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  1. Why should we care about dead people?

    No. I'd be dead. They'd be dead. Why should I care if my mother's corpse is used as fertiliser? She won't care, she'd be dead. Why should we then? Btw I love my mother. Besides, we very well could have funerals without a body.
  2. Why should we care about dead people?

    People (last will and such), I got it. Corpses, not so much.
  3. Why should we care about dead people?

    Aqueos, I understand the pain that can be caused by a family member passing away. I felt it myself. I saw people crying at the funerals. I cried myself. What I don't understand is the need for the body at the funerals. You said it's a symbol, but any other symbol can do, and bodies smell. It's...
  4. Why should we care about dead people?

    Crop rotation used to work because back then, people would die and shit on their soil. Now it is not the case anymore. Matter is taken away from the soil, and it ain't coming back. It's absolutely unsustainable. This is why we need to grind our corpses (and recycle our shit and urine, Nitrates...
  5. Prop 8: Great riddance, or GREATEST riddance?

    I'm pretty sure it's a very fundamental and inalienable right to be able to make contracts in any way you wish with whomever you want. Of course, that does not mean these contract are always valid. Therefore, it's pretty much a moot point for the debate since California could consider all...
  6. Prop 8: Great riddance, or GREATEST riddance?

    You sure it's illegal to make an assasination contract? I thought it was the premeditation of murder ( and the murder itself ) that was illegal. I was pretty sure assassination contracts were legally binding like any other contract. Only that it's unlikely you'll get sued for not satisfying the...
  7. Prop 8: Great riddance, or GREATEST riddance?

    Civil marriage is a contract. It is a fundamental right to have the freedom to sign contracts in any way you wish with anyone you wish. Therefore, you cannot prevent some people from marrying whoever they want.
  8. On the self.

    uh... please explain?
  9. Why should we care about dead people?

    What? not at all. When I miss my aunt, I look at the sky. I know she isn't in the sky, but she isn't in her body neither, so having a substitute for the body is not any less valid than having either the body or the ashes. What? But of course we owe things to society! In fact, we owe exactly...
  10. Prop 8: Great riddance, or GREATEST riddance?

    It's very stupid to let a ballot amend the constitution by the way. The constitution should be the hardest laws to change, as they are the most fundamental, most important laws in a state. A 52% majority? that is meaningless to change a constitution.
  11. Why should we care about dead people?

    As long as I'm alive, I have wishes. Once I'm dead, I'm dead. I cease to exist. My sons could all die and I would certainly not be saddened by it : I'd be dead.
  12. Why should we care about dead people?

    One thing thought. We need to dispose of corpses in a way that they can fertilise the crops. Otherwise, in a not so far future, many people will die. Also, a relationship is between people, not bodies. I like to think I love people, not their bodies. Harming the body harms the person, when it's...
  13. Why should we care about dead people?

    Why do corpses deserve more respect than, say, a chair, or a garbage bag, is a more accurate question.
  14. Why should we care about dead people?

    Why should I give a shit about what will happen to my body or the world in general after my death? I'll be dead by then man ! Since people should not care about what happen to their body after death, why should we ? Well, then, it's a matter of respect to an actual person. That makes perfect...
  15. Prop 8: Great riddance, or GREATEST riddance?

    I agree with the last part : youth criminals should pay the full punishment, only now it's really off topic.
  16. Why should we care about dead people?

    The title says it all. Why should we respect a corpse ? Why should we care about the desires of a person who does not exist anymore ? Why should we honor last wills and such. Why do we have to sign a donnor card for it to be legal to give our organs when we die? Why are we considered owners of...
  17. Prop 8: Great riddance, or GREATEST riddance?

    Aura, I think you don't approach the problem the right way. By your logic, sex shouldn't be illegal for teens, but illegal for irresponsible people, adults or teens. If there was a single kid who was responsible, why should the irresponsability of other kids prevent him from doing what he...
  18. Prop 8: Great riddance, or GREATEST riddance?

    I sorta adressed that issue earlier, but for some reason, the mods chose to delete it. So I won't adress it again. Just to tell you I agree with you 100% Maybe we should start another thread thought. Just maybe, cause the logic behind the acceptance of homosexuality should be foretelling the...
  19. time travelling fun

    "The future" is what happen when time pass. If you see an event that to not happen when time pass, the event you see where not in the future.
  20. Inception (spoilers)

    I agree with everything here. It's a great movie, but not the kind of movie that changes how you see the world like the first Matrix was. However... Best. Story. Ever. I think that the ending as it was was the only proper way to end that movie. That way, everyone can make their own ending, is...