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  1. Heroes Fall

    Destiny Surprised there isn't a thread yet. Destiny is Bungie's most ambitious project yet, having been conceived as early as 2008. A shared world FPS game by one of...
  2. Heroes Fall

    Xbox One

    Anyone else catch the reveal today? Nothing much, no gameplay, the reveal was underwhelming in my opinion (and to stockholders too I guess as Sony's stock rised 14% during the announcement while Microsoft's dropped). Feels like MS is too concerned with making their system into a media center...
  3. Heroes Fall


    Anyone here play it? I've started it a few days ago and I'm really enjoying it. It's different from the traditional MMO and I feel that the importance of mobility, positioning and timing blocks etc really set it apart from other mmos. That's the website if anyone is...
  4. Heroes Fall

    Offensive OU Team

    I have made RMT threads before on Serebii, but the comments weren't exactly helpful. So far, all teams I have constructed were pretty basic. A blissey/skarm for walls, and a random assortment of sweepers. This team will be different, as I am leaving out the walls (except for one who's purpose...