Post your searing hot takes

Low-sodium soy sauce will also (eventually) dissolve a body. It's not the most efficient thing, but people are less likely to ask why you have a vat of soy sauce lying around compared to a vat of hydrochloric acid, especially if you own a Chinese food restaurant or something. And, hey, if you ever run out of pork, I have it on good word that people taste just like pork.
Low-sodium soy sauce will also (eventually) dissolve a body. It's not the most efficient thing, but people are less likely to ask why you have a vat of soy sauce lying around compared to a vat of hydrochloric acid, especially if you own a Chinese food restaurant or something.
I think a dark red vat of acid is just as suspicious as a bucket of soy sauce with a corpse inside of it but what do i know
Don't know if this is a hot take, but porn needs to be more restricted. Make that shit harder to access because god damn kids today do NOT need to be seeing all that
Some sort of id requirement would be good enough. Possibly a face photo but realistically it's hard to keep porn restricted with the amount of places you could get it from (Google, Other people who have it, Discord, etc)
Kids shouldn't be on the internet in the first place; porn is far from the only problem with that.

- sincerely, someone who's speaking from experience.
friendly reminder this is the hot takes thread not the completely deranged takes thread
reminds me of how corn-and-mayo pizza (nothing else but those 2 things on there instead of sauce and cheese) is a staple pizza variety in japan. tastes as bad and weird as youd expect
“Tastes as bad as you’d expect” no I need corn on my pizza now where can I get this

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