Smogon Forums

Luck O' the Irish
Luck O' the Irish
sure I can trade right now if that works for you, what's your FC? Mine's 2595-1021-0528
1891 1669 9064, IGN Daniel.
Did you want me to get it close to hatching first? It's a Beldum so it might take a while.
Luck O' the Irish
Luck O' the Irish
doesn't really matter i guess, if you want to kill some time go ahead. I've added you and i'm going online
Luck O' the Irish
Luck O' the Irish
everybody's getting hyped up for mega-metagross lol, I got my shiny beldum hatched a few days ago
The disappointing thing for me was I was hatching Beldums before Mega Metagross and the Shiny Beldum event were announced, so I was kind of disappointed when they were revealed because I thought mine wouldn't be as special anymore, haha.
Luck O' the Irish
Luck O' the Irish
Yours will have competetive value tho lol
Yeah, but it will be like the new Red Gyarados, people will see it and not be impressed haha
Luck O' the Irish
Luck O' the Irish
fair, anyway it just hatched, do you want a nickname?