Search results

  1. The Most Interesting Channel in the World (#stark update)

    Also note that statistics are available for #stark at and
  2. The Obligatory Gimmick SSBB Tournament R7

    I predict that HotGarbage will clean up the winner of Thunderhorse vs Yoshi King
  3. Shoddy Battle Server help

    Instructions for doing so are freely available at sites such as In future I suggest using
  4. Ultimate Cup Finals: The Tenacious Two [Won by imperfectluck]

    I guess you aren't as weak as I thought.
  5. Super Smash Bros.?

    I take it you mean that Colin bans people for disagreeing with him on ShoddyBattle, and this is 100 per cent untrue. I've been on ShoddyBattle at the same time is Colin for a huge number of hours, and not ONCE have I ever seen him ban anyone for disagreeing with him. People who disagree do get...
  6. Anonymous Mafia - Smogon Portion

    This is a huge joke
  7. Anonymous Mafia - Smogon Portion

    Note that I am not user blooper
  8. The One Type Tour - Round 5

    I am here. If I'm not online on these forums I could still be online on shoddybattle, so remember to check there. damn, I lost, what a joke
  9. The One Type Tour - Round 5

    Mizuno already lost to Fabbles, gorm...
  10. Anime-Style Anti-Switching Menagerie Finals [Won by Maniaclyrasist]

    After maniac made some early mistakes, his gyarados flinched mine a couple times to kill it. The rest of my team (exploders) could finish him off if Gyarados actually had done something.
  11. Anonymous Mafia - Smogon Portion

    I am a powerful wise courageous person, you can trust me.
  12. The One Type Tour - Round 5

    No, I'm going to lose this round. Then I'll lose the finals.
  13. Mafia mafia. ITALY WINS!

    Yeah, I can't believe my awesome role didn't actually do anything.
  14. Anime-Style Anti-Switching Menagerie Round V

    I'll find maniac soon enough... DAMN, it looks like I lost (1-0)
  15. The One Type Tour - Round 4

    Looks like a free win for me...
  16. Anime-Style Anti-Switching Menagerie Round IV

    I defeated my opponent 2-0!
  17. Anime-Style Anti-Switching Menagerie Round IV

    I haven't been practising at all for these tournaments - how do you guys even lose to me?!!?!? Warthog versus Tsurukawa Mizuno versus Andeby The Athiest versus Ulquiorra Maniaclyrasist versus Twist of Fate
  18. Mafia mafia. ITALY WINS!
