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I did my best, I have no regrets!
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Alright. Done. You don't understand the meaning of "solve" and obviously don't care about your girlfriend or family. You also somehow you expect us to take you seriously when you talk about cutting a guy's penis off.

ProTip: That won't solve anything and it definitely won't stop him from raping people if you think that's what he's doing. Rape isn't all about penetration.
Opened the thread back up huh FireStorm? I think this could serve as a thread for ALL people who wish to discuss their experiences with this terrible evil. Just a suggestion though, as I know of many people who have been through it.
Alright. Done. You don't understand the meaning of "solve" and obviously don't care about your girlfriend or family. You also somehow you expect us to take you seriously when you talk about cutting a guy's penis off.

ProTip: That won't solve anything and it definitely won't stop him from raping people if you think that's what he's doing. Rape isn't all about penetration.
Why do people keep bring up my love for her? It has nothing to do with this. Its about making sure he doesnt do it again. True, cutting a guys penis off is funny, but that doesnt take away from the seriousness of this. I expect the "mature" people of smogon to understand this. I know rape isnt about penatration. But I guarentee next time he goes to rape he will reconcider.

Opened the thread back up huh FireStorm? I think this could serve as a thread for ALL people who wish to discuss their experiences with this terrible evil. Just a suggestion though, as I know of many people who have been through it.
I think they realized how right i am. Just kidding. But i agree. I think he just hates me because i go against the legal system, but thats up to him
2) Nope never met him
You're planning to kill a person you never met on questionable word from someone else about something that happened two years ago? How do you know that he's committed or is going to commit any other crimes besides this one, that he hasn't changed? (your girlfriend doesn't seem to think that stopping him is a priority) Two years is a long time and doing something so extreme over a secondhand account of a long-past incident is stupid.

It's probably not something you want to hear, but there's also the possibility that your girlfriend made up the story for attention or because she felt guilty about sex at the time and doesn't want to persecute the guy or talk about it because rape never actually happened. Don't jump in and judge with so little information.
You sure it's not about loving her man? This was in the OP. Yet you still insist it has nothing to do with her.
By love i mean care about. I care about everyone with a good heart, even people who oppose me. Therefore i will love her to death. I do not care about him because hes an asshole. Get it?

You're planning to kill a person you never met on questionable word from someone else about something that happened two years ago? How do you know that he's committed or is going to commit any other crimes besides this one, that he hasn't changed? (your girlfriend doesn't seem to think that stopping him is a priority) Two years is a long time and doing something so extreme over a secondhand account of a long-past incident is stupid.

It's probably not something you want to hear, but there's also the possibility that your girlfriend made up the story for attention or because she felt guilty about sex at the time and doesn't want to persecute the guy or talk about it because rape never actually happened. Don't jump in and judge with so little information.
Im not gonna kill him unless i have to. I dont know, but im forced to assume he will. How do u know he wont? Maybe my girlfriend doesnt understand how serious it is? Or maybe shes too scared to do something about it. Thats why she has me, im not scared. And thats your oppinion that its stupid. I disagree

Very true. Im looking more closely into the matter everyday. Hopefully she wouldnt lie about something like that
By love i mean care about. I care about everyone with a good heart, even people who oppose me. Therefore i will love her to death. I do not care about him because hes an asshole. Get it?

Im not gonna kill him unless i have to. I dont know, but im forced to assume he will. How do u know he wont? Maybe my girlfriend doesnt understand how serious it is? And thats your oppinion that its stupid. I disagree

Very true. Im looking more closely into the matter everyday. Hopefully she wouldnt lie about something like that
Ok well even though this is your decision. Please do ME a favor and think it over for like a month. And I mean THINK. Look up everything that can happen to you and to him. This guy may be dead or in jail or something by now. Just think about huh?
Ok well even though this is your decision. Please do ME a favor and think it over for like a month. And I mean THINK. Look up everything that can happen to you and to him. This guy may be dead or in jail or something by now. Just think about huh?
I have and i cant find reasons to why i shouldnt. But i will think. Really i just wanna talk to him but i know its gonna escalate into more.

So does anyone else have any stories? im going to bed

"Ladies Man", you're up yourself. You're young and you think you're everything. But it's pretty clear you're not. So I will say my last thing.

If you go and assault this person, you will screw up your own life for good. You will end up in jail like so many other young black men, and all your hopes, dreams, and aspirations for your future will be beyond reach.

Is that what you want?
No, but i do wanna talk to this person. Find out why he likes messing with little girls. Hopefully ill gain some knowledge on the subject and he changed. I wont get that much time in jail for an assult, especially since this is my first offence. When i get out ill just go to community college like im headed anyway


happiness is such hard work
is a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
Because i have no one else to go to. I wanna hear why i shouldnt fuck him up or cut his dick off. I am not trolling, this is very serious.
Fair enough. This is the longest, most personally revealing post I'll ever make here. I hope you're happy.

To put it quite bluntly, I can relate to what you're going through. The only girl I've ever loved was raped. Talking with her in the aftermath was probably one of the most psychologically terrifying things I've ever born witness to. This was too much for me to really grip when I was 15, and I'm sure it still is now. Just the way she talked with me afterward, how she snapped into such a helpless, panicked, yet distant state, was indescribably horrific. I was just at a loss and devastated by the trauma this man inflicted on someone I cared so much about.

Until that night, I was a pacifist. I hope I never meet that man. I have his picture and his name on a message board. I know he lives in Fort Lauterdale, Florida. I'll admit, I have tried to look for him more than once. If I ever do meet him, I really fear I'll just fly into a blind rage. You can't look at someone, someone whose face you've memorized as the man that's basically torn the girl you love's life apart, and not feel a rush of emotion.

Now there's my backstory. I empathize with you and your girlfriend on this level. I do not think I will be beating up this man. I can't say the thought hasn't crossed my mind to drive to Florida and fuck stuff up, but it's nothing I'd ever do.

for those keeping track at home, this is part of a long line of psychological and emotional problems that have contributed to my personality. if you ever wonder what terrible, haunted person i must be, well, yeah...


Now. This isn't about me, or my former love. This is about you. I've pieced this together from your posts so I can understand how you feel about her, and the context involved. I spliced your first few posts around a little to prove a point.

I love her to death and i cant understand why people are such assholes.

I have a girlfriend who was raped. It was over 2 years ago. Shes trying to let it go but i know it still hurts her. Cuz she still feels pain No, she doesnt want to go to the police for god knows what reason. Plus its been so long i doubt we can prove it.

The man who did it got away without any penalty whatsoever. So i feel its my job to teach him a lesson. Im not letting it go. and he hasnt learned his lesson. For all i know he could be raping little girls right now and as a good man i cant allow that. Why cant people understand that? Maybe if hes truely sorry and makes up for it somehow (witch he cant), then i would let it go. I dont care if it was 2 years or 20 years. He fucked up big time. Why do u say i should?

She may be fine with being raped but i cant let him do it to others. I dont even care if she hates me i want this asshole to pay. Cuz i know he wouldnt do that to me or anyone else who could defend themselves. What a bitch

Nahhh all thats uncalled for. I would just do like the old days and cut his dick off lol. But what seperates him from others is the fact that he did it to my bestfriend. I cant defend everyone. But i will defend my family and close friends to the end. Maybe someone will see what happened to him and change their mind about a crime. Id be a hero. An unrecognized hero. I would dedicate my life to crime fighting, but id be thrown in jail for a looooong time
You have about one line in your posts about your feelings toward your grilfriend, a few bits of backstory, and then several paragraphs of your obsession with revenge. To be perfectly frank, you aren't doing this for her. You're rationalizing your desire to fuck this man up as defending her and her honor, or that this man deserved it, when your posts clearly demonstrate that you're being extremely insensitive to the REAL victim here.

This isn't something you were personally involved in. You were not dating her when she was raped. You've dated her for, like, a month. You're absolutely obsessed with revenge, and it can't be purely out of some kind of commitment to her or something, unless you're psychotic and think that some gigantic elaborate show will win her heart forever or something. I think you may have some other issues, and that you tearing open this old wound, intentionally or unintentionally, is going to do her more harm than a truly loving person (which could be you) would be willing to do willingly.

I disagree its NOT her decision because my decision>hers everytime because i have reasons for mine.
Take a breath, repeat after me.




Rape victims are fucked up. It makes sense, they were raped. I get that. But you should NEVER do something regarding her rape she doesn't want you to. You're, in essence, violating her way of dealing with the severe trauma that is rape.

If she can explain to me a good reason as to why i should drop it, then i will concider it.
Here is a good reason. YOU DIDNT GET FUCKING RAPED.

I guess its cause she doesnt want anyone to get hurt, but im willing to take that risk.
You don't even KNOW why? That's oddly insensitive for someone trying so hard to be a hero. Honestly, at this point, I just got pissed off. This clearly isn't even about her at all, is it.

I dont see how i can POSSIBLY be hurting her. She doesnt even have to know about it. If anything it should make her feel better knowing that justice has been served. Besides its not about hate and love, its about making sure he doesnt do it again
For someone who claims or tells himself that rape is so horrible they are this motivated to do something about it, you really lack an understanding of what makes rape the worst crime anyone can commit.

Rape is psychological. Terrible. Awful. It's not just getting beat up and oh there's sex too. The odd thing is I type this, and I think "of course you know this, how can you be this mad if you don't", but you obviously don't even understand what rape does to a victim emotionally. Trauma is not something one wants to relive, mention, think about, deal with. Many rape victims go completely insane.

Yeah, she should feel better knowing he can never do it again. It all makes so much sense, right? Psychological damage doesn't always make you think in terms of "making sense". If you think rape is that simple that "oh his dick got removed" will suddenly put her at ease, I just don't even know where to begin.

But thats exactly the problem he doesnt care about consequences. He can and will do anything.
Have you met the man? Obviously not, as he still has his dick intact.

I gave arguements as to why i should do it, you just say let it go. If someone, ANYONE can give a good reason as to why i should let him rape other girls then please speak now./QUOTE]

Look, I know the kind of person I'm trying to rationalize with now isn't exactly the kind of person who weighs logic and reason in their decision making process. Emotions tend to make things irrational.

By not doing something directly to this man, you are not "allowing rapes to happen". You are not the world's sole line of defense from this man.

Irrational? Ive spelled it out as to why i should.
Let's get this straight here.

Go up and read my post above a little. You know, the one where I talk about how even right now I want to drive to Florida and beat up a guy. I'm a college student in upstate New York. Do you think that is a rational thing I want to do?

Emotions make things irrational. If they didn't, rape wouldn't be as horrifying. Love would never happen. It's just a fact.

Besides i dont even love her that much ive only known her for a month.
And here we go.

You don't care about this girl.

You are putting yourself over your girlfriend's emotional health, her personal safety, and her privacy. You would rather be a hero than care about your own fucking girlfriend.

In short, you are being the worst kind of boyfriend. She doesn't deserve guys like you. Fuck you.

She wont even know.
Dude. What's stopping the guy from coming and murdering your girlfriend? The one that just got his dick cut off. Yeah. Forgot about that, huh.

Wrong again, the hero thing was just a metaphor. I am a man so it is my job to protect the weak. If you dont agree, then we just have different belifes.
I hope this gets through to you. I know I made a long post with lots of accenting, but I fear for her safety if I don't say this.

You are putting her life in danger.


That was harsh. It was pretty bad and big. I did that mostly to get your attention and partly because I'm really fucking angry about rape right now. I guess we have a lot in common, huh.

There are a billion reasons not to do what you want to right now. I'm convinced you're not thinking coherently. You're rationalizing. You're basically throwing your relationship away over one terrible, terrible man. No matter how you slice it, if you act on these thoughts believing them to be the normal, sane things to do, you are not thinking clearly.

But I've got to say this. If you hunt this man down, you are putting her in danger of her life. You've already done enough to this chick by obsessing over her rape. If you truly love her and care about her, you will absolutely not castrate this man. Emotional issues and her objections completely aside, rapists are not nice people. You could cause this man to kill her.


I did my best, I have no regrets!
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Why do people keep bring up my love for her? It has nothing to do with this. Its about making sure he doesnt do it again. True, cutting a guys penis off is funny, but that doesnt take away from the seriousness of this. I expect the "mature" people of smogon to understand this. I know rape isnt about penatration. But I guarentee next time he goes to rape he will reconcider.

I think they realized how right i am. Just kidding. But i agree. I think he just hates me because i go against the legal system, but thats up to him
No, the idea of cutting of a guy's dick isn't funny. It's ridiculous. You're ridiculous. You're a fucking cartoon.

I opened this thread because a few people on IRC wanted to share how moronic you're being and I didn't want to hold them back.

Opened the thread back up huh FireStorm? I think this could serve as a thread for ALL people who wish to discuss their experiences with this terrible evil. Just a suggestion though, as I know of many people who have been through it.
Oh hell no. This is not the thread to legitimately discuss rape. Ladies Man has cheapened it beyond all belief.
No, the idea of cutting of a guy's dick isn't funny. It's ridiculous. You're ridiculous. You're a fucking cartoon.

I opened this thread because a few people on IRC wanted to share how moronic you're being and I didn't want to hold them back.

Oh hell no. This is not the thread to legitimately discuss rape. Ladies Man has cheapened it beyond all belief.
Lmao so its never happened before? Ive seen stories of it on the news. Ur just some stupid 21st century fool that believes in the justice system. Back in the day they used to do it FOREAL. I may be crazy but please do not insult me. I am serious here. Im not saying im going to cut his dick off, but its a better soution then doing nothing, IMHO. However chris is me has some good points about him murdering her, so i hope this stays open long enough for me to respond.
Cutting a guy's dick off doesn't take away his ability to rape, let alone penetrate someone. If he really wants to, he can use a lead pipe or something. Also, he doesn't need his penis to cause severe psychological damage to his victims. Besides, there can be no justification for such a violent mutilation. The fact that you could do it is disturbing...

If he's a serial rapist, he's probably been caught by now, and real justice has been served. If he's learned his lesson and not committed the crime again, your job is already done.

You should think more of your girlfriend and less of yourself. Did you even read Chris is me's post? He makes excellent points.
Fair enough. This is the longest, most personally revealing post I'll ever make here. I hope you're happy. [/SIZE][/SIZE]
Im very happy

To put it quite bluntly, I can relate to what you're going through. The only girl I've ever loved was raped. Talking with her in the aftermath was probably one of the most psychologically terrifying things I've ever born witness to. [/SIZE][/SIZE]
I can only imagine. Luckily i dont feel her pain or yours.

This was too much for me to really grip when I was 15, and I'm sure it still is now. Just the way she talked with me afterward, how she snapped into such a helpless, panicked, yet distant state, was indescribably horrific. I was just at a loss and devastated by the trauma this man inflicted on someone I cared so much about.

Until that night, I was a pacifist. I hope I never meet that man. I have his picture and his name on a message board. I know he lives in Fort Lauterdale, Florida. I'll admit, I have tried to look for him more than once. If I ever do meet him, I really fear I'll just fly into a blind rage. You can't look at someone, someone whose face you've memorized as the man that's basically torn the girl you love's life apart, and not feel a rush of emotion.

Now there's my backstory. I empathize with you and your girlfriend on this level. I do not think I will be beating up this man. I can't say the thought hasn't crossed my mind to drive to Florida and fuck stuff up, but it's nothing I'd ever do. [/SIZE][/SIZE]
Well i would, he suposedly lives around the near me.

for those keeping track at home, this is part of a long line of psychological and emotional problems that have contributed to my personality. if you ever wonder what terrible, haunted person i must be, well, yeah... [/SIZE][/SIZE]
Exactly why something needs to be done


Now. This isn't about me, or my former love. This is about you. I've pieced this together from your posts so I can understand how you feel about her, and the context involved. I spliced your first few posts around a little to prove a point. [/SIZE][/SIZE]
thank you

You have about one line in your posts about your feelings toward your grilfriend, a few bits of backstory, and then several paragraphs of your obsession with revenge. To be perfectly frank, you aren't doing this for her. You're rationalizing your desire to fuck this man up as defending her and her honor, or that this man deserved it, when your posts clearly demonstrate that you're being extremely insensitive to the REAL victim here. [/SIZE][/SIZE]
Because i cant understand how im hurting her

This isn't something you were personally involved in. You were not dating her when she was raped. You've dated her for, like, a month. You're absolutely obsessed with revenge, and it can't be purely out of some kind of commitment to her or something, unless you're psychotic and think that some gigantic elaborate show will win her heart forever or something. I think you may have some other issues, [/SIZE][/SIZE]
Maybe, but so what? My other issues are irrelevent because i do not let them interfere with my decision making.

and that you tearing open this old wound, intentionally or unintentionally, is going to do her more harm than a truly loving person (which could be you) would be willing to do willingly.

Take a breath, repeat after me.




I know i wasnt raped. But u know how tramatic it is. So u know why i cant let him do it again. She should understand too.

Rape victims are fucked up. It makes sense, they were raped. I get that. But you should NEVER do something regarding her rape she doesn't want you to. You're, in essence, violating her way of dealing with the severe trauma that is rape. [/SIZE][/SIZE]
Its not just about her

Here is a good reason. YOU DIDNT GET FUCKING RAPED.

You don't even KNOW why? That's oddly insensitive for someone trying so hard to be a hero. Honestly, at this point, I just got pissed off. This clearly isn't even about her at all, is it. [/SIZE][/SIZE]
Nope, its not

For someone who claims or tells himself that rape is so horrible they are this motivated to do something about it, you really lack an understanding of what makes rape the worst crime anyone can commit. [/SIZE][/SIZE]
No i dont.

Rape is psychological. Terrible. Awful. It's not just getting beat up and oh there's sex too. The odd thing is I type this, and I think "of course you know this, how can you be this mad if you don't", but you obviously don't even understand what rape does to a victim emotionally. Trauma is not something one wants to relive, mention, think about, deal with. Many rape victims go completely insane.

Yeah, she should feel better knowing he can never do it again. It all makes so much sense, right? Psychological damage doesn't always make you think in terms of "making sense". If you think rape is that simple that "oh his dick got removed" will suddenly put her at ease, I just don't even know where to begin. [/SIZE][/SIZE]
I dont think that at all. I think it wil make him reconcider next time he wants to do it.

Have you met the man? Obviously not, as he still has his dick intact.

I gave arguements as to why i should do it, you just say let it go. If someone, ANYONE can give a good reason as to why i should let him rape other girls then please speak now./QUOTE]

Look, I know the kind of person I'm trying to rationalize with now isn't exactly the kind of person who weighs logic and reason in their decision making process. Emotions tend to make things irrational. [/SIZE][/SIZE]
Wrong again. I have no feelings for this girl. By love i mean care about and i dont want bad stuff to happen to her.

By not doing something directly to this man, you are not "allowing rapes to happen". You are not the world's sole line of defense from this man.

Let's get this straight here.

Go up and read my post above a little. You know, the one where I talk about how even right now I want to drive to Florida and beat up a guy. I'm a college student in upstate New York. Do you think that is a rational thing I want to do? [/SIZE][/SIZE]
It could be. My decisions are rational

Emotions make things irrational. If they didn't, rape wouldn't be as horrifying. Love would never happen. It's just a fact.

And here we go.

You don't care about this girl. [/SIZE][/SIZE]
I care but dont have feelings for her.

You are putting yourself over your girlfriend's emotional health, her personal safety, and her privacy. You would rather be a hero than care about your own fucking girlfriend. [/SIZE][/SIZE]
Finally a good reason as to why i shouldnt. I AGREE 100%. Well not about the hero part but the first par

In short, you are being the worst kind of boyfriend. She doesn't deserve guys like you. Fuck you.

Dude. What's stopping the guy from coming and murdering your girlfriend? The one that just got his dick cut off. Yeah. Forgot about that, huh. [/SIZE][/SIZE]
Thats a reason i should just kill him, not do nothing. But i wont even get into that because the chances i kill him are extremely low

I hope this gets through to you. I know I made a long post with lots of accenting, but I fear for her safety if I don't say this.

You are putting her life in danger.

Ok, and i dont want her to be in danger


That was harsh. It was pretty bad and big. I did that mostly to get your attention and partly because I'm really fucking angry about rape right now. I guess we have a lot in common, huh. [/SIZE][/SIZE]

There are a billion reasons not to do what you want to right now. I'm convinced you're not thinking coherently. You're rationalizing. You're basically throwing your relationship away over one terrible, terrible man. No matter how you slice it, if you act on these thoughts believing them to be the normal, sane things to do, you are not thinking clearly. [/SIZE][/SIZE]
I can think of 1. Her health. And yes i am thinking clearly

But I've got to say this. If you hunt this man down, you are putting her in danger of her life. You've already done enough to this chick by obsessing over her rape. If you truly love her and care about her, you will absolutely not castrate this man. Emotional issues and her objections completely aside, rapists are not nice people. You could cause this man to kill her.
Im not nice either to rapists and murderers. But i wont do it because i dont want her to get hurt. Thanks chris, and fuck all you who think this was a joke.

You should think more of your girlfriend and less of yourself. Did you even read Chris is me's post? He makes excellent points.
I know hes about the only one


jet fuel can't melt steel beams
is a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Past WCoP Champion
good post dr. heartbreak I agree whole-heartedly.

So i feel its my job to teach him a lesson.
It's not your job. If she's trying to forget about it, don't do anything that might make her relive or remember such moments? The moment that she hears that you've beaten up her rapist, she'll probably go ape shit.

But i really dont like people who abuse women and i think something needs to be done.
Most genuine, normal people wouldn't either.

Im not letting it go.
What do you need to let go? Why are you making this about yourself when you weren't even the one being raped? Why don't you take your girlfriend's feelings into consideration? Why are you being a self centered (BAN ME PLEASE)?

Cuz she still feels pain, and he hasnt learned his lesson. For all i know he could be raping little girls right now and as a good man i cant allow that.
For all you know, you could be wrongly accusing someone.

ps. you're far from what anything would define as a good man.

Why cant people understand that?
So you think being a good man is someone who is:
1) self centered
2) resorts to violence to solve something of the past
3) has a huge ego and makes everything about themselves
4) thinks they're some kind of superhero who can do anything.

No, she doesnt want to go to the police for god knows what reason.
look, stop being a close-minded douchebag. Try putting yourself in her shoes.

I disagree its NOT her decision because my decision>hers everytime because i have reasons for mine.
Everyone has reasons to do something, unless they're very mentally ill. I'm sure she has reasons but doesn't want to tell you. You obviously think that being a boyfriend means you are entitled to every detail of her life? Why hasn't she dumped you yet?

I dont even care if she hates me i want this asshole to pay.
You do care, my dear hot-headed friend.

Cuz i know he wouldnt do that to me or anyone else who could defend themselves. What a bitch
Perhaps he isn't a homosexual.

I would just do like the old days and cut his dick off lol.
And you claim you are a good man. Give me a break.

But what seperates him from others is the fact that he did it to my bestfriend.
Stop being self centered.

I dont care about her feelings to be honest.
You don't deserve any form of love, whether it be a girlfriend's or family's love if this is the way you think.

I'm almost convinced she's just with you because of her insecurities and not because she loves you.

Do you even know who he is, btw? Like where he lives, what he looks like etc.

Thats your oppinion. When it comes to me and the people i care about, i decide justice.
I'm sorry, fictional heroes only exists in comics, tv shows, movies and the likes.

I DO want advice. I want someone to give me a good reason as to why i shoudnt do it. Im tired of hearing "it wont solve anything" because it will. It will stop him from doing it again.And i think thats the only arguement you guys have provided. Whats wrong with the way im acting? Ur the one flaming for no reason
People have given you great advice. And they're all rational.

What's wrong with the way you're acting is that you:
1) are selfish
2) contradict of yourself
3) are close minded and won't take any advice anyway
4) argumentative with any post that pops up
5) are a fucking simpleton

im actually alot smarter then most of u seem to believe
he made a funny.

Im not gonna kill him unless i have to. I dont know, but im forced to assume he will.
tough guy act on the internet etc. If you were so much of a tough guy you wouldn't have posted in this thread and just went to do 'business'.

also you aren't forced to do anything. Who is forcing you to assume that he'll rape another woman? I mean unless, holy shit, people can telepathically talk or mind control you or something - not sure that exists, except in films and comics et cetera. ps. that could fit in with the comic book you're writing up in this thread. Keep up the good work!

Maybe my girlfriend doesnt understand how serious it is?
I'm sure YOU don't understand how serious it is, otherwise you wouldn't threaten to murder but I guess you lack intelligence.

It's amazing that you can't even at least try to sympathize with her, yet claim that she doesn't understand the situation. I mean it's so easy to understand why someone wouldn't want to talk about a traumatizing experience.
good post dr. heartbreak I agree whole-heartedly.

It's not your job. If she's trying to forget about it, don't do anything that might make her relive or remember such moments? The moment that she hears that you've beaten up her rapist, she'll probably go ape shit.
I dont care, its not about her. Its about the other girls he might rape

Most genuine, normal people wouldn't either.

What do you need to let go? Why are you making this about yourself when you weren't even the one being raped? Why don't you take your girlfriend's feelings into consideration? Why are you being a self centered (BAN ME PLEASE)?

I do. Why cant she talk about it and stop being so fucking stupid? If i was self centered i wouldnt even be involving myself with this, you fucking (BAN ME PLEASE). And go head ban me for that

For all you know, you could be wrongly accusing someone.
Id talking to him first

ps. you're far from what anything would define as a good man.
Fuck you. Im a great man. Your just a dumbass if youd let people get away with something like that

So you think being a good man is someone who is:
1) self centered
2) resorts to violence to solve something of the past
3) has a huge ego and makes everything about themselves
4) thinks they're some kind of superhero who can do anything.
Im not self centered.
It can be. A good man does what is right
I dont
I dont

look, stop being a close-minded douchebag. Try putting yourself in her shoes.
Im trying. If i was her id kill him

Everyone has reasons to do something, unless they're very mentally ill. I'm sure she has reasons but doesn't want to tell you. You obviously think that being a boyfriend means you are entitled to every detail of her life? Why hasn't she dumped you yet?
Because im the best boyfriend in the world, ask her

You do care, my dear hot-headed friend.
Im not hot headed. What pisses me off is all the stuid name calling

Perhaps he isn't a homosexual.

And you claim you are a good man. Give me a break.

Stop being self centered.
Open your fucking eyes. Im not. This isnt even about me

You don't deserve any form of love, whether it be a girlfriend's or family's love if this is the way you think.
shut the fuck up

I'm almost convinced she's just with you because of her insecurities and not because she loves you.

Do you even know who he is, btw? Like where he lives, what he looks like etc.

Im getting the info now

I'm sorry, fictional heroes only exists in comics, tv shows, movies and the likes.
No shit

People have given you great advice. And they're all rational.

What's wrong with the way you're acting is that you:
1) are selfish
2) contradict of yourself
3) are close minded and won't take any advice anyway
4) argumentative with any post that pops up
5) are a fucking simpleton
No i dont you just dont understand what i meant by love
WRONG if i didnt take it i wouldnt waste my time
NO SHIT, this is a fucking arguement
Not really


also you sure do crave for his penis.

>.> come on now

another evidence of your selfishness, and why everyone is flaming you.

he made a funny.
im not laughing

tough guy act on the internet etc. If you were so much of a tough guy you wouldn't have posted in this thread and just went to do 'business'.
Wrong again bitch. Im not an asshole im doing everything in my power not to do it. Plus im in school and im not going home til the weekend. And the only reason nothing like this has happened before is because im a complete loner. or at least i used to be

also you aren't forced to do anything. Who is forcing you to assume that he'll rape another woman? I mean unless, holy shit, people can telepathically talk or mind control you or something - not sure that exists, except in films and comics et cetera. ps. that could fit in with the comic book you're writing up in this thread. Keep up the good work!
Ur assuming he wont do it again. Thats even worse

I'm sure YOU don't understand how serious it is, otherwise you wouldn't threaten to murder but I guess you lack intelligence.
Ok im stupid. I dont even think u believe that. Rape is serious. Murder is serious. People who rape my girl deserve to die. The end.

It's amazing that you can't even at least try to sympathize with her, yet claim that she doesn't understand the situation. I mean it's so easy to understand why someone wouldn't want to talk about a traumatizing experience.
I try to. but i dont care anymore its not about her. Its about the girls he might rape. But its over chris convinced me not to do it. See i take advice.
ladies man,
it takes a bigger man to just walk away.

and if you cant understand what everyone else has been saying to you, you have no right to make a decision that will destroy three peoples lives
ladies man,
it takes a bigger man to just walk away.

and if you cant understand what everyone else has been saying to you, you have no right to make a decision that will destroy three peoples lives
Id walk away if i needed to. And i do now. So im walking away. END OF STORY. Yes i do. I dont want her to get hurt thats the ONLY reason i dont do it. everything else doesnt bother me
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