Recent content by hornzbiddle

  1. Other Metagame of the Month Archive

    Dancerability doubles, Benjamin Butterfree doubles, Reversed doubles, Duel Wielding doubles, 350 Cup doubles
  2. Other Metagame of the Month Archive

    350 cup doubles, Benjamin Butterfree doubles, Reversed doubles, Dual Wielding doubles, Sketchmon doubles
  3. Other Metagame of the Month Archive

    Inheritance doubles, Dancerability doubles, 350 cup doubles, Averagemons doubles, Reversed doubles
  4. Other Metagame of the Month Archive

    350 Cup Doubles, Benjamin Butterfree Doubles, Mediocremons Doubles, Reversed Doubles, Dancerability Doubles
  5. Other Metagame of the Month Archive

    350 cup doubles, inverse doubles, megamons doubles, reversed doubles
  6. Other Metagame of the Month Archive

    Linked doubles, reversed doubles, all terrain doubles, 350 cup doubles, hot potato doubles
  7. Other Metagame of the Month Archive

    Mix and Mega Doubles, 2v2 Doubles, Inverse Doubles, 350 Cup Doubles, Dancerability Doubles
  8. Metagame Partners in Crime

    Imprison is kind of devious. I like it. Anyway, I get the impression that most people playing PiC are primarily singles players and might not be used to working with trick room. I'm sure someone else could do a better job with this, but to whomever it may help: Cresselia Diancie Hoopa...
  9. Other Metagame of the Month Archive

    BH Doubles, Camomons Doubles, STABmons Doubles, AAA Doubles, Mix and Mega Doubles
  10. Other Metagame of the Month Archive

    MnM Doubles, BH Doubles, Sketchmon Doubles, Inverse Doubles
  11. Other Metagame of the Month Archive

    Mix and Mega Doubles, AAA Doubles, Sketchmons Doubles
  12. Other Metagame of the Month Archive

    Inverse Doubles
  13. Bug Reports v2.0 (READ OP BEFORE POSTING!!)

    One other possible bug. If a pokemon with illusion mega evolves (hackmons only) and then receives direct damage, the illusion does not fade, and imposter is still blocked. Is this how it would work in ORAS? Replay:
  14. Bug Reports v2.0 (READ OP BEFORE POSTING!!)

    Thousand Waves hasn't been behaving like it's supposed to (I think). I don't have the screenshot of the exact moment, but I get the thousand waves trap warning (preventing me from switching) sometimes even after the user of thousand waves has switched out or fainted. Two examples...
  15. Got Talent (Playable on ROM!) [Dead - no conditions in Gen 7]

    The replay that Matt posted brings up a possible precedent for the unaware discussion. It's my understanding that burn used to cut attack (in earlier generations-- ) but switched to cutting all physical attacks; foul play is now only...