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  • That's unfortunate. What is your youtube thread? (I would like to see some more of your battles).
    Good game, sorry for the Freeze hax (without it you would have won). I did not violate the Freeze Clause did I? You have a really nice team, why don't you try Fire Punch on Snorlax? (sorry if this is inapropriate)

    Join Date: Jul 2006
    Posts: 115


    Hey I posted in your thread, idk if you checked it yet but just in case
    For Suicune?:
    Naive Nature
    I'll ev it if you want
    IVS 24/29/31/31/31/31
    Would you want the mixmence or new mixmence set?
    I dont want redistribution rights or anything its just for personal use
    hey man when you are able to trade the Suicune and if you give me the right to redis it or semi redis i can give you the same for beldum
    hi thanks for answering me, yes i still got the beldum but you want it on an egg or the beldum? and im only able to trade on 6th jan cauze my friend is traveling and its when im going to buy a new wi-fi because mine is broken
    i gtg but I'll be bcak in an hour or tomorrow just send me a message if u like the jirachi or not and if you want me to breed you a lucario?
    I just posted info on my jirachi its on your tread thread check it out and let me know if u like it or not and do u want me to breed you a Lucario?
    Hey I'm new to the Smogon community and I was looking at your trade thread and I noticed that some of the pokemon on your wish list I have. Mix Mence, I might have a Mix Ape, but I definetly have the following pokemon :Adamant Jirachi, Yanmega, and I could breed you a nice Lucario if you want.
    It's all good. I would appreciate it if we both delete our conversation off both our profiles because I don't want my team member to be revealed. Also, I'm going to delete my last post in the Battle Me thread and I hope you can do the same. As for the running damage calcs. Just google "pokemon damage calculator" and pick one. I personally prefer Metalkid's and Psypoke's Damage Calculators.
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