Mr. Uncompetitive
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  • Not my fault, the activation email didn't get sent :<

    Also, SAO is fucking awesome. I hear it gets worse later on though, I'm only at episode 15 atm, when Kirito wakes up in the real world
    So humm. Gregor x Cordelia, Gregor is funny and that epic voice is perfect for him. I have saved Anna now! but I'm not sure about Anna x My Unit. Tharja seems to be little psycho but she is still cool, she gives MAG and DEF if I go with her. Also wtf that Olivia is dancer!? Should I use her in general? is it worth it?

    When I should use Master Seal? When unit reaches 20lvl? then about Second Seal?

    Best Music Ever: <3
    I will try them thanks! Oh yea Anna seems to be pretty cool, but I don't have her yet. I'm using Lon'qu and Vaike as partners atm. Vaike gives ATK and DEf for him. Lon'qu has really really good evasion and speed so he is able to attack usually 2 times + 1 (or 2) from Vaike. He is myrmidon so DEF is needed and extra ATK can't be bad. btw Miriel is lvl 1 so I can't really use her. I really wanted to level her but she always died. Same goes for the little mage boy. I don't have any mage atm, except My Char. I'm not really fan of Donnel he doesn't seem to be too powerful. Sure he has nice skill but meh.
    You should totally watch Death Billiards, it is 25 min movie! also I just watched new Evangelion.
    Annnd I'm on chapter 9/10 at Awakening... yes I'm slow, but game looks pretty good. Too bad there are many characters that suck so badly :(
    Pairings so far Chrom x Sumia basic shit, my char x Cordelia not sure bout it, Fredrick x Sully why not. btw Lon'que is fricken OP my faw char atm :D
    omg omg omg omg! FE Awakenings release day! I guess Imma get it from eshop. ALSO you should totally get Virtues Last Reward, it is on sale. Liberty Maiden and Gunman Clive are on sale too!!! :D There is also nintendo direct video on eshop, you should check it out! many epic games are coming soon! =D
    wait what... I'm watching 7 series that are currently airing... WTF! look at my list dude :S
    haha! So you haven't watched anime at all? :o Steins;Gate and Fate/Zero are both amazing, BUT both have slow start especially Fate/Zero which truly starts in second half/season. As for Fate/Zero season one I give 8 and 10 for second season =] and 9 for Steins;Gate. Both are good in their own ways.
    oh I really should play some DS games in meantime, but really not in mood for ace attorneys... haven't even finished first one. uhhh ideas?
    Hmm Yeah I guess your are right and I will do as you said. I was thinking to play in classic mode but I admit that start of game is really hard on lunatic. Plus all characters are so cool, it would be shame if they died ~.~
    Woo I just played demo of Awakening! When I get game should I play it in hard mode? because normal is prolly too easy...
    Gaiden is special, but it is kinda part of Gemini anyways but you won't miss much of story if you don't find it. Edit: nvm...

    I'm fucking sick. stupid fewer.... and it is holiday =.=
    You should watch anime? Not in mood for DtB??? Don't have any series to watch???? whaat??????
    haha That is cool log lol! Yeah, I made that background :D I made it with gimp which is free. Well I can make some kind of tutorial video, but this is pretty good video and Just make picture bigger than signature obviously lol and this and as for text and stuff check out

    woo lotsa links, those should give good start if you haven't used gimp much.

    Akito will come right after summer. Evangelion movie 3 will come for bluray on April 24th 2013.
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