to give everything more polish and fix some stuff
    It still looks amazing :) don’t worry too much about that.
    also, we should do like an practice everyday accountability thread on smeargles studio :D like we can make a game where people sign up, and whoever misses a day should get flooded with VMS saying that they missed a day or something. idk :P but it'd be nice for those who want to get disciplined!
    thanks! as far as your idea goes, i feel like it'll suffer from both the participants and the host of the whole thing burning out after a while. things like these tend to benefit more from a more casual atmosphere, as in simply just sharing art studies over at the discord channel and getting feedback on the spot. we've had proper threads dedicated to these things in the studio before (the rate my art threads and another recent one which name i can't recall) and they suffered from people just not being able to bother making posts anymore
    the studio would def benefit from a new long running activity or occasional returning event, and that's a point that's been brought up a few times both in the discord and the forums, so if you want to look out for some extra opinions on this or ever get any other ideas, feel free to stop by our discord server and talk about it!
    ahh I guess you're right about the burning out thing, I can see that happening. I suppose it's not a viable idea :p we would need a lot of motivated people to make it work. I should definitely come by the discord channel then too for feedback!!

    also, I think a fun long term activity The Studio can do is "character" designing. so like we can come up with several descriptions of people, (i.e. "The Hunter" or "Fire Mage") and let the community draw what their version of a character is like based on the descriptions! it's a good way to practice drawing people, and people can draw pokemon alongside for even more variety :D hope it makes sense!
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