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  • Sorry, I didn't see your VM until today. Looks like you'll be battling RegiGuy, but if that doesn't work out for some reason, just let me know and we can battle.
    Sure, I'll be checking the forums every 20 minutes for when you want to battle me.
    good luck. and if u ever get xd, would you be interested in anythiung in exchange for one of those togepi's (cloned im guessing since you'd probably want one) with good stats+nature?
    you'd be suprised.
    you might be right, but if i were you i would use the 29 days you have till the event and your knowledge of rnging to make an entirely nonhacked team just in case.
    No, its expected so much lately, and for weather just get a counter -weatherer like abomasnow for rain/sand. also they might have a way of checking for hacks in the gbu tourn. as they do for vgc.
    One thing I had a little success with was a destiny bond doubles team, so I had to laugh. Isn't that your new challend for the week after this week>
    But I did some times I had trouble getting my person switched out so that my person did not faint too. The trick is having 3 pokes left when they only have 2 so you can still switch out and stop the counter. I am thinking first round protect and eath quake, next round explosion with a normal poke to knock out 2 of theirs for your one poke, then destiny bond with a murkrow or something, then rotate out to a blissey and you can last them out for the 3 turns and swithc out at least one of your pokes.
    As per usual replace my name and rank with yours and please post this in as many UA user profiles as possible Also, when finished tell me how many people you posted it in so I can do the rest.

    Thanks for this!
    Attention Uber Agency Member!

    We are currently trying the revive the group and have heaps of fun games going on atm. We also have an Uber CCAT in the early stages which would use some contributation. You don’t need to know about ubers to participate, just giving some feedback and voting is what we need.

    Also, we are trying to get our intel network up and running so if you want to get an assignment and help us and earn merits at the same time that’d be great.

    Finally, if you have a great idea for a game or chat room then feel free to post it! I’m letting everyone post discussions over the next week so hopefully we can get some good games and chat rooms going.

    I hope to see you in the UA soon.

    ~Arecus General Metal Bagon
    Hey The Chortler, would you be interested in doing a job for the UA (you should knowhow this works, you VM a circular to the UA members, and then you you merits :)).

    Anyway, please get back to me ASAP thx.
    That's weird, you should not need an account. All you need to do is change your internet settings, click on the link (it brings up the website, but no need to do anything there) then on your DSI go to the GTS and get your poke.
    Sorry I had to go to the store real quick.

    Can you test the new pokesav link instructions on the TRC group to see if you can follow my instructions?
    I am not sure how she did it. I am glad I did not see it. Hearing her scream was the second worst sound I have heard. When we were just married a few months I heard my wife pass out in the bathroom upstairs. When I heard that thud of her body falling and went in and saw her unconcious that was the worst.
    I suspect that the beaters were made to break if they have too much reistance.
    So I just got back from immediate care. My daughter was using a hand mixer and she plugged it in before she put in the beaters. she got her arm caught in it. I was in my son's room reading the bible to him before he went to sleep when I heard her scream. it was one of the worst things I have heard.
    But she is OK. No broken bones, just a bad contusion.
    Happy birthday and also just contact the subs and see which one can fight you first. I won't be able to though.
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