Qui-Gon the Flygon

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  • Hi Qui-gonn, we're paired for Hackmons. I'm available Wednesday-Friday GMT-5 4-10pm and Saturday all day. What could you make work?
    Qui-Gon the Flygon
    Qui-Gon the Flygon
    Hey, do you think we could do 11PM my time (UTC +05:30) on Saturday?
    I think that sounds great, see you then!
    Hey, we're paired for the Gen 7 randbats open - my timezone is GMT +1.

    My best days are Thursday (between 6-10pm UTC) and anytime from 3pm UTC on Sunday. Would any of these work for you?
    Qui-Gon the Flygon
    Qui-Gon the Flygon
    Hi, we can play on Thursday at 6PM UTC.
    Sounds good to me, just to avoid any confusion that'll be 7pm for me as clocks moved forward last month.

    See you then!
    Qui-Gon the Flygon
    Qui-Gon the Flygon
    I'm online as Qui-Gon the Flygon on play.pokemonshowdown.com
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