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  1. Son of Disaster

    Torture This story isn't old really but i thought someone would have adressed it by now. Anyway it's all about the torture memos that bush and the justice department okayed. My questions are these: Is water boarding...
  2. Son of Disaster


    This has been bothering for the past few days for the simple reason that i have been accused repeatedly of being a chauvinistic pig. Let me explain... At some point during the gun control thread the military and women got brought up and i said women aren't allowed in combat for the obvious...
  3. Son of Disaster

    ooh Handball ftw

    If anyone ever has heard of handball let it be known. Start telling me your likes and or dislikes. However if you haven't heard of it i suggest you use your spare time, hit up the boob tube, and search handball. that's a good highlight reel to...
  4. Son of Disaster

    Top Five Bands

    Post your top five bands and we'll get a little critiquing going on. 1. In:Aviate 2. August Burns Red 3. Underoath 4. Scary Kids Scaring Kids 5. Jimmy Eat World