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  • Sorry sumshine. I fell
    Asleep. :/

    What happened?
    I am just really bummed out. Ill talk to you later
    GOd dammit.
    Its okay. I had a bday party with my little bro anyway.
    And lol, ill be back in an hour methinks
    Ii am going back ro sleep. Sorry xD
    See you tommorow with a wifi that is hopefully woeking. :)
    What is the error code, and what is up?
    Oh man...I really wish you luck. I dont get why it wouldn't work. I just domt know.

    Ill be around for a bit. Maybe i cn help you?
    I am going to sleep early me thinks.
    Ill see tou later am talk to you later
    Meh. It had to happen last night.
    And I have a question.
    All right, sorry for the distractions.
    Gambatte Sunshine, you are going to need it! xD
    See you later
    Good luck with your test! :D
    What a blast, it must have been.

    I finished my last AP test today, next week, finals. :/
    Thanks sunshine, ill see you tommorow. Good luck on your science test, i just finished an AP test today.
    Im tired xD

    Oh, and btw:
    New breed:
    Timid Magic Mirror natu
    Bold Magic Mirror Natu
    Calm magic Mirror Natu
    Impish " "

    So yeah. :)
    Anything new with you?
    Oh, you saw that? :)

    Idk if I should go against my promise to not trade until I open my thread, since I told many people to wait and if they see I said yes to you, they might get mad :/ Red has a copy, though, and he has Rights, so ask him ;) I think he has a UT copy :)
    XD, I treasure those more then anything tbh. That's real honest effort
    And lol, you know me and cmt's. XD
    Awesome! Lol, I hope you have a good time at school. :)
    I just bred a bold HP elec lapras, and caught a modest/timid/rash clamperal petal!
    Nah dont worry.I din't really want the celebi much anyway,just passing my work to others haha.
    I want my pocketful of sunshine.
    its raining sunshine!
    <3 see you ~
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