Smogon Forums

Dark Shion
Dark Shion
Hi, I can play in the afternoons, preferably on Tuesdays, Thursdays or Fridays.I'm gmt-4
Silent Mobius
Thursday or Friday should work just fine for me. Which of those days would you prefer?
Dark Shion
Dark Shion
Thursday 3-4 pm it's ok for me
Silent Mobius
That should be fine. Do you mean 3 to 4 pm your time or my time? I just want to make sure I get the time right.
Dark Shion
Dark Shion
My time , gmt-4
Dark Shion
Dark Shion
Hey , i'm on ps my nick is Dark Shion
Dark Shion
Silent Mobius
I had a very late night last night and therefore got a later start today. Also, I am not that good at translating timezone differences relative to myself. I apologize for this. I will, however, be available for the remainder of the day today if there is any time works for me. Message here when you get back on.
Dark Shion
Dark Shion
Np bro. So you can play now?
Silent Mobius
Absolutely. I will be on in 5 minutes. Search for the name Silent Mobius when you get on.
Silent Mobius
And I prefer private battles.
Silent Mobius
Just to let you know, I am on rn. Message the name Silent Mobius. I cannot find you atm.
Silent Mobius
User JSPhenomenal★ is offline is what it reads for your name.
Silent Mobius
I am still on, but might be having dinner in about an hour.
Silent Mobius
If you cannot find the name SM, message BlueMoon29. He is a friend of mine and will notify me right away.
Silent Mobius
I have been on and will be available in 1.5 hours from now if you are able to make it.