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  1. KrazyCake

    CAPTT IV Sign Ups

    Name: KrazyCake both here and on PS! Tiers Played/Interested In: CAP LC, CAP Doubles Non-player roles: I'll just help around with team testing and a lil bit of trash talk >;] Any foreseeable inactivity: Yeah I'll be inactive for a week starting from the 20th of this month.
  2. KrazyCake

    CaP 24 - Prevo Poll

    Two None One
  3. KrazyCake

    CAP 24 CAP 24 - Part 11 - Name Poll 3

    Ancestree Baokozuna Jumbao
  4. KrazyCake

    CAP 24 CAP 24 - Part 9 - Moves Poll

    Include Defog Include Flame Burst
  5. KrazyCake

    CAP 24 CAP 24 - Part 2 - Typing Poll 2

    Rock/Flying Rock/Dragon Grass/Fairy
  6. KrazyCake

    CAP 24 CAP 24 - Part 2 - Typing Poll

    Electric/Flying Rock/Flying Rock/Dragon Grass/Fairy Fairy/Flying Dragon/Fairy Fire/Grass
  7. KrazyCake

    CAP 24 CAP 24 - Part 1 - Concept Poll 2

    Snorlax in the way Zephias Drew
  8. KrazyCake

    CAP 24 CAP 24 - Part 1 - Concept Poll 1

    Zephias Snorlax in the way 2MN Drew S.Court
  9. KrazyCake

    CAP 24 CAP 24 - Part 1 - Concept Submissions

    Name: Once bitten, twice shy... Description: A Pokemon that aims to punish over aggressive play. Justification: Back during ORAS Pokemon like Garchomp and Ferrothorn were able to punish any physical Pokemon who dared to attack them head-on, but the prospect of punishing Pokemon for attacking...
  10. KrazyCake

    Stay Frosty, CAPpers : )

    T^T See ya later you spectacular shib lover! T^T
  11. KrazyCake

    CAP Survivor Season 2 Sign Ups

    Read those rules. In... Please be Tuesday plz be Tuesday
  12. KrazyCake

    CaP 23 - Prevo Poll

    One Let's keep the tradtion of having the first mon of each gen get a single pre evo!
  13. KrazyCake

    CAP 23 Playtest Tournament Sign Ups

    In. (wat is this new Smogon redesign .-.)
  14. KrazyCake

    CAP 23 CAP 23 - Part 10 - Sprite Poll

    Wyverii Garbagery Falchion
  15. KrazyCake

    CAP 23 CAP23 - Part 7 - Art Poll 3

    Quanyails Reigaheres DougJustDoug
  16. KrazyCake

    CAP 23 CAP 23 - Part 7 - Art Poll 2

    thebangzats Pipotchi Yilx Quanyails Reigaheres Magistrum DougJustDoug Cthulhu mon!