Programming PS Account Checker


Made a little account "scraper" program in Python. Supply the program with a list of names, and it'll tell you what names are unregistered on Pokemon Showdown.

The source can be found here:
Instructions to install are in the README. You need Python 3. If you get a missing dependency, try ``pip install module-name`` in the command line/terminal.

Looks like this:

Dunno what else to say, have fun.

Edit: if anyone wants to add some GUI to this using Tkinter or w/e, feel free. Just credit me, thanks.

I'll probably make a detailed, noob-friendly guide on how to use this program sometime soon. Stay tuned.
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formally Death on Wings
Edit: if anyone wants to add some GUI to this using Tkinter or w/e, feel free. Just credit me, thanks.
Got bored, decided to learn Tkinter, ended up rewriting the whole thing in python2 (as far as I can tell it should work in python3 too, but I haven't been able to test it bc pip3 doesn't like Tkinter fsr)

It's still somewhat a work in progress, it's not exactly the prettiest thing ever.

#!/usr/bin/env python

Pokemon Showdown! Unregistered Account finder.
Written by DoW, heavily inspired by the work of Sebastian D. (
Copyright (c) 2017 DoW
License: MIT License

#include "bodge.h" //used throughout
import Tkinter, time, requests

root = Tkinter.Tk()

frame = Tkinter.Frame(root)

intro_text = """Welcome to the Showdown Namefinder!
Input preferences then click 'find'."""

message = Tkinter.Message(root, text = intro_text, width = 250, padx = 10, pady = 5)
message.grid(row = 0, column = 0)

var = Tkinter.StringVar(root)
var.set('All words')
options = Tkinter.OptionMenu(root, var, 'All words', 'Everything up to _ letters', 'Words beginning with _', 'Words containing _')
options.grid(row = 1, column = 0)

e = Tkinter.Entry(root)
e.grid(row = 2, column = 0)

out_label = Tkinter.Message(root, text = "Available usernames: ", width = 200, padx = 50, pady = 5)
out_label.grid(row = 0, column = 1)
out_box = Tkinter.Text(root, width = 30, height = 10)
out_box.grid(row = 1, column = 1, rowspan = 2)

stopped = False
def check_names():
   global stopped
   stopped = False
   mode = var.get()
   check = e.get()
   if len(check) > 18 and '_' in mode:
     print("Can't search for names of length > 18. Exiting.")
     exit() #should probably change this to putting a warning on tkinter and looping back, owell
   found = []
   filename = time.strftime("%Y_%m_%d_")
   if mode == 'All words': filename += '1.txt'
   elif mode == 'Words beginning with _': filename += '2.txt'
   elif mode == 'Words containing _': filename += '3.txt'
   else: filename += '4.txt'
   if mode in ['All words', 'Words beginning with _', 'Words containing _']:
     f = open('words.txt','r'); words ='\n'); f.close()
       for i in words:
         if stopped: break
           a = int(i)
         except KeyboardInterrupt: raise
         except: pass
         if mode == 'Words beginning with _' and i[:len(check)] != check: continue
         if mode == 'Words containing _' and check not in i: continue
         if not requests.get(''%i).json()['registertime']:
           out_box.insert(Tkinter.END, i + '\n')
     except KeyboardInterrupt:
       f = open(filename, 'w')
       to_write = 'Unregistered usernames:'
       for i in found: to_write += '\n' + i
       print('Wrote output to ' + filename)
       check = int(check)
       if check > 3:
         print('Warning: this process may take a while. Use CTRL+C to abort the process.') #probably want this warning on the GUI at all times tbh
       check = 5
     all_chars = []
     for i in range(0,10):
     for i in range(97,123):
     i = 0
       while i < 36**check and not stopped:
         j = i
         this_str = all_chars[j%36] #>tfw no do while
         j = int(j/36) #rounds down. Gotta keep code valid for python3
         while j:
           this_str += all_chars[j%36]
           j = int(j/36)
           this_str = int(this_str)
           i += 1
         except KeyboardInterrupt: raise
         except: pass
         if not requests.get(''%this_str).json()['registertime']:
           out_box.insert(Tkinter.END, this_str + '\n')
         i += 1
     except KeyboardInterrupt:
       f = open(filename, 'w')
       to_write = 'Unregistered usernames:'
       for i in found: to_write += '\n' + i
       print('Wrote output to ' + filename)
   f = open(filename, 'w')
   to_write = 'Unregistered usernames:'
   for i in found:
     to_write += '\n' + i
   print('Wrote output to ' + filename)

find_button = Tkinter.Button(root, text = 'Find', command = check_names)
find_button.grid(row = 3, column = 0)

def stop():
   global stopped
   stopped = True

stop_button = Tkinter.Button(root, text = 'Stop', command = stop)
stop_button.grid(row = 3, column = 1)

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