The Well #33 - ◠‿◠

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Describe your relation with Bloo.
Along with Jackal, Bloo is probably my best buddy that I've met on Smogon. I've talked to him on almost a daily basis for about two years now. I actually came to him sometime in early 2010 or so asking him if he'd let me tutor. This is when I was still regarded as TU-Iconic and had no badges, but he was still nice enough to talk to me despite my lack of status. We kept talking, I won a few tournies, I got a few badges, he became Admin, he won a damn trophy, and that's where we are today!

Bloo is a cool guy because while he seems insanely serious on the surface, he's a hilarious dude to talk to and get to know. He and I get a kick out of Smogon politics and stupid posts/people, hence our frequent annoying spamming of stuff like "Ah!" and "." and ":)!". I attribute a lot of the fun I have online to the relationships with the people I've met, which is why I enjoy talking to down to earth and friendly people like Bloo!

Also he's a good for nothing nerdy Admin who is obscenely lucky in tournaments.....................

May we have some pic of your two older sister, because that seems like a fake, but pictures (with you on them) would prove you right ◠‿◠

Did you ever pursue your career in Basketball or Badminton? Being Canadian, I am sure it wouldn't be hard for even you to play Basketball professionally. I remember you telling me how Athletic you are.
hahahahahahahaha fuck you

Well I used to play basketball in middle school, but I had to stop in high school because people kept growing and while I stayed at about 5'3''. Fortunately I've grown about 5 inches since then, but I'm pretty bad now! I'm actually quite good at badminton and I've considered trying out for my university's varsity team (namely so I can get a Badminton team sweater), but I'd have to train all summer and I'm just too lazy to do that.

Wow i'm older than you? FUCK
Hmmm I'm inclined to say yes based on how you posed that question. I definitely don't feel young but there are a lot of old people on this site.

-Anyway, to business. What's your favorite section on this site?
Tournaments, hands down. It's where I started, and it's also where I have the most fun. Competitive Pokemon is the reason I came to Smogon in the first place, and I find it so entertaining to duke it out against the best players in the world. I'm glad that I've been able to make a name for myself on the forum as both a player and a TD!

I also really enjoy the Battling 101 forum because Tutor was my first badge, and teaching people about competitive Pokemon (and other subjects in general; I was a Math tutor for a few years) is something I legitimately like to do.

-A team of 6 your favorite pokemon, go!
Bulbasaur, Crawdaunt, Venusaur, Glalie, Sceptile, Gengar

-You're allowed to alter reality and instantly win ONE Smogon tournament of your choosing. Which one do you pick?
Haha this is a good question. I think I'd go with World Cup because I feel bad Jackal's been at it so long and I really want Canada to get the win at some point. For an individual tournament, I'd probably say Smogon Tour because it's the closest official tournament I came to winning, and it's also the one I enjoy competing in the most. I don't tend to do well in any other official individual tournament anyways!

-What do you think of my avatar? Is it too good or WAY too good?
Your avatar is unreal, a close second to mine for best avatar on Smogon.

You said you like music, but do you play any sort of music or musical instrument yourself?
I used to play the trumpet and piano when I was a kid, but neither of them interested me enough to continue. I play the acoustic guitar once and a while, but I don't have much free time between school, Smogon and socializing, plus I didn't bring it to university with me. I dabbled a bit with drums, and I hope to get a cheap electric set at some point in the near future.

Describe your experience at TU
Despite all the flack it was given, TU was an amazing community. My oldest internet friends like cat/alive and Stone came from TU, and it was a really close-knit group of great Pokemon players. I think it got a little too much shit for no reason. I mean, who the hell cares if half the top 20 on the Shoddy ladder had TU- in their names. Unfortunately the site is pretty much dead, but I still rep TU proudly and it's good to see most of my friends from there migrated to Smogon peacefully.

Where is your favorite place in Canada? Can you give any tips for whenever i, or rather my family, decides where to go?
Well I'm from Ottawa, which is obviously a place you'll want to check out to see the Parliament buildings and downtown market. Toronto is another city you'll want to hit up since there are so many places to visit in downtown TO. I'm not too familiar with Canada outside Ontario, but I've visited Montreal and the Maritimes a few times and they are absolutely amazing places. The Maritimes in particular are gorgeous, and it's somewhere I think I'd like to retire. It's very quaint and the people are adorably nice.

do you think i suck at playing pokemon
Since you asked, yes!

Nah just kidding you're a fine player.

What is your opinion on cats?
I love cats. They're adorable as kittens and most of the ones I've met are pretty intelligent. My siblings and I really wanted one when we were kids but my brother had pretty bad asthma, so maybe I'll get one when I have my own place.

what is your favorite type of maple syrup
The kind that comes from trees.

how iconic are you?
Not very, I'm pretty average!

Rate Pusheen on a scale of 1 to infinity.

I'll answer more soon!


magna carta
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What is the origin of ◠‿◠?

How long did it take you to get "good" at competitive Pokemon?


is a Top Contributor Alumnus
What is your favorite tier of all timez?

How terrible is atticus at this game?

If you had the opportunity of permabanning one person in this site, who would that be?

Do you own a snowmobile?

Do you fear The Avengers will turn out to be a huge flop?

Did you know you're the cutest asian I've ever met in this site (better than Chester)?

Bad Ass

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hey iconic! we've been friends for a while and you have even been included in some eo xx cicada fanfic. i had no idea that you were 5'8. I still have to make short jokes though. i'll just repress this memory i guess

question time, though!
who is your favorite pokemon player? not necessarily the best, but the one with the style/flair/skill that you like most
who is the technical best pokemon player?
what was your 1st pokemon game + starter?


is a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Past SPL Champion
Do your friends/family/girlfriend know about smogon?
Canada winning the World Cup this year?
Are you going to come to TO for a smogon meetup sometime? :3
wow this is so cool. i play badminton too, is it a canadian thing or something


what is your favorite cartoon

what is your opinion on cryogonal

would you come to vancouver if you could

Texas Cloverleaf

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Leafs>Sens. j/s.

Do you support baseball at all?

Favourite team you've built?

Favourite team you've used?

Thoughts on Canadian involvement in Afghanistan?

Best fatecrashers avatar?

Favourite manga and why?
How do you feel being smaller than me even if you're like 4 years older? :toast:
Do you like me even though i'm annoying? :toast:

Nah jk

Do you like soccer?
What is your favourite brazilian smogoner? (hanke doesn't count because he's the favourite brazilian smogoner of everyone)
Who do you think will win this edition of the smogon tour?
Do you like the GIF in my signature?
First things first, I think you should reconsider your relationship with Bloo. I've got scientific proof that it'll end badly.

Next, 5 reasons why you think Canada is the best country in the world.

Finally, what's the most fun you've ever had playing Pokemon and what's the least fun?
Is there anyone that you look up to or idolize that has affected who you are as a person? Who / how so / etc etc
This is a really deep question that I could probably write paragraphs on, but if I had to pick one person it'd probably be my dad. He was born in the slums of Hong Kong and sometimes went days at a time without eating, but he worked his way up to become a doctor in Canada. He's obviously been an important figure in my life and I guess I look up to him a lot because he's a classic case of determination trumping circumstance.

Sometimes I feel bad because I feel like I'm wasting my life away when I compare myself to my dad and all the work he put into his life, but I use him as inspiration to work harder, which has fortunately been working as of late!

Which accomplishment are you most proud of winning, the Marriland Main Event or one of your tournament wins on Smogon?
Probably my tournament wins on Smogon. In SPL2 and ST11 I had pretty solid records, and the difference between that and the Marriland Main Event was that the competition on Smogon was far better.

What do you hate most about competitive pokemon?
I guess hax obviously, and the fact that tournament winners are often won by individuals who avoid being haxed, not necessarily by those who are the most skilled. It's evidently a two way street, but it's pretty annoying to lose in a tournament where you feel you didn't misplay but simply didn't get the breaks.

If you had to chose one user to come back to pokemon who would it be and why?
Probably my good friend cat, known as alive on Smogon. He was literally my first online friend, and he was a pretty great player back in the day. I miss the guy a ton, and I hope he'll start becoming active in the summer. I'm going to cheat and give a second answer, that being Gouki, since he was kind of my Poke-idol when I was new to the game.

what is your favorite food?
There's nothing I like better than a nice cut of medium rare steak.

how is it in Canadaland?
Excellent, nice weather and summer is on its way!

are you anywhere near a themepark?
Wonderland is a few hours away from me, as is La Ronde. I haven't been to many theme parks in my lifetime unfortunately.

I will deem your well a success if you accept my challenge of a canadian impression-off

Also, what is your favorite movie trilogy and why? In that trilogy what do you find to be the weakest of the three and why?
Lord of the Rings definitely. My favourite is a tossup between the second and third. Two Towers was awesome solely due to the battle of Helms Deep, which goes down as one of my favourite (extended) scenes in movie history. I liked Return of the King too for obvious reasons, especially because Aragorn is a fucking thug. First one was the weakest; too long and boring.

i wonder what iconic's favorite color is
His favo(u)rite colo(u)r is GREEN.

Iconic, you seem like such a wonderful person how are we not friends yet~
Awww thank you, you seem like quite the friendly fellow yourself.

I'm interested in your choice to pick a college, especially since it is so far away from your girlfriend. Why did you choose the college you are now attending? How close is it to your home? Did you consider going to her college? If so, how strongly? Do you think the distance has strengthened the relationship?
Basically I chose my school for the experience. Most good Canadian schools are similar in terms of quality for general Science programs, so it's not like there's one or even a handful of universities that drastically stand out. I decided I wanted to go to a school in a fairly small city rather than a really big one, and decided on Queen's which is in a university town. There's no real reason for this, but I though that I might feel overwhelmed in a big city as a student and wouldn't enjoy myself as much. My girlfriend decided on going to school in Toronto, which is a place I almost indefinitely ruled out. I obviously considered going with her, but ultimately we had to make our own decisions. I didn't think it'd be fair to myself if I went to Toronto and hate the experience just to be with her, and similarly, I didn't expect her to follow me to wherever I went just to be with me. We thought that long distance wouldn't be too bad because we had been dating since Grade 9, and it's definitely strengthened our relationship. Definitely not as easy as I thought though! If I could do it all again, would I have chosen a different school? Probably. I didn't really expect long distance to be this bad; it's definitely something I wouldn't wish upon even my worst enemy.

what is your shoe size
9 or 9.5 depending on the shoe.


"the dreaded TeamUber"? (H) TU Xat #1?
Yes sir, home to some of my fondest memories.

Which oldschool TU member (I don't know if I'd be considered an oldschool TU guy :<) do you miss the most and why?
Damn, probably cat because he was my first and closest pal. I also miss mosers15 and GarcianSmith a lot. Good thing I don't have to list you here because you're back!

Competitively, what's your favorite pokemon? This can be for any generation and any tier/metagame.
I have a pretty massive Gyarados hardon in DPP because it's so dangerous and also a great defensive pivot. Definitely an asset to any team.

Which nickname of yours do you like more, Ijohnic or Iconig?
I think they're both pretty clever, I'll go with Ijohnic because it's less explicit but Iconig is definitely funnier.

Does your girlfriend know about Bloo?
Nope, she doesn't even know I play Pokemon. I should probably break it to her soon. Only my roommate knows about my secret nerdy ways, but I might tell the rest of my buddies I'm living with next year.

Favorite Pokemon for purely aesthetic reasons?
Corphish, because it's an awesome combination of pleasant colours and a hilariously awesome design.

Rank the following in attractiveness- White, Black, Asian, Latino
Half-Asian, White, Latino, Asian, Black

Which of your badges are you most proud of? Team rater?
Probably Tutor because it was my first badge and it's something I truly enjoy doing.

When you have to make 50/50 decisions in important games how do you do it?
You obviously don't need any tutoring Mr. ST8 Winner Snunch, but it's usually a combination of who I'm playing and the given scenario. It's important to know what kind of player you're up against, because whether he's reckless or conservative in general will factor into my decision. If I'm making a 50/50 decision, usually there's a safe and a dangerous play, so I tend to ask myself "is it worth it for him to make the dangerous play". I think this is a good path to take because most players will tend to make the safe play unless there's a legitimate reason to take the risk.

what do you look like

and more recently

favourite alcohol?
Hmmm, I love a nice drink of Glenlivet Scotch, but it's really expensive so I only really drink it if it's an occasion. In terms of beer, I'd have to say Kronenbourg, but I'm really not that picky at all. Honestly, I'll drink just about anything.

favourite TU/faqs chat moment?
Hahahahaha way too many to list, but Skyping on FAQs and listening to Darkrai's unbelievably low voice was awesome. Here are a few more good ones.

For those who are clueless: Farmer = Farmer/SilentEcho, Luv = Huntofthelion, Duh = Atticus, OWNER_GURU = Loven, DABOSS = Indra, BC/Zeus = Stalefish

favourite woman?
My girlfriend obviously!

if you were stuck in a room with Hitler and Kony which would you kill and which would you marry?
I would shoot Toby twice.

how much would you pay to meet farmer irl?
Probably nothing because I'm a cheap ass guy, but it'd definitely be an experience. Maybe 10 bucks.

Iconic is Asian watdafuq
That is semi-correct.

What trophy do you want the most?
I already sort of answered this but WCoP or Tour. Aesthetically I think Frontier is the best because green is my favourite colour.

What badge looks the best?
Tutor! Nothing nicer than a big pink heart :heart:

What's your favorite book? Author? Best friend on smogon?
Shamefully, I'm not much of a reader. Most of the books I read were for high school English, so I guess 1984 would be the one I enjoyed the most. I honestly don't read enough to give you a favourite author, sorry :(.

My best friends FROM Smogon are probably Bloo and Jackal as mentioned, but I have close friends from my old TU days that I still keep in contact with like Stone_Cold. Still, I love everyone equally!
you're obviously a very funny guy :toast:, do you ever find your 'cute' posting style to be at odds with the at times super serious attitude of smogon, or do you think you've found an equilibrium?


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Who will win March Madness?

What will the new Kyurem forme's ability be?


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Iconic said:
While I sometimes feel disenfranchised by the direction that the administration decides to take, particularly with regards to competitive Pokemon and the parts of the website I either lead or contribute to
This seems like a pretty typical talking point thrown out by every person somewhat "disenfranchised" by the direction any organization tends to take.

Name me 5 issues that have caused you to be disenfranchised, how you would have resolved them yourself, and why you believe they weren't resolved as such.


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worst admin on smogon?

is canada doomed this year?

favourite office episode?

sens to lose in 4 or 5 games round 1?
hi iconic its me badabing .

i always think u are one of the top player dpp bw and like to see ur battles, but who players do u like to see? who do u think is win tour 13?

how good is ur vision?

wat is ur most instense moment ever in pokemon battle?

wat is ur favorite metagame for play?

wat music are u listened to?
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What are you planning on doing with your math major? Hope it's not hosting SPL.

Do you ever get the feeling that people are quicker to respond to criticism than to more pertinent issues?

Has the prospect of marriage occurred to you, and if not, when do you think it will?
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