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  1. Bug Reports v3 [READ ORIGINAL POST before posting]

    Defog removes terrains in gen 8.
  2. Duplicate Don't turn off AFK/Busy status when a message or command is sent

    That's what the /busy command is for, it won't mark you as back unless you do it explicitly with the command.
  3. Bug Reports v3 [READ ORIGINAL POST before posting]

    Choice items (and gorilla tactics) don't take effect while you're dynamaxed.
  4. New New Name and Profile Change Requests [READ THE OP]

    namechanged aug 5, give profile unlock please Eien: done
  5. Done Allow users to set Modchat for their PMs

    This has been implemented by me, it should be available next server restart with /blockpms ac and /blockpms trusted
  6. Bug Reports v3 [READ ORIGINAL POST before posting]

    Freeze-dry specifically is super effective against water.
  7. Social LGBTQIA+

  8. New New Name and Profile Change Requests [READ THE OP]

    Requesting a namechange to "peach" as per my name on sim ya, done bc sim gstaff--tdp
  9. Done Implicitly give consent when Player does /requestinputlog

    I've made it automatically consent when extracting your own inputlog. As far as I can tell the code pre posted is totally unrelated to this issue.
  10. Bug Reports v3 [READ ORIGINAL POST before posting]

    High traffic rooms prevent messages with less than two letters from being sent. Roomstaff such as FMG are able to bypass this. A single . (or "lagtest") is a special message, it'll only appear to you (for the purpose of testing lag/disconnects). That being said, not being able to lagtest in a...
  11. What musical instruments are you interested in playing?

    always wanted to learn a double reed, probably oboe. brass is cool but im not sure if it's something i really want to play. past that i've played guitar/double bass/sax/harp at various points before.
  12. Bug Reports v3 [READ ORIGINAL POST before posting]

    known bug with the desktop client, use it in a browser or just dont click the button
  13. Programming I made a Random Hackmon Team Generator.

    for what it's worth you can directly get that (minus any customisation options obviously) through the ps server with node pokemon-showdown generate-team gen7hackmonscup or whatever format you want
  14. Other Metagame of the Month Archive

    partners in crime
  15. Other Metagame of the Month Archive

    partners in crime, averagemons
  16. Suggestions for Pokémon Showdown

    this can't really be implemented on a technical level, since there's no way to remove text already on someone's computer. text being removed for people connecting to the room is coming, though.
  17. Resource General Thread for OM Code

    Hycrox (next commit was removing it)
  18. Other Metagame of the Month Archive

    partners in crime, inheritance