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  • You're vroom vroom translates to something that sixteen year olds can do...
    Well, that's nice. I'm actually thinking about changing my avatar. I like it, but... I don't know...
    I missed you too hahaha, I was just joking with the heart though. How was your break from Pokémon?
    I guess not, but I think it gives more of an incentive to win, which is why I implemented them. I guess I can come up with something else to reward the players. The "Smogon Creators Power thread" will tie up a lot of loose ends and other stuff like that, so maybe having a trophy next to your name? I'll think of something no doubt. Just wait for the powers thread, it's gonna be cool.


    You and Halcyon will most likely be Moderators.
    I wouldn't call it OP, since having two weather inducers pretty much limits you coverage wise (since you're forced to run an extra type to match the weather), but I guess you can decline. I'd like to still give you an advantage though. Have any suggestions that aren't so "OP"?
    By the way, your advantage is you get to use two perma weather inducers on the same team, giving you a back up weather inducer in case one of them faints. They have to be the same weather though, not two different ones.
    I think you need to re-read over the tournament rules. Here's why:

    "Last but not least, there are going to be two brackets; a winners and a losers bracket. I feel bad for the people that lose the first round (like myself last the tourney), since they miss out on all the fun so soon. I feel like this tournament is perfect for having a winners losers bracket, because it gives players another chance to try again. The only twist is, you'll be assigned a different weather for the losers bracket. With that said, I will automatically assign everybody with two weathers, so they can prepare both teams before the first round starts."

    It has been randomly decided your two weathers are Sand Stream and Snow Warning! Remember that you can only pick one weather for each bracket, meaning that you can only use Sand for the winners bracket and snow for the losers bracket and vice versa. Seeing as you really wanted Sand, I'd choose Sand for the winners bracket, If you lose, then you HAVE to use hail in the losers bracket. Get my drift?
    Make sure to sign up! And read the rules carefully. After you sign up, VM and I'll tell you your advantage.
    So your back huh? About time lol. You're just in time for our next tourney ;).
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