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  1. Neokolzia

    5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

    Think have found my problem and why I was chasing myself in circles, my Trainer Number was off >_<, one diget and just never caught it till now
  2. Neokolzia

    5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

    Having trouble landing my Timer0 when trying this in practice, getting seconds on the dot. Like originally I felt like it was 1683, but then after having alot of trouble with 1683, and doing 5 test catches in the cave I'm trying to get a Axew in, 4 of those with correct time were 167F (one was...
  3. Neokolzia

    5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

    I'm fairy new at RNG, but from my experience you may be landing a number of frames past 49 where you believe your starting. I've used DS parameters to check if the pokemon I caught was in the seed I wanted/timer0 Though not sure if thats possible for a stationary.
  4. Neokolzia

    Neo's & Rio's Pokemon Shop (Competition Pokemon, Shiny's Etc) Feature: Goodra

    Balco From your thread, I would like a Cherubi, Klefki, Mienfoo
  5. Neokolzia

    Neo's & Rio's Pokemon Shop (Competition Pokemon, Shiny's Etc) Feature: Goodra

    I just traded away a male to apolly a moment ago, but will start trying to breed you a male asap. Sounds good! pi_pi Been awhile, but! your Feebas is done, I apologize for the wait mrawesome will have your feebas done soon, I can't guarantee how long it'll take me for a totodile/cyndaquil as...
  6. Neokolzia

    Neo's & Rio's Pokemon Shop (Competition Pokemon, Shiny's Etc) Feature: Goodra

    Got it thanks, enjoy Purrloin
  7. Neokolzia

    Neo's & Rio's Pokemon Shop (Competition Pokemon, Shiny's Etc) Feature: Goodra

    DaemonWhite Yes I do still need a focus sash just let me know what you'd want from me. Balco Let me know genders etc, if specific preferences >-> amazed how many people Specifically just want Meowth Sigilyph and Purrloin xD, 3 people so far that want those 3. Will let you know soon what I'd be...
  8. Neokolzia

    5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

    ok, I heard 1 off target from a youtuber for RNGreporter, and ok was wondering that frame shift, seemed weird. Thanks. Also Will Frame shift from nearby NPC generally be the same? I imagine its the game actually animating the NPC's to exist before I can enter a menu. Will help me get in tune...
  9. Neokolzia

    Neo's & Rio's Pokemon Shop (Competition Pokemon, Shiny's Etc) Feature: Goodra

    I apologize for being away, was moving last few days, am back online now and able to do some trades just let me know. Kumi-Boda Your pokemon are ready jonniewalkereal Your pokemon are also ready, I apologize for the delay.
  10. Neokolzia

    5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

    Just to clarify, so I've figured out now with PIDRNG how to hit my seed, and the same timer0, and with parameter search confirmed I hit the seed. I spammed X got in caught a woo bat, my Expected frame for start was 56, the woobat was from frame 63, What frame Would I need to initiate before...
  11. Neokolzia

    5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

    Trying to PIDRNG for my first attempt. Using RNG reporter, I finally got a hit on a seed after using the parameter finder to tune in my clock, to find out if I was behind or ahead, and managed to match up my timer zero, and actually get a pokemon, On the seed, confirmed, and the initial pokemon...
  12. Neokolzia

    Neo's & Rio's Pokemon Shop (Competition Pokemon, Shiny's Etc) Feature: Goodra

    I apologize been crazy busy, still not very good at this pokemon trading thing xD moving out of dorms today so been up and down constantly packing. No nicknames for mine but I'll get yours nicknamed as requested. Thanks again. Tomorrow I'll be driving for 14 hours so its unlikely that I'll...
  13. Neokolzia

    Neo's & Rio's Pokemon Shop (Competition Pokemon, Shiny's Etc) Feature: Goodra

    jonniewalkereal, Was back at classes for a bit, I am online now. Do you still want your Purrloin F named?
  14. Neokolzia

    Neo's & Rio's Pokemon Shop (Competition Pokemon, Shiny's Etc) Feature: Goodra

    Kumi-Boda Your Pokemon are also ready when your ready to trade Joonie Sounds good, got your pokemon all lined up. jonniewalkereal Sounds good too I got your purrloin done today, just let me know what you want me to name it before we trade. I'll be online little later today (few hours) for...
  15. Neokolzia

    Neo's & Rio's Pokemon Shop (Competition Pokemon, Shiny's Etc) Feature: Goodra

    jonniewalkereal Moxie on scrafty is only request, Shuppet is anything, same with trapinch who only has 1
  16. Neokolzia

    Neo's & Rio's Pokemon Shop (Competition Pokemon, Shiny's Etc) Feature: Goodra

    @ Joonie Your order is all ready, Meowth M, Purrloin F, Sigilyph F (For Natu, Axew (Adamant) , Bergmite (Ice Body + Mirror Coat) @ jonniewalkereal Just making your Purrloin now, Got everything else, let me know any nicknames you want, on any of them; Meowth M, Purrloin F, Sigilyph ? (Have Males...
  17. Neokolzia

    Neo's & Rio's Pokemon Shop (Competition Pokemon, Shiny's Etc) Feature: Goodra

    @ KaoTicZombieZ Your EV and Level Trained Sigilyph as requested is all ready @ Kumi-Boda Your Goomy and Meowth are all ready also when your ready (For Zubat / Slowpoke) @ Joonie Your pokemon will be done shortly, been breeding purrloins, have overflowing sigilyphs now after a long breeding...
  18. Neokolzia

    I don't have a shiny goomy for trade saddly, that is simply my avatar

    I don't have a shiny goomy for trade saddly, that is simply my avatar
  19. Neokolzia

    Neo's & Rio's Pokemon Shop (Competition Pokemon, Shiny's Etc) Feature: Goodra

    KaoTicZombieZ That sounds fine, Should beable to get that done easily today. Thanks again